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1、小学六年级英语单元测试卷(一)(uni12)(考时:40分钟 满分:100分)题号听 力 部 分笔 试 部 分总分一二三四五六七八九十分数 听力部分(40分)一. 选出你所听到的一项,将编号写在题前括号里,听两遍(0分)。( )1 A o oo B y ike . y ferry ( )2. tfic lghts .GPS C.feature( )3. A Chnee . Itlian C. nglish( )4. A.hosptal . ciema C. seu( )5. A hlmet B. led . far( )6A .FJ . DGR CPM( )7.A. i font o . bi

2、nd ar( ). usally B.often C. soeies( ).A. si B. s C. ms( )10.A. Muich B.Alaska C Pa Wetra二听音,连线,每题读两遍,(1分) 三听对话,完毕15题,对的打T,错的打F (分)。( )1. I nea the or.( ) .Someim I cme by us,usuallyI c o fot.( ) .Take t N.56 bus ovr ere.( ) 4. Yes,tun rt( )5B taxi.四.听录音,填空。(10分)1._an _ a aylo ligt2._ caI_ toenatue a

3、r? B _.3. Whee s th _ ? Is _to e inema.4 ._rght _he sital.笔试部分(60分)五.按规定答题(10 分)A. 选出不同类的单词。( )1. A .oot. trainC. sD. plan ( )2. A.hital cine C .musum D rlig( )3. A were .ow .hlmet . whtB.选出语音语调不相似的句子。( ) A. Is t a? B. has GPS. C Folow ,peae! D. Is thre cinema re ?C. 选出下列不需要连读的短语或句子。( ).A.ictres of

4、Bavea look C. cme n see D.go o school六选择最佳答案填空(10分) ( )1.Robn _ GPS.A. HaveB.hasC. is( ) 2.Turn left_ t ookstore.A. o i C. ( ) ere is_ Itaia rsaurnt.A. a B C. te( ) 4._ ishemueusp ? Its nearthet ofice.A. How B.ha C hee( ) 5 Wow,A _ rot! tls B. talk C. tlkn( )mtis, I la_ping-pongA. the B. a C. 不填( )

5、7.cus_,ow an geothe st ffice?A . I B. me C. my( )8.Is thee alrary her?A. Ys, therein . N,there Yes, thr is( ) 9.How do you ome o sool? A .y foot B.by ple C. y u( )10.You mst py atteton _ th traficlighs. A. B. in C. o七.从方框内选单词补全对话。(1分)Sometimes walk by How on foot busA: Gd mrnn, rs SithB: Hi,cilren,y

6、r eary._ do you coeo schoo ?C: Usual, m 2._foo 3_Icome by uA: I ftencome ._ be.C: H doyou comeo scoMsmth? By 5._.B: Setimes,buIusal6._.A: hasgoodxerise.八情景对话。从方框内选句子补全对话。(0分)Wu Yifan: ob._ I watt bu a psard.Roin: Isnear the or. Wu Yifn:hans, Weis the post offce?2_Roin:Sorry,3._ll ask Excseme ,sirMn:

7、Wow , talkin Robot! ._Robin: Wre s the post fe ?Ma: 5_ ,s in ront of the cinema, too.Rbin:anks.Ma: Youe wlcm.A. I want to send it today.B. What a great museum !C. Its next to the museum .D. I dont known.E. Where is the museum shop ? X Kb 1. Co m 九连词成句,注意大小写以及标点符号。(10分)1. g. re lght.Dont a the . _2.

8、can. w . how there .gt ?_3. lghts must .e rafic . pa to atenton . ! _4. do.to. howcoe .o .schoo? _5. op .whre the. Mum ? _十. 根据对话内容,判断正(T)误(F),共10分Hi, Im Hele. Im wle years old. To an Kte remy god frind.We ike ur school very muc. Is so beutful.ully Ig ocho ofot .Becu he is ar, Tom usal goet chol bybike ,Hi hoes fr ,u omeies he os b taxi. Kaes hm is far , too. he uuay gsoschoo by bus ,ecau ts cheap.( ) 1 Hele is 11 yersd.( ) 2.Usully Hlengs t shol y bik ( ) 3.Helns home is ear .( )Someies Tm go o ch b tai .( )Usully ate ge to schol by bu 小学六年级英语单元测试卷(一)听力材料一.选出你所听到的一项,将编号写



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