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1、课 型 教研组 教师姓名The Internet Hnd Computer词汇 复习课VocabulaiyThe Internet and computer教学设计1. 课标及教材分析英语课程改革的总体目标是培养学生的综合运用能力。在这种观念下,教 师要鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究的方式,发展听、说、读、写 的综合技能。高三的词汇复习课的U的为,通过学生已知词汇的复现和总结,使 得学生能对与某一话题相关的词汇有更好的掌握,并且能运用已学词汇来对该话 题进行进一步的思考和探索,从而既能够实现对词汇的巩固和扩展,也能完成相 关话题的作文的写作。本堂词汇复习课的教学内容基于由辽海出版社出

2、版的维克多英语一一 高考总复习全效新方略中的Uiiitl7&18 “科普技术与现代技术” &“互联网” 两个单元的词汇。这两个单元的词汇与现代技术和互联网密切相关,并按词汇在 高中阶段出现的频率和重要性进行了分级。同时,该套教材还为学生提供了与该 话题相关的词块和短语,有利于学生完成与之话题相关的阅读理解和写作。2. 学情分析本课的授课对象为高三(12)班的学生,在已经对涉及的词汇已经进行了初 步的接触和复习后,对于词汇和词块的复现不会存在太大的问问题:学生的主要 问题是,对“互联网”这一问题的接触还仅仅停留在词汇的学习和记忆上,对词 汇和词块在语境中的使用和口头笔头表达仍然是生硬的,同时也缺

3、乏对该话题的 深入思考。3. 教学目标该堂课旨在带领学生完成进步一部的巩固,并在此基础上设计了相关的活动 来让学生熟悉这些词汇和词块在句子中的运用,并进一步设计了相关的讨论思考 活动来让学生对“互联网”这一话题进行深入思考,为该类话题的阅读理解和作 文写作扫除一定的词汇障碍。4. 教学重难点学生能够巩固这两个单元的词汇并能将之运用于句子中。5. 教学用具软件“希沃白板5”、多媒体课件一套、黑板6. 教学理论基于教材内容和设计意图,以及对学生学习过程和产出的预设,本课时主要 采用了任务型教学法、交际教学法CLT、问答法和讨论法。其中任务型教学法和问答法贯穿始终。教学环节的推进与Blooms Ta

4、xonomy中,ill understand到 create、由低到高的顺序一致。7. 教学步骤预设时间教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图5,Vocabulary revision1. Greet2. Give 5 minutes to ss to review the vocabulary in this two units1 Greet2. Read the words and phrases in Unit 17 &18 aloud and try to remember their Chinese meanings1.给学生充足的 时间对已学词汇 进行自行复习和 巩固。为接下来的 活动做

5、准备4,Vocabulary game1. Explain the rules of the vocabulary games 2.1nvite some representatives to come to the front of the classroom to play it 3. Display the right answers and correct the wrong ones1 Understand the game rules2. Choose a representative to play the game3 Check the answers1. 带领巩固本单 元词汇

6、2. 增加词汇检测 的趣味性和学生 课堂参与度20Vocabulary learning (问答法 &讨论法)Words relating to history and word-formation1.通过游戏的方 法来向学生介绍 不同平板电脑的 命名的构词法并 让学生学习不同 时期的计算器的 名称2通过连线的方 式来使学生巩固 电脑不同配件的 名称:3通过讨论和句 子填空的方式来 使学生了解互联 网对人们生活的 影响以及相关词 汇表达4.为接下来的讨 论活动做词汇铺 垫,引出下个讨 论活动。1. Ask the question“ Why was the first computer inv

7、ented?2. Display computers in different times and let ss put them in the right order.3. introduce the rules of word-formation in terms of the names of different computers1. Answer the question2. Learn the different names for computer3. Put the different names in the right orderWords relating to comp

8、uter itself1. Display the equipment of computer and their definition2. Ask a student to match them1. Match the equipment with their definitionWords relating to its effect analyze &evaluate1 Ask the question What can we do with the Internet and computer?”2. Display some possible answers and correspon

9、ding pictures3. Display some sentences introducing the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet and computer4. Work with ss to fill in the blanks in the sentences1 Work in group to discuss their answers to these questions2. Check their answers3. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the

10、 teacher15,Vocabulary application (讨论法& 交际教学法)Discussionanalyze1. 引导学生对网 络的利弊进行归 纳,为学生今后在 阅读理解和写作 中可能遇到的问 题扫清词汇障碍;2. 通过游戏的方 法,向学生引出老 师列出的优缺点, 增加课堂趣味性1 Ask ss to discuss to list at least two of advantages and disadvantages of the computer and the Internet.2. Introduce the rules of the games and invit

11、e some students to play the games1. Discuss and list at least two of the advantages and disadvantages of the computer and the Internet2. Play the game and identify the advantages and disadvantagesFurther thinking-apply & create1.通过介绍“仿 生人“这概念引 导学生来对未来 科技的走向进行 进步和思考和 表态1. Ask the question of What wil

12、l appear besides computers and smartphones in the future?2. Play a video showing a robot3.1ntroduce the definition of humanoid to ss4. Create the situation that every student has a humanoid5. Display the question What would you do if you were to possess a1 Answer the question2. Watch the video3. Dis

13、cuss with partners to decide whether a humanoid will be a threat or a helper4. Think deeply for the answer to the last questionhumanoid?6. Let students to identify humanoid as a threat or a helper7. Display the question Do you think robots should be made like human beings?Emotional education1.鼓励学生正确

14、 应对科学进步,创 建和谐社会1. Design a smarter robot & Build a harmonious world2,homeworkDesignapply & create1.使学生课下进 行进步的巩固 和创作1 assign the task of designing my own robot1 .Finish homework after class8. 板书设计The Internet & ComputerAdvantagesDisadvantagesStudents5 answersStudents5 answers9.后记本堂课存在的不足之处在于,最后仿生人环与前而的活动设计之间的联系不够紧密。


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