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1、冀教版五年级英语上学期看图写单词名校专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.The box is h_. The man cant c_it. 2.She is good at Maths. She is c_. 3.Amy and Bob are in the s_class. They are b_in Class 1. 4.Lily and Jerry have two dogs. The two dogs have d_colours.2. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.Whose_is this?Its Sallys.2.What a_!I will tidy them

2、 up, Mum.3. 看图,填空。1 23 454. 看图完成句子。1I always_with my mother.2Do you often_on Fridays?3When do you usually_?4We often_on the weekend.5I usually_with my friends in the morning.5. 看看,写出恰当的单词,每线词。1.The Chen family has a new_. How nice!2.Your_is so big. We can see many books on the shelves.3.I dont like

3、the store-room. There_any sunshine.4.Mummy usually_the dishes in the kitchen. Shes busy.5.After work, Mr. Pan often takes a_in the bathroom. It helps him relax.6.Where is Shanghai?Its in the_of China.6. 根据图片选择正确的句子。1( )A.Sams T-shirts are clean.B.Sams shorts are clean.2( )A.Its my cheese.B.Its my ic

4、e cream.3( )A.Amy and her father visited the Great Wall at the weekend.B.Amy and her father visited the London Eye at the weekend.4( )A.We need a bottle of milk.B.We need a bottle of juice.5( )A.I want three kilos of rice.B.I want two kilos of rice.7. 根据图片写短语。1 23 458. 看图片,填入所缺单词或词组。1_is in June.2_i

5、s in March.3We will have a_next week.4When is_?9. 看图片,写单词。1 23 45 67 89 1010. 根据单词选择正确的图片。1go on a picnic ( )A. B.2make a snowman ( )A. B.3go shopping ( )A. B.4go for a walk ( )A. B.5pick apples ( )A. B.11. 看图,回答问题。1Where are they?2Are they planting trees?3Is he doing morning exercises?4What are the

6、y doing?5Whose bike is this?12. 根据图片写单词。1ma_s book 2_in3mo_er 4bir_day13. 看图片,写短语,补全句子。1I_at 6:00 a.m.2We_a Chinese_at ten oclock.3I usually_my_after dinner.4Linda often_with her mother on Sundays.5I always_a walk after dinner.14. 看图,照例子,把对话补充完整。Model:A:Whats this? A:What are these?B:Its a cap B:The

7、y are capsA:How much is it? A:How much aye they?B:Its 3 yuan B:They are 8 yuan1A:Whats this? 2A:_ _ these?B:Its a _ B:_ _ _A:_ _ _ _? A:How _ _ they?B:Its _ yuan B:They are _ _15. 根据图片写句子。1Why is Liu Tao so happy?Because_.2Why is Yang Ling not at school today?Because_.3Why does Nancy take off her co

8、at?Because_.4Why does Mike put on his jacket?Because_.16. 看图,补全短语。1do morning_ 2eat_3_sports 4clean my_17. 看图片,完成句子。1Our_is very funny.2My grandpa has a cooking class on_.3-Whats your favourite food?-_.4There are some pictures_.5I have a class at_18. 根据图片和句意完成单词。1I can_.2There is a ball_the two dogs.3We often play_on Thursdays.4I like_very much.5Its_today.页码 / 总页数



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