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1、energyplus步骤一、建筑外观设计 1. 运行预定义无窗建筑Exercise 1A, no weather file 2. 1) 编辑IDF Editor,file save option save order Original with New at Top , Special Format for Some Objects 为 yes 2) 将Exercise 1A另存为Exercise 1B,IDF Editor file 选择dataset file中打开,在window glass material中,选择CLEAR 6MM粘贴到Exercise 1B, MATERIAL:WI

2、NDOWGLASS, CLEAR 6MM, !- Name SpectralAverage, !- Optical Data Type , !- Name of Window Glass Spectral Data Set 0.006, !- Thickness m 0.775, !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence 0.071, !- Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence: Front Side 0.071, !- Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence: Back Si

3、de 0.881, !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence 0.080, !- Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence: Front Side 0.080, !- Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence: Back Side 0.0, !- IR Transmittance at Normal Incidence 0.84, !- IR Hemispherical Emissivity: Front Side 0.84, !- IR Hemispherical Em

4、issivity: Back Side 0.9; !- Conductivity W/m-K 3) 在WINDOWGAS中选择 AIR 3MM,粘贴到Exercise 1B中。 MATERIAL:WINDOWGAS, AIR 3MM, !- Name Air , !- Gas Type 0.0032; !- Thickness m 4)在Exercise 1B 的 CONSTRCTION中新建对象 CONSTRUCTION, DOUBLE PANE WINDOW, !- Name CLEAR 6MM, !- Outside Layer AIR 3MM, !- Layer #2 CLEAR 6M

5、M; !- Layer #3 Surface:HeatTransfer:Sub,新建对象 EAST WINDOW, !- User Supplied Surface Name WINDOW, !- Surface Type DOUBLE PANE WINDOW, !- Construction Name of the Surface ZONE SURFACE EAST, !- Base Surface Name , !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground , !- Name of shad

6、ing control , !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name 1, !- Multiplier 4, !- Number of Surface Vertex Groups - Number of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface: 8, 1.5, 2.35, !- X,Y,Z 1 m 8, 1.5, 0.35, !- X,Y,Z 2 m 8, 4.5, 0.35, !- X,Y,Z 3 m 8, 4.5, 2.35; !- X,Y,Z 4 m Surface:HeatTransfer:Sub,新建对象 WEST WINDOW, !- Use

7、r Supplied Surface Name WINDOW, !- Surface Type DOUBLE PANE WINDOW, !- Construction Name of the Surface ZONE SURFACE WEST, !- Base Surface Name , !- Outside Face Environment Object autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground , !- Name of shading control , !- Window Frame And Divider Name 1, !- Multiplie

8、r 4, !- Number of Surface Vertex Groups - Number of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface: 0, 4.5, 2.35, !- X,Y,Z 1 m 0, 4.5, 0.35, !- X,Y,Z 2 m 0, 1.5, 0.35, !- X,Y,Z 3 m 0, 1.5, 2.35; !- X,Y,Z 4 m 新建一个REPORT对象 Report, Surfaces, DETAILS; 保存并模拟运行 3Exercise1C 添加内部负荷 1)将Exercise1B另存为Exercise1C,打开Dataset 文件选择

9、Schedules.idf,复制SCHEDULE: COMPACT:office lighting,粘贴到Exercise1C。 SCHEDULE: COMPACT, Office Lighting, !- Name Fraction, !- ScheduleType Through: 12/31, !- Complex Field #1 For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Complex Field #2 Until: 05:00, 0.05, !- Complex Field #4 Until: 07:00, 0.1, !- Complex Field #6

10、 Until: 08:00, 0.3, !- Complex Field #8 Until: 17:00, 0.9, !- Complex Field #10 Until: 18:00, 0.5, !- Complex Field #12 Until: 20:00, 0.3, !- Complex Field #14 Until: 22:00, 0.2, !- Complex Field #16 Until: 23:00, 0.1, !- Complex Field #18 Until: 24:00, 0.05, !- Complex Field #20 For: Saturday Winte

11、rDesignDay, !- Complex Field #21 Until: 06:00, 0.05, !- Complex Field #23 Until: 08:00, 0.1, !- Complex Field #25 Until: 12:00, 0.3, !- Complex Field #27 Until: 17:00, 0.15, !- Complex Field #29 Until: 24:00, 0.05, !- Complex Field #31 For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Complex Field #32 Until: 2


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