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1、课 题: Module3 unit 1 (第一课时: 预习+听力+朗读+展示) 主备谢坤谷 审核 _ 班级 姓名 学号 编号: 【学习目标】1. 从听力训练中获取班级的信息,学会运用。2. 音标记忆单词3.重点句子:There is/ There are/ 【学习过程】一、识记单词和词组:(见书本P91) (群学)拼读音标,然后写出单词。(独学+对学)1/kmpjut/ _ 2/f:nit/ _ 3/mp/ _5/pikt/_ 6/teli,vin/_ 7/w:l/ _ 8/:ti/ _ 9 /f:ti/ _ 二.(1)听力训练1. 听力训练(Activity 1&2)(独学)+(展示)2听力

2、训练(Activity 3)(独学)+(展示)( ) 1. How many students are there in Lindas class? AFifty. B. fourty. C. thirty ( ) 2. How many boys are there in Damings class? Afourty. B. thirty C. twenty. ( )3. Is there a lot of furniture in Damings classroom? A. No, there isnt B.Yes, there is. ( )4. There is a map of _

3、in Lindas class.A. world B. England C. China(2). 划出并背诵下列重点词句(独学)+(对学)1.there be某地有某物 2.多少how many+可数名词 3.大量的,很多a lot of +可数名词/不可数名词 4.在墙上on the wall 5.在教室的前面at(in) the front of the classroom 6.一张世界地图a map of world7.你们班有多少人?How many students are there in your class?8. 你的教室是什么样子的?Whats your classroom

4、like?(3).完成表格P15 (Activity 3 )(独学)+(展示)(4)朗读课文,分角色表演。(独学)+(群学)+(展示)三小测.1.选择( )1. There _somewater inthebottle. A. is B. are C. be ( )2. Therearent _ birdsinthesky. A.some B. a C. any( )3. Is there apen inthebox? A. Yes, there is B. No, it isnt C.No, there is( )4. Howmany _ arethere intheclassroom? A

5、. student B. boys C. girl ( )5. There _ a lot of tall buildings in the city. A. is B. are C. be 2. 把下列的单词划线部分读音不同的单词选出来。( )1、A. he B.desk C.pen D.ten( )2、A. cake B.class C.father D.banana( )3、A. know B.kate C.desk D.kite( )4、A. room B.good C.book D.look四写话。我叫Linda,来自英国,我是一名学生,我们的教室很大。我们班有45名学生。男生25人

6、,女生20人。教室的墙上有一张英国地图和许多画。老师的讲台上有一台电脑。学生的桌子上没有电脑,但有很多书。_Module3 unit 1(第二课时: 知识点反馈+展示)主备:谢坤谷 审核 _ 班级 姓名 学号 编号:【学习目标】1. 从对话中了解班级的的信息,学会运用。2.重点句子: There is/ There are/ 【学习过程】一、识记单词和词组:(见书本P91) (群学)拼读音标,然后写出单词。(独学+对学)1 /fifti/ _ 2/siksti/_ 3 /sevnti/ _ 4 /eiti/ _ 5/nainti/ _ 6/rili/ _ 7/e/_ 8/lt/_ 9/eni/

7、_ 10/w:ld/_ 二、默写短语(独学)1某地有某物_2大量的,很多_3在墙上_ 4在教室的前面_ 5.一张世界地图_6.你们班有多少人?_7. 你的教室是什么样子的?_三巩固练习:把下列的单词划线部分读音不同的单词选出来。( )1、A.lake B.baby C.cat D.cake( )2.、A.cute B.city C.cow D.cook( )3、A. fish B.pig C.window D.white( )4、A.thank B.three C.mother D.mouth四完成句子。(独学)+(展示)1. 墙上有地图吗?_?2. 我们班有40名学生 。_.3. 我的桌子上

8、没有电脑。 _.4. 你的桌子上没有任何书。 _五、拓展与提升。(独学)+(群学)1.there be句型表示“地方有”。瓶子里有一些水. _in the bottle.桌子上有一些书。_2.there be结构中的be与后面紧跟着的名词要保持单复数的一致。即它的后面be动词用就近原则.There _ a tree and many cars on the playground. There _ many cars and a tree on the playground.3.there be结构的否定句是在be后加not, 如有some, 要将其变为any。 There _ _ _ milk

9、 in the bottle. 瓶子里没有牛奶 There _ _ _ food on the desk.桌子上没有食物。4.一般疑问句时要将is或are提前, 如有some, 要将其变为any, 肯定回答为“Yes, there is /are.”, 否定回答为“No, there isnt / arent.”。 桌子上有电脑吗?_computers in the bottle? Yes ,_.No, _.( )5.What can you see in the picture?I can see a farm. . And there _ a lot of animals on it.A. is B. are C. will be( )6._ any water in the bottle? Yes , its full. A. There is B. Is there C. Are there( )7.There _ children in the room. Where are they? A. isnt any B. arent some


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