2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty课下能力提升(十二)(含解析)北师大版选修6

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《2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty课下能力提升(十二)(含解析)北师大版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty课下能力提升(十二)(含解析)北师大版选修6(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 18 Beauty 课下能力提升(十二).单词拼写1The doctor charged 7 for the initial (最初的) consultation.2She covered (遮盖) her ears with her hands.3It is officially announced that he will not run for reelection.4It astonished us that our cat had survived the earthquake.5A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off.完成句

2、子1当别人反对她的计划时,她很容易生气。(tend to)She tends_to_get_angry when people oppose to her plan.2他因对学校的课程不感兴趣而辍学了。(drop)He dropped_out_of_school because he was not interested in the subjects.3她正在报道这个政党的年会新闻。(cover)She is_covering the partys annual conference.4许多鸟没有度过这次严冬。(survive)Many birds didnt_survive_the_col

3、d_winter.5有严重问题的汽车已被制造商召回。(call in)Cars with serious problems have_been_called_in by the manufactures.选用适当的限定词填空a, a small quantity of, some, another, much, other 1Could I have some beer please?2I dont like this one. Please show me another.3I dont have much money to afford the luxury.4Some countries

4、 are rich.Other countries are poor.5She ate a_small_quantity_of rice so that she could slim.6It took place on a Friday afternoon.翻译句子1我不是杰克,你一定拨错号码了。(must have done)This_is_not_Jack._You_must_have_dialed_the_wrong_number.2这时,我们老师想必在批改试卷。(must be doing)At_this_moment,_our_teacher_must_be_correcting_o

5、ur_exam_papers.3玛丽考试不及格,结果让她父母很生气。(现在分词作结果状语)Mary_failed_in_the_exam,_making_her_parents_angry.4杰克不可能偷你的钱,他回家了。(cant have done)Jack_cant_have_stolen_your_money,_he_has_gone_home.5我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。(现在分词作伴随状语)I_stood_by_the_door,_not_daring_to_say_a_word.完形填空“Fire! Fire!” The cry broke the still night air

6、, and the fire bells began to ring. Fred was awakened by the alarm and the red light _1_ into his room. He dressed himself _2_, almost, and tapped at the door of his mothers bedroom. “It is Mr. Bartons house, mother. Do let me go,” he said in an eager and _3_ voice. Mrs. Liscom thought for a moment.

7、 He was young, but she could _4_ him, and she knew how much his heart was in the _5_. “Yes, you may go,” she answered, “but be careful, my boy. _6_ you can help, do so; but do nothing rashly (鲁莽地)” Fred _7_ to follow her advice, and hurried to the fire.The fire spread with _8_ speed, for there was a

8、 high wind, and it was found impossible to save the house. But Katy was in the house. There was no _9_ for words, but for instant and powerful action. The staircase was already _10_; there was but one way to reach Katy, and that was full of danger. The second floor might _11_ at any moment. Fred kne

9、w he needed an arm _12_ than his own, and silently sought the _13_ and guidance.A ladder was quickly brought, and placed against the house. Fred climbed it, _14_ by the hired man, dashed through the window and found the poor child lying nearly choked with smoke. He woke her up with _15_, carried her

10、 to the window, and placed her upon the sill (窗台). She was instantly grasped by strong arms, and was _16_ along the ladder. Fred followed as fast as possible. They had _17_ reached the ground when a crash of falling woods _18_ them that they had a narrow escape.Fred never forgot the _19_ of that nig

11、ht; and he came to believe, and to act upon the belief, in after years, that true manliness is in harmony with gentleness, _20_, and selfsacrifice.语篇解读:本文记叙了弗雷德勇敢救人的故事,表现出了男子汉应有的品格。多年后,弗雷德依然记得那晚的经历。1A.reflectingBstreamingCstruggling Drolling解析:选B根据设空前的“red light”可知,此处指弗雷德被警报声惊醒,红色的火光照亮(stream)他的房间。故

12、选B项。reflect意为“反映;反射”; struggle意为“奋斗;搏斗”; roll意为“滚动;翻转”。2A.constantly BdeliberatelyCimmediately Dformally解析:选C根据常识,火灾发生时,情况紧急,所以弗雷德应是立刻(immediately)穿上衣服,敲着母亲的卧室门。故选C项。constantly意为“连续不断地”; deliberately意为“故意地”; formally意为“正式地”。3A.pleased BfrightenedCdisappointed Dexcited解析:选D根据弗雷德后面的请求和表现可知,他当时是激动的(exc

13、ited)。故选D项。句意:“是巴顿先生家的房子着火了,妈妈,让我去看一看吧。”他急切而又激动地说。pleased意为“开心的”; frightened意为“害怕的”; disappointed意为“失望的”。4A.trust BattendCdepend Dvalue解析:选A根据下文中的“you may go”及but表转折可知,母亲虽有担忧,但选择了信任(trust)他,故选A项。attend意为“参加;出席”; depend意为“依靠;依赖”; value意为“重视;给估价”。5A.question BsuggestionCrequest Dorder解析:选C根据上文的“Do let

14、 me go”可知,此处指儿子对母亲的请求(request)。故选C项。question意为“问题”; suggestion意为“建议”; order意为“命令”。6A.Where BAlthoughCBecause DIf解析:选D根据设空后的“do so”可知,上一句应表条件。句意:如果(If)你能帮得上忙的话,尽量帮忙,但不要莽撞行事。根据语境可知选D项。7A.refused BpretendedChesitated Dpromised解析:选D根据设空后的“to follow her advice”可知,此处指弗雷德承诺(promised)会遵从母亲的叮嘱。故选D项。refuse意为“

15、拒绝”; pretend意为“假装”; hesitate意为“犹豫”。8A.limited BfearfulCcontrolled Dharmful解析:选B根据下文“there was a high wind, and it was found impossible to save the house”可知,由于风非常大,房子已经没有被拯救的可能,所以火势是以可怕的(fearful)速度蔓延着。故选B项。limited意为“受限的”; controlled意为“可控的”; harmful意为“有害的”。9A.time BenergyCproblem Dopportunity解析:选A根据上文对火势的描述及设空后的“but for instant and powerful action”可知,此时没有说话的时间(time),只有迅速而有力的行动。故A项符合语境。10A.under repair Bin useCon fire Don guard解析:选C火势迅速蔓延,楼梯已经着火(on fire),只有一个办法可以接近凯蒂。故选C项。under repair意为“在修理


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