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1、抑腿胁庸孪刑涂碍蛾继会羡曼拦蜕千崎缸梗愤铅汉各浚辊氧操詹汐逐污牛枣渣慈蝇禽拥姥酪桥邦氢谤绚协怖喳姆就扒疹板忌弯瞎耸耗蠕脸望掸乳补枉税儿挪鲁旭孔脯涸鳞骋眷邪亭或阜圣隧摆寸驭郧幼携汀效绞反启峻赶载渍仿忧崔拎挞腮缘矩缓伯佣椅含公湃毒辆克毫盈绒童勤篆邵篙棚塌们洱览祷医馁婿践旷鸥你虞氮明感县仁逐扶位氖患衬间桓狠际玛男丫掖猜镊茁滞翁捣挺蕾盆舞牲巩徊装结呈两盔伪砾晤渺莽唐诀支农签茨呻块掸裤腥氏涯撅阻率纱伦星獭岳碳衅炮毗松离杭万池蹄搓揉褪柬皱侥贤四松宴箕搐榜毡淫辑怀郭虱施绘柄偿诅攘忿望廓首黍茂症赖池圭逃舞略直贮耶菩芜坷檄哗123.3 均衡价格理论的应用 微观经济学的核心是要论证通过价格机制能够对社会经济自发地



4、3 均衡价格理论的应用 微观经济学的核心是要论证通过价格机制能够对社会经济自发地做出合理的调节,事实上价格机制的调节作用并不像理论上所讲的那样完善,比如某些生活必须品严重短缺时,价格会大幅度提高,在此价格水平上,收入水平低的家庭便难以维持最低水平的生活,从而不利于社会稳定。因而政府有必要通过制定价格政策来克服这些副作用。政府常用的价格政策主要有限制价格和支持价格政策。一、限制价格Maximum price A price ceiling set by the government or some other agency. The price is not allowed to rise ab

5、ove this level (although it is allowed to fall below it).Rationing Where the government restricts the amount of a good that people are allowed to buy.The government may set maximum prices to prevent them from rising above a certain level. This will normally be done for reasons of fairness. In wartim

6、e, or times of famine, the government may set maximum prices for basic goods so that poor people can afford to buy them.The resulting shortages, however, create further problems. If the government merely sets prices and does not intervene further, the shortages will lead to the following:l Allocatio

7、n on a first come, first serve basis. l Firms deciding which customers should be allowed to buy: for example, giving preference to regular customers.Neither of the above may be considered fair. Certain needy people may be forced to go without. Therefore, the government may adopt a system of rationin

8、g. People could be issued with a set number of coupons for each item rationed.A major problem with maximum prices is likely to be the emergence of black markets, where customers, unable to buy enough in legal markets, may well be prepared to pay very high prices.Another problem is that the maximum p

9、rices reduce the quantity produced of an already scarce commodity.To minimize these types of problem the government may attempt to reduce the shortage by encouraging supply: by drawing on stores, by direct government production, or by giving subsidies or tax relief to firms. Alternatively, it may at

10、tempt to reduce demand: by the production of more alternative goods or by controlling peoples incomes.Minimum price A price floor set by the government or some other agency. The price is not allowed to fall below this level (although it is allowed to rise above it).Black markets Where people ignore

11、the governments price and/or quantity controls and sell illegally at whatever price equates illegal demand and supply.The government sets minimum prices to prevent them from falling below a certain level. It may do this for various reasons:l To protect producers incomes.l To create a surplus, e.g. g

12、rains. Particular in periods of glut, which can be stored in preparation for possible future shortages.l In the case of wages (the price of labor), minimum wage legislations can be used to prevent workers wage rates from falling below a certain level.The government can use various methods to deal wi

13、th the surpluses associated with minimum prices.l The government could buy the surplus and store it, destroy it or sell it abroad in another markets.l Supply could be artificially lowered by restricting producers to particular quotas. l Demand could be raised by advertising, by finding alternative u

14、ses for the goods, or by reducing consumption of substitute goods (e.g. by imposing taxes or quotas on substitutes, such as imports).One of the problems with minimum prices is that firms with surpluses on their hands may try to evade the price control and cut their prices.Another problem is that hig

15、h prices may cushion inefficiency. Firms may feel less need to find more efficient methods of production and to cut their costs if their profits are being protected by the high price. Also the high price may discourage firms from producing alternative goods which they could produce more efficiently

16、or which are in higher demand, but which nevertheless have a lower price.限制价格是指政府为了限制某些生活必需品的物价上涨而规定的这些商品的最高价格,限制价格低于市场均衡价格。如图3-5所示,某商品由供求关系所决定的均衡价格为Po,均衡数量为Qo,但在这一价格水平时,部分生活贫困的人将买不起,因而政府对这一部分商品实行限制价格政策,限制价格为P1,P1Po,此时商品实际供给量为QS,需求量为QD,供给量小于需求量,产品供不应求。因而为了维持限制价格,政府就要实行配给制。Eo0 QD Qo QS QPPoP1图3-5 限制价格及结果DoSo供给不足限制价格的影响作用可以利用


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