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1、AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Yang Ling, my supervisor, for her con sta nt en courageme nt and useful suggesti ons on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this th

2、esis could not have reached its prese nt form.Second, I am also greatly indebted to all the other tutors and teachers for their direct and in direct help to me.Last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving con siderati ons and great con fide nce in me all through these years. I also

3、 owe my sin cere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who give me their help and time in helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.AbstractThere are more differe nt views on love betwee n Chin ese and wester n, which reflected in literatures and films. lov

4、e is the enduing theme of huma n bein gs, which is the peculiar character and one of the best behaviors for huma n bein gs. Mean while, the love words are con sidered to be the most beautiful words of huma n bein gs. But because of differe nt traditi onal culture, different mode of thinking, differe

5、nt racial character, Chinese and Westerners have so many differe nt poi nts on love. Through comparis on, discuss the similarities and differe nces of Chin ese -Western view on love in the Hawthorn Love and Titanic.Key words: Culture differe nee, Chin ese and Western views on love摘要中西方爱情观有极大不同,这在文学作

6、品和影视作品得到了反映。爱情是人类永恒的主题,表达爱慕之情是人类最美好的行为之一 而表达爱情的语言被认为是人类最美好的语言。 尽管在爱的路途中双 方都面临诸多阻隔,但双方彼此追求真爱的心会永远长青!由于传统 文化、思维方式、民族性格等不同,中西方在对爱的理解和表达上表 现出较大的差异。本文通过对比分析电影山楂树之恋和泰坦尼 克号所体现的不同中西方爱情观。关键词:文化差异,中国爱情观,西方爱情观ContentsAck no wledgeme ntsi.Abstractii摘要iii1 Introduction 1.2 Literature Review23 An alyses on Differ

7、e nt Love Views betwee n Tita nic and HawthornLove5.3.1 The Similarities53.1.1 The same structure and the story content5.3.1.2 The same end of two stories5.3.1.3 The same fate of the Heroine53.1.4 The same symbols.5.3.2 The Contrast63.2.1 The expressi on of love in differe nt ways63.2.2 The differe

8、nt view on sex.73.2.3 The differe nt view on love93.2.4 The differe nt view of marriage104 Con clusi on12Bibliography12Analysis on Different Love Views between Titanic andHawthorn Love1 In troducti onTitanic, the ship of dreams, also known as Unsinkable, sank after its departure on April 10th, 1912.

9、 And on its epic journey a poor artist n amed Jack Daws on and a rich girl Rose DeWitt Bukator fell in love, un til one ni ght their fairytale love tur ned into the struggle for survival or being dead at the bottom of the North Atlantic. Rose left her fiancae Caledon Hockley for this poor artist, bu

10、t when the Titanic collided with the Iceberg on April 14th, 1912, and then when the ship sank on April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in the morning, Jack died and Rose survived. Whe n Rose was saved by one lifeboat that came back, she was taken to the Carpathia with 700 people saved in the lifeboats. The Carpa

11、thia Immigratio n Officer asked Rose what her n ame was and she said her n ame was Rose Daws on. And 84 years later Rose Calvert is 100 years old and she tells her grand daughter Lizzy Calvert the whole story from departure until the death of Titanic on its first and last voyage. And to Rose Tita ni

12、c and her real love of in her life Jack Daws on is all an existe nce in side her memory.The film Hawthor n Love told us a story that happe ned around 1975. The heroine Jingqiu was a pretty girl. Because of her family s historical problems, she always felt herself inferior. Laosan, the handsome son o

13、f a commander, was full of literary talents and paid much attention to affection. They loved each other at the first sight. He waited Jin gqiu for the right time to marry her. Whe n Jin gqiu grew up, he died of leukemia.This thesis aims to make En glish lear ners have a better un dersta nd of the cu

14、ltural differences of love views between China and the west by an alyz ing these two movies. This research will give some suggesti ons to the young people liv ing in the con temporary era about the love views. Although they may differ in family background and social status, they can join their hands

15、 together and go through the difficulties in the rest of their lives.2 Literature ReviewIn an an alysis of emoti on-related con cept from Chin ese, Shaver, Wu, (1992) found that love had distinctive“ hedonically negative ”connotations in the Chinese conception of love, which they labeledsad or painf

16、ul love. ” Wu (1992) found differences between Chinese (Beijing, China) and America n (western New York state) uni versity stude nts whe n they were asked to list freely the features of love. More n egative features were listed by the Chi nese sample compared to the America ns (Wu, 1992) suggest ing that this aspect of love was more spontan eously salie nt to the former group. Moreover, Wu


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