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1、北京理工大学珠海学院2020届本科生毕业论文A Comparison of the Discrepancies of Time Concepts between Chinese and AmericansA Comparison of the Discrepancies of Time Concepts between Chinese and AmericansAbstractCultural differences exist widely in cross-cultural communication, and differences often cause conflicts and h

2、inder normal communication between different cultures. Different cultures shape peoples different concepts of time. Because Chinese and American cultures differ widely in many aspects, such as beliefs, historical backgrounds, social models and so on, their concepts and attitudes toward time are also

3、 very different, which has resulted in different time-oriented models. With the closer ties between China and the United States, cultural exchanges have gradually increased. How to treat time and how to use it have greatly affected the effect of cross-cultural communication between Chinese and Ameri

4、can cultures. By comparing and analyzing the cultural factors that lead to the discrepancies between Chinese and American time concepts, we can further understand and grasp the respective time orientations of Chinese and American cultures to improve the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication.

5、The main purpose of the article is to make a comparative study of differences in time orientation and the manifestations in life between China and the United States. After that, we will analyze the root causes of the differences and propose countermeasures to bridge the differences and strengthen co

6、mmunication.Keywords: cross-cultural communication, time concepts, time orientation 中美时间观念差异对比摘 要文化的差异广泛存在于跨文化交际中,而这些差异往往会引起冲突,并且阻碍不同文化之间的正常交流。受文化差异的影响,时间观念也存在着差异。不同的文化塑造了人们不同的时间观念。由于中美文化在信仰,历史背景,社会模式等许多方面存在很大差异。人们对时间的概念和态度也有很大不同,这也导致了他们形成了不同的时间取向模式。随着中美关系的日益紧密,文化交流也逐渐增多。如何对待时间以及如何利用时间,极大地影响了中美之间跨文化

7、交流的效果。通过对比和分析中美时间观念差异产生的文化根源,进而更深层次地理解和掌握中美文化各自的时间取向,以提高跨文化交流的有效性。本文的主要目的是对中美之间在时间取向和生活表现上的差异进行比较研究。之后,我们将分析差异的根本原因,并提出弥合差异和加强沟通的对策。 关键词:跨文化交际;时间观念;时间取向IIContentsAbstract摘 要Introduction11 Time Concept2 1.1 The Definition of Time Concept 2 1.2 The Significance of Time Concept 2 2 Contrast of Differen

8、ces in Time Concept3 2.1 Differences in Time Recognition3 2.1.1 Cyclic Time Concept in China3 2.1.2 Linear Time Concept in America3 2.2 Differences in Time Orientation4 2.2.1 Past-time Orientation in China4 2.2.2 Future-time Orientation in America5 2.3 Differences in Time Use5 2.3.1 Poly-chronic Tim

9、e Concept in China6 2.3.2 Mono-chronic Time Concept in America63 The Manifestations of the Differences of Time Concept8 3.1 Manifestations in Cyclic and Linear Time Conscious83.1.1 Psychological State83.1.2 Circularity and Directness8 3.2 Manifestations in Past-time and Future-time Orientation9 3.2.

10、1 Attitude towards Ancestors9 3.2.2 Movie and Television Subject9 3.3 Manifestations in P-time and M-time System103.3.1 Appointment and Deadline10 3.2.2 Negotiation Mode114 The Causes of the Discrepancies between the Two Countries12 4.1 Beliefs12 4.2 Historical Background12 4.3 Cultural Values13 5 S

11、uggestions for Time-related Cross-cultural Communication15 5.1 Learning Target Culture Knowledge15 5.2 Trying Interpersonal Adaptation15Conclusion16References17Acknowledgments18IntroductionAs Edward T. Hall believed that “Time talks. It speaks more plainly than words. The message it conveys comes th

12、rough loud and clear”(1959, p. 1). In the long cognition and practice of the objective world, people gradually understand the existence of time and slowly transform it into a concept, which is the time concept. However, the performance of this concept will be different under different cultural backg

13、rounds. It can be said that China and the United States are completely different countries. Deeply influenced by their respective cultures, peoples thinking styles, behavior patterns and concepts in this two countries are very different. And these discrepancies will directly affect the allocation an

14、d arrangement of time and form different views of time by degrees. People from different cultural backgrounds often have some misunderstandings in cross-cultural communications because of differences in time concepts and that led to the formation of barriers. Therefore, the study and comparison of t

15、he differences in time concepts between China and America are conducive to the smooth progress of intercultural activities and the purpose of mutual understanding and respect. 11 Time Concept1.1 The Definition of Time Concept Everyone knows time, but what is time concept? Succinctly speaking, it is peoples perception of time. Time concept is the natural or physical time derived from human observation. It mainly com



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