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1、1、议论文写作注意事项、要求及例文一、注意事项:1、认真阅读写作要求:(1) 是否命题作文;(2) 字数要求;(3) 段落要求;(4) 内容要求。2、字迹:工整,尽量不要涂抹,先在试卷上简单地打一下草稿。3、段落:清晰,至少分三段,每段开头空格;议论文通常第一段为总括,中间1-2段为具体论述,最后一段为总结;论述段落中,每段的第一句话为全段的主题句,点明本段要论述的内容。4、每句话的字数控制在15个单词左右,至少10个单词,也不要超过20个单词。5、注意段与段、句与句之间的衔接,注意连接词的使用,如:目前,当前,如今,最近,现在at present, currently, recently,

2、in recent years, nowadays;但是but, 然而however, 因此therefore; 例如(接句子)for example, for instance, 例如(接词、词组或短语)such as; 一方面on the one hand, 另一方面on the other hand; 首先first of all, to begin with; to start with; in the first place, in the first instance, for one thing, firstly, first; 其次whats more, in addition

3、, in the second place, in the next place, furthermore, secondly, second; 最后last but not the least, in the last place, last of all, at last, finally; 总之to summarize, in conclusion, to conclude, in a word, in short, in sum, in brief, all in all, to sum up, , 我认为 In my opinion, ; It is my opinion that

4、+ 从句; To my way of thinking, I hold that + 从句; I argue that + 从句; I claim that + 从句; I believe that + 从句; 人们普遍认为 It is commonly/generally/widely believed that + 从句; 据说 It is said that + 从句; 据估计 It is estimated that + 从句;众所周知 As is well known, + 句子;Its well known that + 从句; It is common knowledge tha

5、t + 从句。常言道 It is a common saying that 不可否认的是 There is no denying that , It cannot be denied that 毫无疑问的是 It goes without saying that , There is no doubt that 总而言之 generally speaking, ; 老实说,说实话,坦率地讲 frankly speaking, , to tell the truth; 二、要求及例文:Directions: According to the outline below, write a comp

6、osition of no less than 150 words, entitled “Internet and Our Life”. 1. 如今,使用互联网的人越来越多。2. 人们对待互联网的态度不同。3. 你的观点。Internet and Our LifeNowadays it cannot be denied that the internet has become an important part of our life and a matter of concern for many people. The opinions on the development of the

7、internet vary from person to person. On the one hand, some people heap high praises upon the internet. First of all, they advocate that the internet furnishes us more convenience. Whats more, they claim that the internet provide us higher efficiency pattern by which we can deal with most of our dail

8、y affairs. Last but not the least, we can use the internet for communication, shopping, learning, and so on. On the other hand, the internet can also do harm to us while it provides us with a lot of conveniences. For example, it carries much rubbish and even such harmful things as violence, sex, and

9、 computer viruses. In my opinion, the internet does more good than harm. As long as authorities take effective measures to crack down computer crimes, our lives will become richer and more colorful. (169 words)2、书信的写作注意事项、要求及例文英文书信可分为私人信函和业务信函两大类。私人信函所包含的项目比业务信函少些,语言也更加通俗随意。业务信函有六大必有部分,还有六个可有部分,后者可视

10、实际需要选用。I. 必有部分:1、信头(Heading/Letterhead)1) 写信人的地址、邮政编码、电话、传真号码及电子邮件、网址等(Writers address);私人信函中无此部分;公司业务信函用纸上一般印有信头,不必另行再写。2) 写信日期(Date)。2、信内地址:即收信人的姓名和地址(Inside Address),私人信函中无此部分。3、称呼(Salutation)。4、正文(Letter Body)。5、客套结束语(Complimentary Close)。6、署名(Signature)。注意:(私人信函只有3、4、5、6四项就可以了)II. 可有部分:包括收信人行(A

11、ttention line)、内容主题行(Subject line)、附件(Enclosure)、抄送(cc Carbon copy)、责任人(JS/MG, John Smith和Mary,分别代表写信人和打字人)、附言(Postscript)。除附件和附言外,私人信函一般不必使用其他可有部分。例文Example:Part V Writing (15%)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Reply to the Letter acc

12、ording to the following instructions given in Chinese. 替位于南京市文苑路9号ABC公司的Peter Van,给位于北京市海淀区西土城路10号的XYZ公司的采购部经理William Smith拟一封信,感谢他在前一天接待你,并且表示愿意像前一位销售员一样全心全意地为客户服务。前一位销售员在客户的支持下取得了很好的销售业绩。希望XYZ公司能够给你机会,取得更好的成绩。写信的时间是2006年4月1日。 ABC Company9 Wenyuan RoadNanjing (写信人地址)Mr. William SmithManager of the

13、Purchasing Dept.XYZ company10 Xitucheng RoadHaidian District, Beijing (收信人地址)April 1, 2006 (日期)Dear Mr. William Smith, (称呼)I am thankful for your kind reception yesterday. Id like to express my sincere promise that I am willing to serve our customers as whole-heartedly as the former salesman, who ma

14、de significant achievements with the support of his customers. I am in the hope that your company will give me opportunities to gain favorable results.Thank you very much for your kind attention.Yours, (结束语)Peter Van (署名)注意:大家主要是要注意写信的各部分的格式和位置(私人信函只有3、4、5、6四项就可以了)3、图、表式作文这类作文也要注意,主要是对给出的图表内容进行分析,这类

15、作文千万要注意审题,认真分析,否则容易跑题。例文Example:The following chart shows the payroll of L. T. D. INC. Write one or more paragraphs that convey the information given in the chart. 下表列出L. T. D.公司的薪饷表。请依表中所列资料,写成一段或一段以上的短文。PAYROLL OF L. T. D. INC.RANKManagerSupervisorAssembly worker TotalNUMBER IN RANK525500530 WAGES PAID TO EMPLOYEES IN RANK$110,000$350,000$600,000$1,060,000参考范文 This chart shows the payroll of L. T. D. Inc. in terms of employee rank, number in rank, and wages paid to employee in rank. The total payroll amounts to



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