江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语 复习练习58 人教新目标版

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1、江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语 复习练习58 人教新目标版班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 家长签字_一 单项选择:(15分)( ) 1.We are asking anyone who saw _ last night to contact us. A anything unusual B unusual anything C something unusual D unusual something( ) 2.The robber was guilty _ computer crimes in the past. A of B from C off D down( ) 3.The victi

2、m obviously put _ a good fight. A on B up C off D on( ) 4.She said that she would do it _. A tomorrow B next day C the second day D the next day( ) 5.Were not sure _ it will rain or not tomorrow. A whether B weather C that D if( ) 6.Hes never stolen anything before, _ he? _. He was charged with thef

3、t last year.A hasnt, Yes B has, Yes C has, No D is, No( ) 7.The film _ for ten minutes when I got to the cinema. A has been on B had been on C had begun D has begun( ) 8.Everyone except Bill and Jim _ _ there when the meeting began. A was B is C are D were( ) 9.The robber was _ arrest _ robbery. A i

4、n, for B under, for C on, at D at, in( )10.What can help the police solve a case or find who is the real criminal? A Finger prints B Footprints C Blood D All the above( )11.She is sure _ their team will win the match. A whether B if C it D that( )12.I wonder _ it is worth _. A that, reading B if, re

5、ading C that, to read D whether, to read( )13.Do you know _ he said to him? A what B that C which D who( )14._ I speak to Jill, Mrs Brown? Sorry, shes not in. She _ be back after four. A May, need B Can, dare C Must, might D Can, may( )15.Could I go shoppign with you tomorrow? Can, you_. A could B m

6、ay C can D must二 完形填空:(15分)Some people have very good memories, and they can easily learn quite long poems(诗) 1 heart. There are other people 2 can only remember things when they have said them 3 and over again.The famous 4 writer, Charls Dickens, said that he would walk down any long street in Lond

7、on and then 5 you the name of every shop he 6 . Many of the great men of the world had 7 memories.A good memory is a great help 8 learning a language. Everyone learns 9 language by remembering 10 he hears when he is a child and some children-like boys and girls who live abroad(国外) 11 their parents,

8、seem to learn two languages almost 12 easily as one. In school 13 is not so easy to learn a 14 language because the students have so little time for it, and they are busy 15 other subjects as well.( ) 1.A in B by C into D with( ) 2.A who B which C they D whom( ) 3.A again B More C much D over( ) 4.A

9、 German B American C French D English( ) 5.A will tell B told C tell D to tell( ) 6.A had passed B past C was passed D had gone( ) 7.A interesting B wonderful C dangerous D well( ) 8.A by B with C to D in( ) 9.A his B himself C his own D own( )10.A what B that C which D those( )11.A and B with C to

10、D for( )12.A just B very C so D as( )13.A that B this C it D one( )14.A second B the second C twice D two( )15.A for B in C with D to三 阅读理解:(10分)Do you love the holidays, but hate the increase(增加) in weight(体重) that follows? You are not alone.Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods

11、. But many people are worried about the weight that comes with these delicious foods.With proper(合适的) planning, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You dont have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following advice may be of s

12、ome help to you.Do not miss meals. Before you leave home for a party, have a small, low-fat meal or fast food. This may help you to keep you from getting too excited before the delicious foods.Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full

13、. Use a small plate; a large plate may make you eat more than enough.Better not have high-fat foods. Choose lean(瘦的) meats. Fill your plate with Salad and green vegetables.If you have a sweet tooth, try mints(薄荷) and fruits. They do not have fat like cream and chocolate.Dont let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help you burn off excess calories(多余的热量).( ) 1.Holidays are hap



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