为何学英语 英语表示为何要学英语?这可能是世上最感人的答案了!

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为何学英语 英语表示为何要学英语?这可能是世上最感人的答案了!_第1页
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为何学英语 英语表示为何要学英语?这可能是世上最感人的答案了!_第2页
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《为何学英语 英语表示为何要学英语?这可能是世上最感人的答案了!》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《为何学英语 英语表示为何要学英语?这可能是世上最感人的答案了!(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、为何学英语 英语表示为何要学英语?这可能是世上最感人的答案了! 学习新的语言总会有一个动机或理由,这些名大家的理由是什么呢?Nelson MandelaIf you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.假如你用他人能了解的语言和对方谈话,那么谈话会进入对方的大脑。假如你用对方的语言和之谈话,那么谈话会进入对方的心里。纳尔逊.曼德拉Frank SmithOne languag

2、e sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.一个语言能够为人生开启一条走廊。俩种语言则会使这条人生走廊的沿途上到处开启大门。弗兰克.史密斯Ludwig WittgensteinThe limits of my language are the limits of my world.语言的限制就是对我的世界的限制。Sarah CaldwellLearn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there wi

3、ll always come a time when you will be grateful you did.学习一切你所能学,任何时间,不论向谁;总有一天你会为你所做感到欣慰。萨拉.考尔德韦尔CharlemagneTo have another language is to possess a second soul.掌握另一门语言,拥有第二个灵魂!查理曼大帝JohanWn von GoetheThose who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.不了解外语的人也无法真正了解自己的语言。约翰沃尔夫冈冯歌德

4、Rita Mae BrownLanguage is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.语言是文化的地图。它为你解答大家从哪里来到哪里去。瑞塔.梅.布朗Oliver Wendell HolmesLanguage is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.语言是灵魂的血肉,有了血肉,思想就能够奔跑,有了灵魂,语言才得以成长。奥利佛文德尔荷默斯汉普森英语外教一对一课程是“私人定制”式的,依据英语水平测试有针对性地为学员制订学习计划,目标明确,效果有保障。汉普森英语除了成人英语一对一外还包含幼儿英语一对一,全方面开发宝宝各项潜能,让宝宝在无穷愉快的环境中爱上英语;青少年英语一对一,采取互动情景教学模式,养成正确英语思维,提升英语实践应用能力。点击“阅读原文”领取专属礼包:戳这里!


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