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1、对达芬奇的评价英文 莱昂纳多•达bull;芬奇(Lnonao daVin,-)作为文艺复兴时期太才艺术家和多才多艺、全面发展的人的代表,是一个不可企及的典范。但是对他的英文评价要怎么写呢下面是小编为大家带来评价范文,相信对你会有帮助的。对达芬奇的评价英文篇一 The 2th centri th haves peiod fthestudofWten eaissnc Trear tre types fscholars pay majorrole, y are histrin, phiosoph a lierary crtis Ad eoard a inciis ne of the ore

2、scessful people, he has more, wer il of ftasys pfon his hought ad learned H eplored ll teysteriso nturn life wth anueig spirit of eploration. H ok ar nd sien, rsn and emoto, form andspiit oehe, irited nd carriedforardhe uanism ad ralis of tpedeessos chiqus, advanceto nunrecened evel of ar, frthevelo

3、pe o natura cene has made remendous onribtion. is ost aus wrk are: quot;MoaLi" quot;Lastupper&uot; &qut;Te Vrgin amog the Rocks&quo;uot;Sat Anaan th Virgi anChl&uot;nd o o. "Mna saquo; bforenaft th awig o fouryeas. tis ad tht th de is the Floetepepl, st bay, to releve pain andreveala naua

4、sme, Leonado speoleo pl music fo hr. Hesmle is thepele akedabot he toi, sometime itsemsvery seosnd omtim very gnte; setmslghly sadand somtmes ridculd.MoaL;s gt han moe ow s thequo;hstor ofte mos eautil h.&uo; The &qot;Lst Supperqot; is drawn on te alls o th Grci Churc.Leonardo da ncicaned ispedec

5、essor todrte &qo;as Supperu;arou he tbe lyout, tha all thehaactersseat in rowoutwar, ad Jeushris in emddl. Lnard da Vni' wors o at not only refec thg like mirrr, bt also t gd te creation fthinking, obervaion and electi rom the naur of thUnied tes tob art oftheefoance.he &quo;ast upper&qut;, &qut

6、;The irginof thRocks&qot; andthe porra &qut;Mona Lia" are the hmasterpiecef his lie.TswrksareLeonardainci tasrefore treaursofthe treasuresleftn the world, i the art ofErpenvalt ston. t w sid ha unghis you,he help atcherdraw little al in a paintng cle &quo;h aism rCht&u;h rst was tt tceededl the

7、 other hcts theteacer ha painte. Th eachr s bee sm wel-nown ashaed,hen n loger stude ainting,only to ngage n ulptue. H ws lso te father f helicote, a Renaisane ens hat cold hrce theWrigt rothers t create a hisry of fligt. Heis amster of cience, isamaste ofart, orheiri of the Renaissnce repreeative L

8、onard da Vinciis a welldserved &uo;easnceof he mot pefect presntateqo;对达芬奇的评价英文篇二heLast pper, he iportn sory n Chstian mtholoy, astritioly ben paitdo painer.I te mor etedistory Western r,aulllitofdozensf fu &qut;Las Superqt; Lanoardo a ii(45211)is an unatanable xapl of Renaissance ast an tlnted adwe

9、llunde opeis grats istht he habee a pophet lik to look forwar tte fure, for th frthe deveoet ofart and ience relssxplration,ad hs madegret achients.The a Supperscrtdaround145-148 and s locatednthe walls oe Sat Maia Magor huc nthe Dominan Covent of Mla,Ity.It ithe mostgoous wk f Leonardo da Vinci;sli

10、e n many paintings siirhee, this painig is egnized s an ureceente wrk, epcially in ngenou laut, lent laut,detaildad eistic and een decntretinshpan acinatingTere are a lot o coment comments on tipntingThis aricl lals te twsall aspects o talk abu te pntng and views f Leonardo da inci,perhapsno niew, b

11、utit a be consdeed forthe maser ni wok Aalysiso theexprienceof it on hi aintg, te ms stiking wa doutly livnginthe middl of the piningess, hefiniheth senen, pread ot hs hnds, an lowerd hiys,eyes lightly. There are many comments htthis isa &qo;sadpstue."Bu I thi,wen the etaity of sus is he oldwel

12、l waves owerca no afod tscre. Thisi o onl picturof he discple of he hllsanfihtend sll hod te eller r ofJds, the perfrmnetechniue hould benshar ontrt wih h ceral fgre Jeusnds, butalsoshwsthat sc a i - Ithlfef e noic o death, wl havwhtxpressin&qot;since already doomed, adas he wold&9; scalld traged inthepotagnist of Gd- revn justa we man, will be ocm. Preitin deth is nlner justarliis insrcion Pctig



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