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1、 学 生 年 度 总 结 学生姓名: 张前伟 指导教师: 二级学院: 龙蟠 专业: 服装设计与工程 班级: 2班 学号: 1021131052 金陵科技学院学生年度总结 目录目 录摘 要IIAbstractIII1 思想总结12 学习总结2.1平时学习情况2.2期末总结2.3学习目标3 社会实践总结4 剖析不足5 改进措施III金陵科技学院学生年度总结 摘要剖析不足,促进自身全面发展摘 要关键词:大学是个社会的摇篮,如果不能看到摇篮外面的世界,就永远会活在摇篮的梦境中,当你醒来时,发现已经没有安身之地了。别再把自己当成熟了,我们很幼稚,而且会一直幼稚下去。生命不会从新来过,如果你现在不为了将来

2、的成功而努力,那当你失去了这份年华,你就只能为了生存而挣扎。所以我们必须努力,而且是全力以赴! 金陵科技学院学生年度总结 AbstractIs devoting,Promote their all-round developmentAbstractKey words: University is a society, if you cant see the cradle of the outside world, the cradle will live forever in the cradle dreams, when you woke up, find that there is not

3、 ground. Dont put yourself when mature, we very naive, and would have been naive down. Life will not be new, if you dont now for the future to the success of, that when you lose the time, you will have to struggle to survive. So we must work hard, and it is the best I can.金陵科技学院学生年度总结 第1章 思想总结1 思想方面

4、八音盒的齿轮,发出咯噔咯噔的声音,唱起机械操纵的歌。原本尘封的心,在转动齿轮时发出鲜活的跳动。我的大一,好像八音盒一样,把拧紧的发条松开,小人便踩着歌声踏着轨迹散去。这一去,已然是美好。大一总是充满激情的,什么都新鲜什么都好奇,我也不例外,对那些未知都充满了期待。傻愣愣的参加了N多社团,只是为能寻求猎奇而找的借口。骨子里的好动曾经让我义无反顾的选择了旅游专业,来到完全陌生远离家乡的地方,依然拥有凭一张地图和一张嘴闯天下的豪情壮志。都说年轻人就要去闯,虽然只是浅层的行走在社会表面,但迷路、上当受骗、错过末班车都会成为我的一种经历。Do you like。喜欢什么就去做吧,我一直很信奉这句话。大学



7、空。大一已经美好的过去,留给我的应是更美好的未来。那么,在踏寻那停滞时光、凝乱岁月的征途中,我要,好好度过不悔的大学时光,好好享受那灿烂的青葱岁月。Yet a GeDeng gears, the GeDeng voice, singing the song of the mechanical manoeuvring. Originally recorded in the heart, a fresh beat of the gear. My freshman, as yet, as it seemed, SIMS, loosen the screw and stepping on a song

8、 on track dispersed. This to, are already good.Freshman is always full of passion, what all fresh what all curious, I am no exception, for those who are unknown forward. In the ShaLengLeng N the community, but for LieJi could seek and find an excuse. Underneath the active ever let me back choice tou

9、rism professional, came to totally strange place far from home, still have by a map and a mouth chuang world of pride ambition. All said young people will go to rush, although just ?Do you like. Like what to do it, I have been very much believe in this sentence. University should be such a stage, yo

10、u have the strength to have idea can be in restricting the above sweating. Maybe after the society will meet many necessity of things, so, when force become a habit, to let go before to do the things you want to do, not afraid and dont worry, premise of course cant break the law and morality. My fir

11、st, as a freshman, I thought I did that. Remember, will remember military training sweat hard to give up, but unwilling to give up, will look to remember to part-time interview nervous want to escape the but again brave insist on the way down, will remember for a man comes home late to work in the w

12、ay, and fear, and singing and take courage, will remember that get the first ? penAll say now the community is a social contacts, see too much worldly wisdom, it had to admit that. But one or more simple, no contact with too many who use who, no experience too many life-and-death cruel competition.

13、Friends not, the sincerity is enough. That kind of know the name remember long what kind don meet again after greeting with cant called a friend didnt. In the first, as a freshman, Im glad that Im side friends are all cry together can smile together, have a friend of concern and encourage, the since

14、rity and support, have to say a huge harvest, the harvest, so ChenDian. Those who learn together life together, those days a friendship becomes dependent on and trust, and are in my freshman and dance, and all ?Always smiling face future events in good or bad things, insist on their beliefs do the right efforts, has been clear remind yourself to college and university can not waste has been spent, believe you can rely on with both hand


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