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1、教学设计:Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A(1a1c)Wang Haiyan教材依据:本课出自人民教育出版社出版的义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(新目标)九年级教材第四单元第一课时的内容。本单元所涉及到的知识点就是used to的用法,而第一课时就是要求学生根据已学过的知识学习掌握基本的语言内容。设计思路:【指导思想】根据新课程标准和素质教育的要求,本课充分以任务型课言教学模式为主,融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构,形成一套较生活化的学习程序。首先要有效的提高学生听、说的能力;然后创设有利于学生主动学习的情境,培养学生的自主学习能力;最

2、后使得学生可以将课堂教学的语言运用于生活实践中。【设计理念】遵照“整体感知深入学习分析挖掘拓展”的三步教学,注重以学生自主、合作、探究的学习方式为主,教师引导为辅。旨在激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,积极参与合作,活跃整个课堂教学。【教材分析】Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark是知识性和趣味性极强的英语课。在Used to这个小知识点下,不仅仅局限于课本上只对人物过去的相貌、性格和现在的相貌、性格的对比来学习这一知识点,更使人联想起过去种种的落后事物和现在先进的事物作对比来用这一知识点表达。学习后,我相信学生们定会对used to这一语法知识点

3、有深层次的掌握,进而也会运用所掌握的语言对其它事物的过去进行描述。从而感受今天美好的生活。【学情分析】通过课前的调查,我发现我们的学生对于过去的生活以及事物,还是有相当大的兴趣。这是生活化极强的一节课,学生的参与性极高。对于引导他们描述自己过去的相貌和性格,或者猜测名人、或别的同学过去的相貌和性格这一活动也是非常活跃和积极的。因此,作为引导人的我着重要对他们的表达给予适时地鼓励和纠正。【教学准备】收集自己过去的旧照片和一些学生们所熟知的名人(如成龙、姚明等)、伟人(如温家宝等)的小时候的照片为过去的相貌和现在的相貌进行对比来熟练掌握used to 的用法。设置一个采访节目,采访同学过去的相貌、

4、性格以及爱好等,同时设想自己十年后成名了,艺术人生栏目采访了你,运用本课所学知识来问答十年前的情况。并且在学生掌握了这一用法后,搜集一些过去的交通工具和现在的交通工具、过去的学校和现在我们的学校以及过去的本城市和现在的本城市的照片,用used to这一知识点来描述这么大的变化。在课件制作中,我加入了音频视频,附带课程的录音。课后练习设计很有针对性,适合日常教学或公开课的教学。【教学方法】本课通过以多媒体为媒介促使学生积极参加讨论, work in pairs and work in groups.合作探究解决问题。对比前、后,过去、现在来掌握区别知识点。Teaching Aims:教学目标Ta

5、lk about appearances and personalities.Talk about experiences.Talk about what you used to be likeListen, and write the comparison between the past and now.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about appearances and personalities.The usage of “used to do” Emotion attitude goals 情感和态度目标Enable

6、the students to deal with changes correctly, and get them to discuss themselves in the past and describe other things in the past.Strategy goals 策略目标Enable the students to describe appearances and personalities by comparing. Culture awareness goals文化意识目标People have different behaviors during differe

7、nt ages in different countries.Teaching important points教学重点The structure “used to” Teaching difficult points 教学难点Use the note“used to”to discuss and describe themselves or others in the past. Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the darkTeaching Procedures:教学过程45 minutes1. Greeting.2. Lead to the new know

8、ledge, the structure“used to”,get them to describe me now and ask them if they want to know what I was like (looked like)in the past,(show my pictures many years ago) find some students answer. then teach: used to (eg. what do you used to be like?= what were you(do you) like (looked like)in the past

9、? I was short in the past.=I used to be short,)5 minutes导入,引导学生来描述我现在的外貌和性格特征,进而问学生有没有兴趣知道过去的我的外貌和性格特征,出示过去的照片,帮助他们运用“used to”来表达。3. Then show some old pictures of the famous stars and famous people (Xi JinpingChen longHan HongYao Ming and so on) to describe their appearances and personalities in th

10、e past and now, to practice the knowledge note “used to”. Guide the students to talk about them and say out many words about appearances and personalities. Finish 1a.to use the words(I give some help if necessary). 8 minutes然后出示一些名人的过去的照片或是小时候的照片(如温家宝总理,成龙,韩红、姚明等等),让学生们猜测并用used to 描述这些人过去的外貌特征和性格特征,

11、先集体回答,然后单个进行练习这个句型。并完成任务1a. 设计意图:通过学生自己猜测的游戏,能激发他们的兴趣和兴奋点持续4. Play the tape, and fill in the blacks, then check the answers. (look at the pictures in 1b, and discuss. T:“ How time flies! Bob and his friends havent seen each other for four years. Now they see each other again on a sunny day. Look at

12、the picture on Page 10. What changes can we find about his friends? ” Ss: “They all grow taller than before. They all used to be shorter”. Ss: “ Tinas hair is longer now. But she used to have short hair”. Ss: “Amy used to be short and she used to wear curly hair. But she is tall and has straight hai

13、r now.”) 10 minutes经过说的练习后,让学生们听一段录音,并找出听力内容中提到的人物的今昔变化!然后填空。接着带着学生们运用新知识used to一起来描述Amy和Tina的今昔外貌对比.5. Make an interview to practice the language notes (used to do used to be). (ask students to think about it and interview their friends or classmates about their appearances and personalities in the

14、 past, or imagine they will be famous in ten years, everyone wants to know them, the host Zhu Jun interviews them, how to ask and answer.)作一个采访游戏,设想十多年后自己成名了,大家都想认识你,并且主持人朱军要采访你,找学生扮演主持人朱军来采访自己的同学或朋友,询问他们过去的外貌和性格特征,考虑如何来问和答,给学生几分钟时间去完成,充分训练目标语言used to用法6. Work in pairs to talk about some changes and

15、 the comparison between the past and now.(finish 1c)10 minutes和搭档讨论并描述自己的学校,自己的城市,自己身边的一切的今昔外貌特征,老师可以适当的提供一些素材7. Show some pictures about kinds of translations our school and our city in the past. Ask them to have a try to describe the changes and the looks. (T: The world is more and more beautiful,

16、 the life is more and more comfortable, We live in so beautiful school and city, we must study hard.(emotional education) and ask “Are you happy?” the answer must be “Yes!”) 6 minutes给学生们看一些过去的交通,过去的学校和过去我们的城市的图片,让他们试着去描述这些变化,并再展示一些现代美好的图片,适时地问学生们“生活在这样一个美好的大家庭中,你们幸福吗?”8. Take a rest to sing a song “if you are happy,”1 minute课程到此时到了一个最高潮阶段,唱首幸福歌放松一下。


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