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1、2022年考博英语-上海交通大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Some cultures have customs that ( )the clothing fashions of people in certain social classes.问题1选项A.modifyB.alterC.regulateD.revise【答案】C【解析】动词辨析题。modify修改,更改;修饰;alter 改变,更改;regulate 控制, 管理,调节;revise修订, 修改。modify 是指略微的修改, alter范围较广, 指任何的改变, revise通常指修订课本, 制度的管理

2、和规定经常用regulate。句意:某些文化有一些习俗, 这些习俗规定了某些社会阶层中人们的穿衣时尚。所以选项C正确。2. 单选题The value of the industrial( )dropped from about 70 billion dollars to slightly more than 31 billion.问题1选项A.outcomeB.outlookC.outputD.outset【答案】C【解析】常用搭配。industrial output指工业产量, 为常用搭配。句意:工业产值从700亿美元下降到310多亿美元。选项C正确。3. 单选题He was very in

3、telligent, but he ( ) the requirement for a manager.问题1选项A.fell short ofB.ran short ofC.ran out ofD.froze out of【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。fell short of达不到, 缺乏;ran short of快用完了;ran out of用完;froze out of不是词组。句意:他很聪明, 但达不到管理职位的要求。选项A符合句意。4. 单选题Despite his unsuccessful career, he was ( ) to think that he at least

4、 had a warm family to turn to.问题1选项A.conferredB.consoledC.confessedD.convinced【答案】B【解析】动词辨析题。conferred授予,商议;consoled安慰,慰藉;confessed坦白,承认;convinced使确信,说服。句意:尽管事业不成功,他安慰自己至少有一个温暖的家可以依靠。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题An organization is only as good as the people it employs. Selecting the right person for the job involv

5、es more than identifying the essential or desirable range of skills, educational and professional qualifications necessary to perform the job and then recruiting (招募)the candidate who is most likely to possess these skills or at least is perceived to have the ability and inclination to acquire them.

6、 This is a purely person/skills match approach to selection.Work invariably takes place in the presence and/or under the direction of others, in a particular organizational setting. The individual has to fit in with the work environment, with other employees, with the organizational climate, style o

7、f work, organization and culture of the organization. Different organizations have different cultures. Working as an engineer at British Aerospace will not necessarily be a similar experience to working in the same capacity at GEC or Plessey.Poor selection decisions are expensive. For example, the c

8、osts of training a policeman are about 20,000. The costs of employing an unsuitable technician on an oil rig (石油钻塔)or in a nuclear plant could, in an emergency, result in millions of pounds of damage or loss of life. The disharmony of a poor person-environment fit is likely to result in low job sati

9、sfaction, lack of organizational commitment and employee stress, which affect organizational outcomes, i. e. productivity, high rates of staff change and absenteeism, and individual outcomes i. e. physical, psychological and mental well-being.However despite the importance of the recruitment decisio

10、n and the range of sophisticated and more objective selection technique available, including the use of psychometric tests, assessment centers etc., many organizations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview. Indeed, research has demon

11、strated that a selection decision is often made within the first four minutes of the interview. In the remaining time, the interviewer then attends exclusively to information that reinforces the initial accept or reject decision. Research into the validity of selection methods has consistently demon

12、strated that the unstructured interview, where the interviewer asks any questions he or she likes, is a poor predictor of future job performance and does little better than more controversial methods like graphology (笔迹学)and astrology (占星术).1.The right person for an organization should not only poss

13、ess necessary skills for the job but also ( ) .2.Wrong selection decisions will lead to the following outcomes EXCEPT( ).3.( ) are the best method to identify suitable employees.4.In an unstructured interview, ( ) will greatly determine the interviewers final decision.5.This passage is mainly about

14、( ) .问题1选项A.have the ability and inclination to acquire these skillsB.own educational and professional qualificationsC.fit in with the organizations environmentD.possess similar work experience问题2选项A.higher training costs per personB.greater damage or casualtiesC.high job satisfactionD.poor physical

15、, psychological and mental well-being问题3选项A.Psychometric tests and assessment centersB.Graphology and astrologyC.Unstructured interviewsD.Structured interviews问题4选项A.the candidates job satisfaction and organizational commitmentB.the impression the candidate makes in the first few minutesC.the questions the interviewer happens to ask the candidateD.the candidates capability to cope with an emergency问题5选项A.importance of employee selectionB.future tre



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