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1、英文自我介绍范文汇总8篇 英文自我介绍 篇1Landing card; disembarkation card入境卡Embarkation card departure card出境卡Nationality ;citizen of country 国籍Resident居民Foreign visitor外国旅客Profession;occupation职业Purpose of your trip;purpose of entry旅行目的 ;入境目的Sightseeing;tourist观光Male男性Female 女性Customs海关Declare申报Customs declaration海关

2、申报单Customs inspector海关检察员Quarantine卫生检疫Publication出版物Applicant申请人Official use only ;for official use 官方填写International terminal国际候机厅Check-in counter;check-in 乘机登记处Passport control;immigration护照检查处Tax(duty)-free shop免税商店Currency exchange货币兑换处Transfer中转Transfer correspondence中转处Transit passenger过境旅客(不

3、换飞机)Cancellation取消First class头等舱business class公务舱Economy class 经济舱,普通舱delayed延误Boarding card 登机牌name of passenger乘客姓名Flight航班号boarding time登机时间Seat座位security check安全检查Aisle seat靠走道座位No smoking禁止吸烟Ground speed飞行速度Altitude高度Local time at origin 出发地的当地时间Time to destination到达目的的时间Outside air temperature

4、外面的温度Apple juice苹果汁Grape juice葡萄汁Tomato juice 番茄汁Orange juice橘子汁Mineral water 矿泉水Beer啤酒Beef 牛肉Pork 猪肉Chicken鸡肉Rice米饭Noodle面条Reception接待处Check in 入住,开房Check out退房Check-out time退房时间Lobby大厅Salad色拉Vegetable salad蔬菜色拉Discount减价Reduction sale减价Bargain sale大减价Size尺码Quality certification质量保证书Receipt发票Taxi;c

5、ab出租车Bus公共汽车Zebra line斑马线Underground;subway地铁No parking 不准停车Wake-up call叫醒电话Telephone Operator电话总机,接线员Dial direct直线电话Postmark 邮戳Post code 邮政编码Travelars check 旅行支票Foreign currency外币,外汇Buying rate买入汇率Selling rate卖出汇率Exchange rate汇率Pain痛Pain in the head头痛Pain in the stomach胃痛Cough咳嗽Vomiting呕吐Colic腹痛Dia

6、rrhea拉肚子,腹泻Take a deep breath做深呼吸Police station警察局Dont move别走Museum博物馆Church教堂Entry;way in入口Exit;way out出口Ticket office售票处Casino卡西罗(堵车)Take a group picture照合影Millimeter(mm)毫米Kilometer(cm) 公里Milliliter(ml)毫升Gram(g) 克Kilogram(kg) 千克Inch 英寸Foot 英尺Ounce盎司Pound磅Pyramids,Egypt埃及金字塔Big Ben in London,Englan

7、d 大笨钟Kolner Dom,Koln,Germany 科隆大教堂Leaning Tower of Pisa,Italy 比萨斜塔Notre Dame de Paris,France巴黎圣母院Grand Canyon,Arizona,USA 大峡谷Sydney Opera House,Australia 悉尼歌剧院National Day 国庆节Easter 复活节Thanksgiving Day 感恩节New Zealand新西兰Egypt埃及Kenya肯尼亚South Africa 南非Argentina 阿根廷Brazil 巴西Peru 秘鲁Cuba 古巴Mexico 墨西哥Chile

8、 智利Poland 波兰Denmark丹麦Germany德国Russia 俄罗斯France 法国Luxembourg卢森堡Norway 挪威Sweden 瑞典Switzerland 瑞士Spain 西班牙Greece 希腊Hungary匈牙利Italy 意大利The United Kingdom 英国The republic of Korea 韩国Malaysia 马来西亚Japan 日本Thailand 泰国Turkey 土耳其India 印度Indonesia 印度尼西亚Viet Nam 越南A:Excuse me.We are to transfer JL458 to Tokyo.Ca

9、n you help me?(劳驾,我们要乘转日本航空公司的458号航班去冬京。你能帮助我吗?)B:Yes.May I have your tickets?(可以,请出示你们的机票)A:Here are 10 tickets.Can we have our seats as close to each other as possible?(这是我们的10张票,我们的座位能够尽量在一起吗?)B:Let me see.The aircraft is quite full now.I can hardly give you 10 seats together.Do you want smoking

10、seats?(让我看看。飞机现在已经非常满了,很难再把你们的10个座位安排在一起了。你们需要吸烟座位吗?)One tourist of our group couldnt find his luggage.Can you help me?(我们有一位游客的行李找不到了,你能帮助我吗?)Im the leader of tour group.We have the visa for group tourism.(我是旅行团的领队,我们持有团体旅游签证)Yes.Can I be the last one to pass?(好的,请允许我最后一个通过)Excuse me,madam,a touris

11、t of our group feels like vomiting.can I bother you for some ice water ,please?打扰你了,小姐。这位先生想吐。麻烦你给他杯冰水,好吗?Excuse ,me ,miss.would you please give us some blankets?some tourists of our group feel a little bit cold.劳驾,小姐。请给我们几条毯子。我们有几位客人感觉有点儿冷。May I have some entry cards/customs declarations?请给我一些入境登记卡

12、/海关申报单。好吗?Im Gang Lee,the leader of tour group.We are going to the airport early tomorrow morning;Id like to request a morning call.我叫李刚,是旅行团的领队。我们明天一清早要去飞机场,因此我们想要叫早服务。Your jewel shop is our company partner.I hope you can deal with this caseproperly.Otherwise,Its hard for us to explain to our passe

13、ngers.你们珠宝店是我们公司的定点购物点,出了这样的事情我希望能妥善解决,否则,我们难以向客人交待。Youd better have a good rest,drink more hot water and be careful of your diet.Im sure youll be all right soon.好好休息,多喝热水,注意饮食。我相信你很快就会好的。After supper,We will go back the hotel first,send other passengers back,then take these guests to the downtown.L

14、ets make a time,you come to pick us up.晚餐后我们先回酒店,把其他客人送回,接着拉这几位客人去市中心,我们约定一个时间,你来接我们。Just at the place you get off.Youd better ask each passenger to take a hotel card.If he gets lost,he can take a taxi back with it.就在你们下车的地方。你最好让每位客人拿一张酒店卡,万一走散,可持酒店卡打的回去。Excuse me ,Sir. Could you please help us take a group picture?劳驾,先生。帮我们照个合影,好吗?入境卡:landin


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