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1、第四部分 定语从句一、知识点拨(一)限制性定语从句(Restrictive Attributive Clause)问题一:常用关系代词的格和其在从句中作何成分?1常用关系代词who,whom,whose,which,that等,它们的格,见下表:主格宾格所有格指代人who/that whom/who/that whose指代物which/that which/that whose/of which2关系代词在从句中通常所作的成分,见下表:主语宾语定语表语Who/Whom/Whose/Which/That/As/Than/But/问题二:关系代词who和whom在运用中须注意什么?who指人,作

2、为主格的who,在从句中作主语。whom也是指人,作为宾格的whom在从句中作宾语,可以省略。who有时可以代替whom。who与whom须注意的是:1当whom在从句中作介宾,且接在该介词之后时,只能用whom不能用who,(详见问题八:定语从句中充当宾语的关系代词在运用中须注意,意什么?3)如:The man who / whom you were talking about has come to inspect our school.= The man about whom you were talking has come to inspect our school.2注意分析关系代

3、词在从句中究竟是作宾语还是主语。如:This is Professor Luxon, who I think has something interesting to tell us. (/)This is Professor Luxon, whom I think has something interesting to tell us. (X)(若认为关系代词是作I think的宾语而用whom,则是错误的 因为I think的宾语不是whom一个词,而是who has something interesting to tell us整个从句分。而在整个从句部分中,关系代词作主语,所以应用

4、who。I think是插入语,若去掉插入语I think,I think,从句仍是个完整的从句who has something interesting to tell us。(另见(三)、定语从句其它注意点 问题二:如何分析含有插入语的定语从句?)问题三:关系代词所有格有哪些表示形式?表示人的所有格用whose。表示物的所有格用of which,但有时也用whose,如: People believe that surgeons are professionals whose skills sometimes mean the difference between life and dea

5、th.The path whose sides / of which the sides / the sides of which are covered with trees extends to the forest.问题题四:关系代词which在运用中须圭意什么?which指物,在从句中通常作主语、宾语。有时,which也可在从句中作定语。如: Some forms of greeting which are good manners in China are not considered so in Britain or some other English-speaking coun

6、tries. (作主语) Today Michelangelos works are still examples from which art students must learn, and visitors to such tourist attractions still cant help but admire them. (作宾语) My sister spent five years at university, during which time she studied medicine.(作定语) Five years of life in prison changed hi

7、m greatly, for which reason she could hardly recognize him at first sight. (作定语)问题五:在何种情况下只能用关系代that?关系代词that只能引导限制性定语从句,在从句中,that可以代替who,whom和which。但下述情况下,我们通常只用that。1下列情况只用that。1) 当先行词是something, anything, everything, nothing , much, little, few, all, any, none, the one等不定代词时;或先行词被al1,every,few,li

8、ttle,much,some,any,no,one of等所修饰时。如: All is not gold that glitters. There is nothing that can be used to replace the work of human brains.2) 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰修饰时;或被序数词,如the first,the last等修饰时。如: This is the coolest cell phone that I have ever seen. The first thing that you have to do is find out thetrut

9、h.3) 当先行词被the only; the very修饰时。如: This is the very laptop that I am dying for. The only step that we can take at the moment is to work out the details of the plan.2当关系代词既指人又指物时。如:The tricycle knocked over a girl and her pet that were gamboling about in front of the fountain.3当关系代词在限制性定语从句中作表语时。如:He

10、 is not the naughty boy that you thought him to be.4当先行词为疑问代词,或主句是以who或which开头的特殊疑问句时,避免重复。如:Who that has been helped by him can forget his heroic action?但当先行词中有that或those时,通常用which, who或whom。如: God helps those who help themselves. That opera house which the Danish architect designed looks magnifice

11、nt.5在ThereHere be句型中。如:Here is the paper that you left behind the other day.问题六:关系代词as该如何运用?1as在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,通常用于such . as, so . as., the same . as中引导限制性定语从句时。如:He is not such a fool as he looks.1) the same . as .和the same . that .定语从句的区別:用as引导的定语从句,表示它的内内容与主句内容“相似”,指同一类;用that引导的定语从句,表示它的内容与主句内容“相

12、同”,指同一物。此外,as引导的从句常可采取省略形式,而that不可以。如: I am of the same opinions as you are. He is the same boy that came to knock at the door yesterday evening.2) 定语从句such /so . as .和状语从句such / so .的区别:定语从句such / so . as中,as在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语;结果状语从句such / so . that中,that在从句中不作成分,从句的动词有其自己的宾语。也就是说,如果引导从句的词后面若是一句完整的句子,则

13、该从句就是状语从句。如:Here is so heavy a case as no one can move. (定语从句,as在从句中作move的宾语)Here is so heavy a case that no one can move it.(状语从句,move有自己的宾语it)问题七:关系代词than和but该如何用?than在定语从句中作主语或宾语,通常用于“比较级 + than”中。but在定语从句中通常作作主语。意义相当于who . not, that . not或which . not。如: There is no rule but has exceptions. (= wh

14、ich does not have exceptions.) There are few but admire his talents. ( = who do not admire his talents.)问题八:定语从句中充当宾语的关系代词在运用中须注意什么?1在定语从句中充当介词宾语的关系代词which和whom可以同介词一起位于主句和从句之间,也可以把该介词置于从句中相关动词后。 如:The little girl whom the ugly man was smiling at was scared to death.= The little girl at whom the ugl

15、y man was smiling was scared to death.2通常一些含有介词的短语动词不能与其介词分开,介词必须接在相应动词后,常见的此类短语动词有look after, look for, put off, give up, take care of, pay attention to等。如:The babies whom the nurses are looking after are very healthy.3当关系代词that或who在定语从句中担当介词宾语时,该介词不能置于that或who前,而必须跟在从句中相应动词后。否则,关系代词只能用which或whom。如:The flat that / which she lives in is a large one. = The flat in which she lives is a large one.问题九:关系代词在什么情况下可以省略?1在定语从句中充当动词宾语的关系代词可以省略:如:Spide



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