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1、Unit 3 Modern machines Reading A Computers教学设计广州市第一中学 邓洁璇教材:牛津英语上海版(2008年7月第2版),八年级上册,教学内容:Unit 3 Modern machines Reading A Computers课型:阅读课教学时间:40分钟辅助媒体:电脑,投影仪,录音机,黑板授课时间:2009.10.15 一教材分析:本单元的主题是谈论“现代机器”,是学生比较感兴趣的科普话题。本课是本单元的第一课时,阅读材料是关于计算机的几段语篇,分别从不同角度来谈论计算机。二学情分析:1. 学生对“现代机器”这个主题会比较感兴趣,而计算机更是他们所熟悉

2、的话题,容易唤起他们学习的兴趣,他们对此也有话可说,有利于引导他们进行深入的思考与探讨。2. 通过初中一年的学习,学生已具备一定的阅读理解能力,掌握一些阅读理解的策略与技巧,借助本课的阅读理解活动进一步巩固、运用已学的策略与技巧,以提高学生的阅读理解能力。三教学目标:1. 认知目标:课 标词 汇hardly, type, operate, railway, fly, judge, raise, instruction, program, mistake, hold, video, more importantly, have great understanding of, make mista

3、kes, for the time being 拓 展词 汇unaware, be unaware of, dependent, be dependent on,diagram, 2. 能力发展目标:1)通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务,指导学生进一步巩固、运用已学的阅读理解策略与技巧,培养一些阅读微技能,如:猜测生词大意、搜寻细节信息、寻找中心句等,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。2)帮助学生建立初步的语篇结构意识。3)培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。3. 情感目标:拓展学生的文化视野,激发学生关注科技发展、热爱科学的兴趣与热情。四教学流程设计:步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段1. W

4、arming upTo arouse students interest in computers.Talk about the modern machines and ask some questions Students answer the questions2. Pre-readingTo make students get a general idea of the different use of computersGet the students to do a brainstorming and teach some new wordsBrainstorming:What ca

5、n a computer do?multi-media3. While- reading1st reading: Let students know what kind of jobs a computer can do.1. Guide the students to find out the different use of a computer in Passage 2.(1) Read through Passage 2 and find out what can a computer do.textbook, ppt2nd reading: To make students get

6、the detailed information about computers use.1. Get the students to read through Passage 2 & 3 quickly and find the examples.1. Read through Passage 2 & 3 quickly 2.Complete the examples in Ex.A3. Work in pairs.textbook,ppt3rd reading: To have students understand “Hidden helpers” and the future deve

7、lopment of computers.1.Get the students to read Passage 1 & 3 and answer the questions.2. Check the answers and teach some phrases.1. Read through Passage 1&3.2. Answer the questions.textbook,ppt4. Post-readingTo make students completely understand topic and the attitude towards the computers.1. Ask

8、 the students to read Reading A again and try to find some sentences from the passages with the same meanings.2.Group discussion: Will computers take the place ofhuman beings?1. Read Reading A again and try to find out the sentences from the passages with the same meanings.2. Discuss in groups: Will computers take the place of human beings?3. State their opinion.textbook5. Homework To consolidate what the students have learned.1. Read aloud the text.2. Find more information about computers.3


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