3.7v 5Ah Li-PO battery

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《3.7v 5Ah Li-PO battery》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《3.7v 5Ah Li-PO battery(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ChongWei New Energy Industry Co.,Ltd Green Energy experts 产品规格书SPECIFICATION型 号: 6056142 Model: 3.7V/5Ah 制定: 审核: 批准: 电芯规格Battery Cell Specification1.适用范围 Scope本规格说明书描述了中为新能源实业有限公司生产的可充电聚合物锂离子电芯的产品性能指标 This document describes the Product Specification of the Lithium-Polymer (LIP) rechargeable battery

2、 cell supplied by Chongwei New Energy Industry Co.,Ltd2.电芯类型和型号 Battery type and Model 2.1类型:锂离子聚合物电芯 Type: Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery Cell 2.2型号: 6056142-3.7V/5Ah Model: 6056142-3.7V/5Ah3.基本性能参数Basic Characteristic标称电压Nominal voltage3.7V容量Capacity (from 4.2V to3.0V at 1A) 500050mAh充电(Charge)充

3、电方式 Method恒流恒压 CC/CV充电电压 Charge voltage4.2000.049V标准充电电流 Standard Charge current1A最大充电电流 Max charge current2.5A总充电时间 Total charge time标准充电:不超过6小时 Standard charge time:Max 6h快速充电:不超过4小时 Rapid charge time: Max 4h 放电(Discharge)最大放电电流 Max discharge current10A放电截止电压 Cut-off voltage3.0V电芯尺寸Battery Cell Di

4、mensions厚度Thickness60.5mm宽度Width560.5mm长度Length1420.5mm内阻Internal ResistanceMax 5m重量 Weight90g使用温度 Operating temperature充电 Charge0 45 放电 Discharge-10 50 储存温度 Storage temperature-20 35 环境湿度 Relative Humidity65 20%4.电芯性能检查及测试Battery Cell Performance Criteria4.1充放电性能Electrical characteristics NO.ItemsT

5、est Method and ConditionCriteria1标准充电Standard Charge先用0.2C恒流充电至4.2V,再恒压4.2V充电直至充电电流0.01C Charging the cell initially with constant current at 0.2C and then with constant voltage at 4.2V till charge current declines to 0.01C2初始容量Rated Capacity该容量是指标准充电后,0.3C放电至3V截止电压所放出的容量。The capacity means the disc

6、harge capacity of the cell, which is measured with discharge current of 0.3C with 3.0V cut-off voltage after standard charge.5Ah3Self-discharge自放电After the standard charging, storied the cells under the condition as No.4.3 for 30 days, then measured the capacity with 0.3C till 3.0V标准充电后,在No.4.3条件下贮存

7、30天,再以0.3C放电至3.0V所放出的容量。Residual capacity 85%余容量85%4循环寿命 Cycle Life测试条件:充电:0.2C充电到4.2V放电:0.5 C放电到2.75V当放电容量降至初始容量的80%时,所完成的循环次数定义为该电池的循环寿命Test condition:Charge:0.2C to 4.2VDischarge:0.5C to2.75V80% or more of 1st cycle capacity at 0.2C discharge of Operation400次5电池初始内阻Initial impedance of cell半充状态下,

8、测量其AC 1KHz下的交流阻抗 Internal resistance measured at AC 1KHz after 50% charge5m6电池电压Cell Voltage出货状态As of shipment.3.8V3.9V7温度特性TemperatureCharacteristics1.在235条件下,用4.1.1方法将电池充电。2.在不同温度条件下,用0.2C的电流恒流放电至截止电压3.0V。以23时放电容量为基准计算百分比。1. According to item 4.1.1, at 235.2. Capacity comparison at each temperatur

9、e, measured with constant discharge current 0.2C with 3.0V cut-off. Percentage as an index of the capacity compared with 100% at 23-20: 60%23: 100%50: 90%8储存特性StorageCharacteristics1. 在235条件下,用4.1.1方法将电池充电。2.将电池在605条件下贮存7天,然后在常温下静置1小时,用0.2C的电流恒流放电至3.0V截止电压。1. According to item 4.1.1, at 235.2. The b

10、attery shall be stored at 605 for 7days and rested at room temperature for 1 hour then measured with constant discharge current 0.2C with 3.0V cut-off.Retained Capacity85%4.2机械特性Mechanical characteristicsNO.ItemsTest Method and ConditionCriteria1振动测试Vibration Test将标准充电后的电池固定在振动台上,沿X、Y、Z三个方向各振动30分钟,振

11、幅1.6 mm,振动频率为10Hz55Hz,每分钟变化为1Hz。 After standard charging, fixed the cell to vibration table and subjected to vibration cycling that the frequency is to be varied at the rate of 1Hz per minute between 10Hz a 55Hz, the excursion of the vibration is 1.6mm.The cell shall be vibrated for 30 minutes per a

12、xis of XYZ axes.无泄漏No leakage不起火No fire2跌落测试Drop Test将标准充电后的电池从1米高度跌落至混凝土地面2次The cell is to be dropped from a height of meter twice onto concrete ground.No fire, no leakage.无起火、无泄漏4.3标准测试环境 Standard environmental test condition 除非特别说明,本标准书中所有测试均在以下环境条件下进行: 温度:235 湿度:6520%RH Unless otherwise specifie

13、d, all tests stated in this Product Specification are conducted at below condition: Temperature:235 Humidity: 6520%RH5.外观Appearance 电芯外表面清洁,无电解液泄漏,无明显的划痕及机械损伤,无变形,无影响电池价值的其它外观缺陷。 Defect such as crack, flaws, loose, rust, deformation, discoloration, leakage etc., which damage commercial values, shoul

14、d not be presented.6.保质期Warranty Period电芯的保质期为出厂后一年。本公司承诺如果在一年中由于电池本身的质量问题,本公司将负责进行调换,如果是由于用户误用而产生的问题,不予调换。The period of warranty is one year from the date of shipment. Guarantees to give a replacement in case of cells with defects proven due to manufacturing process instead of the customers abuse and misuse.7.警告 Cautions7.1使用时注意事项 Observe the following in using the battery 勿将电池投入火中或给电池加热; Do not heat or throw into the fire; 勿将电池投入水中或将其弄湿; Do not wet i



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