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1、20102011学年度第一学期听力部分(50分)一、 听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填到题前的括号里。每小题1分,共10分。( )1.A.teach B.teaches C.teacher ( ) 2.A.plan B.plate C.plane ( ) B.noon C.soon ( )4.A.week B.need C.weekend ( ) B.tonight C.together( )6. A. bike B. by C. bus( )7. A. straight B. stream C. street( )8. A. stop B.

2、story C. store( )9. A. take. B. lake C. cake( ) B. museum C. minute二、听录音,判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号下的括号里打“”,不相符的打“” 。每小题1分,共10分。 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) ( )6. The cinema is north of the bookstore . ( )7. You can take the No.14 bus to the science museum . ( )8. Amy is going to Beijing

3、 next weekend . ( )9. My father goes to work on foot . ( )10. Johns mother teaches math .三.、听录音,选答句。(共5小题,每小题2分)( )1. A. You can go by bus . B . You go by bus . C .I can go on foot . ( ) 2. A. He teach math . B He teaches math . C. He is teaching math . ( )3. A. Im going to plant trees. B. Im making

4、 a kite. C. I play football.( )4. A.The bookstore is next to the park . B. The bookstore is near the desk . C. The bookstore is behind the window .( )5. A. Im going to read a magazine . B. Im going tonight . C . Im going to the library .四、根据录音内容,填写句子中所的单词,使句子完整。(5分)1.Whats your _? I like_ stamps .2.

5、 Mr Smith often_ _after dinner .3. My uncle is an _ _. 五、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列句子是否与录音的内容相符,相符的打 “” ,不相符的打“” 。每小题2分,共10分) ( )1.Amy is going to the bookstore by subway on Sunday.( ) 2. The bookstore is west of the science museum .( )3. John is going to the bookstore with Amy .( )4. Amy wants to by a comic b

6、ook .( )5. John is going to buy a dictionary .六、补全对话。(用所给的句子把对话补充完整,把编号填在横线上。)(10分)A. Do you going to take a trip . B. Are you going to take a trip ?C.What day is it today ? D.Where are you going ?E.How are you going there ? F.When are you going ?G.What are you going to do ?A;_ ?B: Its Friday.A:Tomo

7、rrow is Saturday ._?B:Im going to take a trip.A:_?B:Im going to Beijing .A:_?B:Im going to take a plane ._.A:Yes , Im going to take a trip too .七、选词填空。(10分)( teacher , engineer ,dont , doesnt , Saturday , Monday , watche ,watches , afternoon , evening , library ,bookstore , works , reads )Its _morni

8、ng. Amy _go to school. She is going to the _ . She wants to buy a comic book . She is going to read the comic book in the _. In the evening , shes going to _ TV .Amys mother is a _. On the weekend ,she often_ TV . Sometimes she _ newspapers after dinner .Amys father is an _. He _ in a car factoy. He

9、 designs cars .八、阅读理解。(15分)1、选择正确的答案,并将其字母编号填在句子前面的括号里。 Today is Saturday . This morning , Im going to clean my bedroom . Then Im going to do my homework in the afternoon .In the evening,Im going to the bookstore . Im going to buy a story book .Im going to walk to the bookstore .What are you going t

10、o do this weekend ? Can you tell me ?( ) 1.Im going to the bookstore _. A. by bus B. on foot ( ) 2.Im going to buy a _. A. comic book B. story-book ( )3. Im going to the _ in the afternoon . A. library B bookstore ( ) 4.Tomorrow is _. A.Friday B.Sunday( )5.In the _, Im going to the bookstore . A. af

11、ternoon B. evening 2、阅读下面的短文,判断下列句子的对错。 Spring comes . Its getting warmer and warmer . Then , it rains. Its like silk(丝,丝绸)so soft . It washes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the fields . It also waters peoples hearts . Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile . Spring rain is as

12、expensive as oil (油).They seem to see the harvest time in the autum .Spring rain brings water to the air . It also brings hope to people .( )1. Its rainy in spring .( )2.Farmers are happy when they see the spring rain .( )3.Sping rain is as expensive as oil .( )4.短文中的画横线句子是“春雨贵如油”的意思。( )5. Spring rain washes the dirty of the earth .九、根据图片所给的提示回答。(10分)1.A:How can I go to the park ? B:_ .2 .A: Whats he going to do on the weekend ? B:_



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