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1、Modu 1Soci communatio -单元检测 一、翻译(翻译选择题)(共5小题;共5分) . enoy readigecause t gives meknolge and brings me joy.A. aessB.happessC.rpriseD. llness2. nly, ind wn frstpriz inthe cmpetition wthout ny diculy. aslyB. owly. carefulyD.quickly 3 Herher ooks afer the disable ia eth reovey center.Alind peopleB. dea o

2、eC. young chdrnD. people wh unlto wak or move easily . When I tld hm te news, heexpresed h sprie.A. kw.shwedC. mressed.deloed. Hlen kpttalng othe girl and ried torise her spirits.A. cher upB.lt hronC. makehr wrrieD. find herout二、单选(共10小题;共10分) 6.H is troub. Les helh.A. inB. tC or. of7- Wat is our ng

3、lish teahe li?-She i ery .he evr milesA. ptienBunnyC nervos. seos.-I lwaysfel when am a hom .- thikyouhud o ut ocommnica wth moreeole.A. onely; lonlyB. oly;aloneC. alone; lonelyD on;alon .peson wih s uall not afradof ometing dangerousor dfficult. uaeB. dvceCxen.iseas10- How uh i u fo our ew car?- Oe

4、hnred ndfftyhosnd yunA. sendB costC. payD. ake1- o u now whyshe let sory?- o the ngli tes, Iguess.A. sty.SudyCStied uding12.he volneers a tof help te community oner te yers.A.have proided;ithwil ofe; forC.re prviig; wihDhave ferd; o13.- d, Iwan TV for a hile.- Yu ned t s you mothers rst.A. to wah;in

5、formatonBatching; inormatinC. to atch; permisson. watching; permison14Heddt know nglsh t ll, soe antudrtand theahi.A. whatto controB tocontrl what. h cnoD.o cntro 5.-ti r. mith sa yu jstw?- e ased us in e ive.A tonosimB.notswiC. noswimD don swm三、补全短文(共0小题;共10分) M. ry ws the mangr ofa small ffce in o

6、ndn. He lived i the coutry, ad came to w16. in. e ikd walig rom the staton to hisoffice 1. itwas inig, becaue it gve8. some exerc One onig he waswal alonhe stree 1 sangr stopped him and saidohim, Yo may o remembe e, sr, 2 evenas agI me t ndon withut penny inmy kt. I 2. (sop) y in th te and sked you

7、2. (lend) e soemneyand oulnt me5,becaseyo said youwere willng o tke hance o as to give a start n he way 23. sucss. r Greythught fr 24 few inutesadtensaid, Yes, I remebr you Go on wihyurstory! Well, 25. (answer) the tange, ar ou til wilgtke a chanc?四、完形填空(共小题;共1分) Ever ay,w awayseesoeone needing el S

8、ome 26 erious inesses o in; ome e 27 and theyneed rinsip; some disabled ple nt express their feeings Mn peple are wlin to lp thoein 2 e ffer to 29 monefor hts or do om olutary work.Frexmple, sme hig chool and nversiystudnts inth US oten 30 mn hrs a vontees n hopitalsor old people homes. Tese vlntes

9、reabook foth peole or thy pa games with thm 1 raise heir spirits. Other youngvolutrso an worh ome f thepeolith 32 . They cleanu tir hous ordohehoppingfor te. There are a o lubs in citie. Thy rgnizalkinds f actiies n comunities.They may showmovies r hae so 33 t ontais, beachor musems People pay nothn

10、gfr some aciviis.Mos ee us u 34 as vouneer bease tey cnudrstand t probemsofes yu bys nd grs more eail. ountees lvehat the appis peope n th word re tose h he to 35 jy to ohrs.26A. looklikeB sffrfmCtake in. ed o7.onelyB. tiedC bsyD.isabld28. usB. terC blc. eed29.A.rieB.riseC.finishD onze30.A. spn. pC. takeD. cost31.A.noughto so thtC. in orr toD.uhas32. srris. diiltieC cageD. e33.A. B. wyC brek. tris34.A.eenagesB. stangs. pass



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