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1、 Evaluation of the Olli C + D biochemical analyser after over a year of use in enzymologyG. Baraton, D. Grafmeyer, A. Capuano, L. Richard and J. Sofia.Laboratoire automatisde Biochimie Clinique, (Professeur J. Bertrand), HopitalEdouardHerriot, Place dArsonval, 69374 Lyon Cedex 2, FranceTo meet today

2、s clinical requirements, clinical biochemistry laboratories must be increasingly automated. The required criteria for an automatic analyser are reliability; the ability to change chemical reactions easily and quickly; rapid determinations and low analysis cost.It appears that the Olli C + D parallel

3、 analyser (Kone Oy instrument division Espoo, Finland) answers these criteria. A report on the Olli C system has already been published by Puuka and Pukka 1. This evaluation, using the C + Dsystem, deals with its intensive and daily use in enzymology over a period lasting more than one year.Descript

4、ionThe instrument is a parallel, multichannel, photometric analyser. The different phases of determination are performed in batches of 24 samples including blanks, standards and controls. The rate of analysis is 700 tests per hour with end point determinations of 360 kinetic measurements per hour re

5、action time is 21A minutes.The analyser comprises three independent units, the sample diluter/processor, photometer (each controlled by microprocessor) and incubator. The sample change is performed by hand using disposable cuvettes in a thermostatedblock.The Olli D Diluter measures 350 x 1100 x 740

6、mm and weighs 70 kg. It is made up of a dispensing tray with 24 cuvette blocks which fit in the Olli C photometer, eight reagent vessels, one block with 24 serum vials, an eight tip dispensing head and a digital display and keyboard. The diluter can be programmed by hand or by tape cassette for 30 a

7、nalyses; it is possible to add serum and up to eight reagents distributed in one or several runs. Each analysis programme follows the sequence:l. Attain reaction temperature (25, 30, 37C). 2. Measure reagent (5 to 1000/al by steps of 1/.tl) and position. 3. Measure and add sample. 4. Mix(5 to 180 se

8、conds).The photometer measures 330 x 520 x 740 mm and weighs 48 kg. It comprises a computer, a thermal pri_nter and a thermostated measuring chamber (25, 30, 37C). The light source is a zenon lamp. A quartz optic fibre system allows the simultaneous measurement of 24 cuvettes. Filters have a bandwid

9、th of 8 to 15 nm. The smallest readable volume is 500 /al for end point determinations, and 300/1 for kinetic determinations.The photometer can be programmed by hand or by tape cassette for 15 analyses which may be made in end point mode, with or without blank measurement, or in kinetic mode, with o

10、r without reagent or serum blanks. Kinetics determinations are made using linear regression of 12 to 24 measurements in to 10 minutes. The results are printed with the name and units of the programmed analysis. Error messages are printed; eg, if the chosen initial absorbance limits have been exceede

11、d or if there is non-linearity of reaction. In addition, it is possible to have printed thetwelve or 24 absorbance measurements used for the calculation of the activity of each determination. The Olli incubator can handle four thermostated blocks. Each block contains one heating element and temperat

12、ure regulation is maintained via a water circulating system. The incubation period is determined by a timer and each block incubation time is terminated with an audible alarm.Material and metlodsThe evaluation was carried out according to the rules suggestedby the French Society for Clinical Biology

13、 (SFBC) 2, 3.Dilution and measurementAccuracy, within-block and day-to-day, was tested with a solution of drawing ink (Mars 745 from Staedler Germany) prepared as follows: 1.7 ml of ink as supplied was dissolved by gentle stirring in 1000 ml of distilled water and filtered in a buchner funnel throug

14、h silicone paper. The solution was preserved with Merseptyl and stored at +4C. Dilutions were made by the Olli D processor into Olli arcylic cuvettes and absorbances were read on the Olli C photometer at 405 nm. Measurements were verified by manual dilution followed by a reading using a Miniken spec

15、trophotometer (Coultronic).Control of temperatureThe control of the temperature variations between 25 and 37C was tested by measuring the absorbance of a paranitrophenol solution, (15 mg in 1000 ml of Tris HCL 0.2 M, pH 6.8) at 405nm, Naudin et al 4. The absorbances obtained at the chosen temperatur

16、e were compared with those obtained using four thermostated analysers; Miniken (Coultronic),Cobas BIO (Roche,) PA 800 (Vitratron), ACP 5040 (Eppendorf) On the Olli C, the time needed to reach the set temperature of 30C or 37C with an analysis volume of 550 ul(contained in the acrylic cuvette in the thermostated block)was followed by noting the decrease in the absorbance of theparanitrophenol solution. The temperatures of cuvette cont



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