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1、仁爱英语八下Unit7 Topic1 Section A导学案备课人: 审核人: 【学习目标】: 1、掌握that引导的宾语从句的用法。2、讨论筹钱的方式。【学习重点】: The object clauses with “that”。【学习难点】: The way to raise money.【学习过程】:一、自主学习 学习任务一: 试拼读133页P55-56的新单词,背诵并默写本课新单词。学习任务二: 在文中找到、划出并背诵下面的短语。1.了解_2.出生_3. 创办了“解放儿童”这个组织 _4. 举办美食节_5.筹钱_6.向老师求助_7.制作海报_9.和取得联系_10.在网上_11.得到更

2、多的信息_12.认真考虑_13.尽某人最大的努力做某事_14.使成功_15.会是什么样的?_16.为做准备_17.沏茶_18.是的,我认为需要_19.不,我认为不需要_20.摆放桌子_21.生病住院的儿童_二、合作探究1.听1a录音,完成1b。2.再听1a录音,跟读并模仿;然后自读1a,讨论并翻译。3.四人一组练习1a的对话,请几对同学表演对话。 4.完成1c. 5.看图讨论1d。 6.分组讨论2。7.听3录音连线,完成3。三、交流解疑1.Do you know about Daniel Igali? 译:_区别:know about-_ / know-_练习: (1) I know her,

3、 she is our monitor. 译:_ (2) He wants to know more about Chinese culture. 译:_2.Shall we have a food festival to raise money for his school? 译:_思考:have的意思是_,可以用_替换。 不定式to raise money在句中作_语。3.I will turn to our teachers. 译:_点拨:turn to sb. = ask sb. for help _拓展:turn 还有转弯,变得,依次,轮流等含义短语:take turns to do

4、 sth. = do sth. in turn-轮流做某事 It is ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事练习: a.“No Left Turn” means “Dont _ _ here”. 译:_b. In spring, many trees are _ _. 译:_c. Its our duty _ _ _ _ clean the classroom. 译:_4.I will think about how to organize the food festival. 译:_点拨:think about 考虑 链接:think over_; think of_四、

5、当堂训练 一、根据首字母提示填空1. Can I have another bowl of chicken s_? 2. He ordered an Italian c_ pizza.3. You can i_ how useful the fax machine is. 4. P_ is a kind of thin, dry cake.二、选择( )1. Tomorrow I will get in touch _ my friends _ the Internet. A. at, in B. with, on C. to , on D. to, though( )2. He tried

6、his best _ English well. A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. learns( )3.I think _ she will be here soon. A. when B. while C. hat D. if( )4.He is my good friend and I _ him. A. know about B. know of C. know D. from( )5._ I turn to our teachers when Im in trouble? A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Would li

7、ke( )6.Im a new comer. So I ask the driver _ go there. A. how to B. where to C. when to D. what to课后作业: 一、完成句子。1. He sometimes _ _ (泡茶) and talks with his friends in the living room.2. She is _ _ _ (尽最大的努力) to improve her English 3. My mother says she will teach me to _ _ (做饼干).4. Youd better _ _ (向

8、求助) our monitor.二、单选。( )1. This morning Diana invited _ to _ birthday party. A. I; her B. I; hers C. me; her D. me; hers( )2. The armed police (武警) tried their best _ people in the accident A. save B. to save C. saving D. saves( )3. Your task is _ the books to the study. A. take B. bring C. to take

9、D. to bring( )4. He is my good friend and I _ him. A. know about B. know of C. know D. know from( )5. What would you like to cook _ the food festival? A. on B. of C. for D. at( )6. When you have problem, you can _ Mr. Fu. He can help you. A. turn to B. turn on C. turn off D. turn down三、译句子1. -我们来举办一次美食节为“解放儿童”筹款怎么样? -好主意!_2. 我向我们老师寻求帮助。_3. 我将通过网络和他联系以获取有关他的更多信息。_4. 我在考虑如何组织美食节。_5. 让我们尽最大努力使它成功!_【学后反思】(教师/学生)仁爱英语八下Unit7 Topic1 Section B导学案备课人: 审核人: 【学习目标】: 1



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