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1、英语情景对话目 录1. Asking for Change 换零钱22. Making a Telephone Call 打电话(1)23. Making a Telephone Call 打电话(2)34. Asking for Directions 问路35. Taking a Taxi 乘出租汽车46. At the Airport 在机场57. Making Airline Reservations 预定飞机票58. Airport Security 机场安检69. Going Through Customs 海关通行610. Renting a Car 租汽车711. At a Ho

2、tel 在旅馆(1)812. At a Hotel 在旅馆(2)813. At a Bank 在银行914. Pragmatic Nouns in Both English and Chinese 实用名词英汉对照1011. Asking for Change 换零钱 It is sometimes difficult to get change without buying something, so its a good idea to carry change with you at all times. If you need change, you can buy something

3、 inexpensive like candy or a newspaper and ask for the coins you need. 1.A: Excuse me, but could you give me some change? B: Let me see. Are dimes and quarters OK? A: I want to make a long distance phone call. B: Then youll need small change. 2.A: Sorry to bother you, but do you have change for a on

4、e? B: Ill have to look. What do you want it for? A: I need it for the parking meter. B: I can give you quarters, if thatll help. 3.A: Pardon me, but I was wondering if you could break a one. B: Let me look. What do you need? A: I need the change for the stamp machine. B: I think dimes and quarters w

5、ill do. 4.A: Excuse me, could you give me change for a dollar? B: Ill see what I have. What do you need it for? A: I want to get cigarettes.B: You can use quarters, dimes and nickels.2. Making a Telephone Call 打电话(1) The telephone system in the United States, as in many other countries, has a specia

6、l number for each region of the country. It is called as area code. If you know the area code and the phone number, its usually cheaper to dial the number yourself. Of course, you must go through an operator to make person-to-person or collect calls. You can dial direct to many countries overseas or

7、 you can ask for the overseas operator. 1.A:Operator. B:Id like to make a collect call to Los Angeles. Thats area code 213-486-2435. A:And whats the name of the person you want to speak to? B:Susan Greene. 2.A:Operator. B:Yes, Operator. Id like to place a person-to-person call to Chicago. The number

8、 is 932-8647, but I dont know the area code. A:Who do you want to speak to? B:Ill speak to anyone at extension 214. 3.A:Operator. B:I want to make a person-to-person call to 212-836-1725. A:And the name of the person youre calling, please? B:Ed Cooper. Thats C double O-P-E-R. 4.A:Operator. B:Operato

9、r, Id like to place a call to Winnipeg, Canada. The number is 932-0806. A:Whats the name of the party youre calling? B:Im not sure of the name, but the extension is 211.3. Making a Telephone Call 打电话(2) When using a public telephone, be sure to read the directions carefully before dialing. 1.A:Hello

10、. Can I speak to Yolanda, please? B:Hold on, please. A:Thank you. B:Sorry, but shes out. A:Would you tell her Tom Gray called? B:Id be glad to. 2.A:Hello. Is Marie Ward there, please? B:Ill see if shes in. A:OK. B:Im afraid shes not here. A:Could you give her a message, please? B:Yes, of course. 3.A

11、:Hello. Is Mrs. James in, please? B:Hang on, please. A:All right. B:Im sorry, but I think shes stepped out. A:Would you ask her to call Larry Ruskin at 836-2550? B:Certainly. 4.A:Hello. Could I please speak to Miss Davis? B:Just a minute, please. A:Thanks. B:Shes not at here desk right now. A:Could

12、you tell her to give Doug a call when she gets back? She has my number. B:Sure.4. Asking for Directions 问路 People are usually helpful when you ask for directions. You should try to have the exact address and be as specific as possible. Telephone directories are the most common source of addresses. R

13、emember that many cities and some towns are built in blocks. People will often tell you, for example, to go two blocks and turn right. 1.A:Excuse me, Can you tell me where Main Street is? B:Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks. A:Is it far? B:No. Its only a five-minute w

14、alk. A:Thanks a lot. B:Youre welcome. 2.A:Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the station? B:Turn left at the first light. You cant miss it. A:Will it take me long to get there? B:No. Its not far at all. A:Thank you. B:Dont mention it. 3.A:Can you help me out? Im trying to find a post office. B:Go three block and make a right. Its right there. A:Should I take the bus? B:No. Itll only take about five minutes to walk. A:Thank you very much. B:Any time. 4.A:Pardon me. I wonder if you could tell me how to get to Mott Street? B:Keep going straight for two blocks, then t



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