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1、牛津版教材四年级上册 Unit 7 At school Animal school(1st)教 学 设 计执教:刘 畅花山区湖东路第三小学四年级上册 Unit 7 At school Animal school(1st)执教:湖东路第三小学 刘畅 【教学目标】1、知识目标:(1)听懂、会说playground、library、computer、computer room单词。(2)听懂会说there be句型。2、能力目标:(1)能在故事的语境中听懂、理解、会说本课会话。(2)能用所学知识描述自己学校的场馆及其功能。3、情感目标:(1)通过故事教学,激发学生的阅读兴趣,教会学生阅读方法。(2)

2、在阅读过程中,引导学生爱读书、培养良好的行为习惯。【教学重点】 1、正确理解故事的意思,并能仿读。2、在教学过程中,通过对学生阅读策略的指导,使学生掌握阅读的方法与技巧,培养学生的语言学习能力。【教学难点】1.正确朗读单词library。2.听懂、会说there be句型。【教具准备】词条,头饰,多媒体课件等。【教学过程】ProcedureContentsMethodsPurposeI.Pre-reading1.Sing the song.2.Greetings.3.Talk about the classroom.4.Introduce animals and special friends

3、.1.Sing the song:The school will shine today.2.Greetings.3.Talk about theclassroom.Elicit:There is a in the classroom.There are in the classroom.4.Introduce special friends to elicit the story.1、通过交流,唱歌拉近师生距离,创设一个和谐愉快的学习氛围。2、师生谈论教室,初步了解there be句型。II.While-reading1. Learn the word playground.2.Learn

4、to say:There is a big playground in our school.1.Watch the story.2.Answer the questions.3. Learn to say:There is a big playground in our school. 4(blackboard writing)5.Read the dialog.先静听故事内容,整体感知,回答问题,学生在故事情境中学习单词playground,并初步认识There be句型。3. Learn the words computer,computer room.4.Learn to say:Th

5、ere is a computer room in our school.There are many computers in it.1.Learn to say:There is a computer room in our school.There are many computers in it. 2(blackboard writing)3.Read the dialog.情境中学习单词computer room,以及there be句型,理解意思并正确表达出来。5. Learn the word library.6.Learn to say:There is a library,t

6、oo.There are many books in it.1.Learn the word library ,then learn to say:There is a library,too.There are many books in it. 2(blackboard writing)3.Read the dialog.情境中学习单词library,以及there be句型,理解图书馆室的功能,培养良好的行为习惯。6. Answer the question.7.Read after the tape.8.Act the dialog.1.Ss answer the question:W

7、hats in our school?2.Read the dialog.3.Act the dialog.朗读对话,帮助学生理解课文内容。III.Post-readingTalk about childrens school.Ss talk about their school in pairs.通过讨论学校的场馆,鼓励学生的兴趣爱好。V.Homework1.Read the story.2.Talk about your school to your friends.Ss talk about their school to their friends in next lesson.联系实际,巩固知识。VI.Board-writing design


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