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1、 目录中文摘要2Treatise Abstract4第一章 海上保险中代位求偿权概述61.1海上保险中代位求偿权的法律含义61.1.1代位求偿权61.1.2海上保险中的代位求偿权61.2海上保险代位求偿权的法理基础71.2.1国外各种理论71.2.2我国海上保险代位求偿权的两大法律基础8第二章 代位求偿权的限制262.1保险代位求偿权适用范围的限制262.2保险代位求偿权追偿对象的限制272.2.1对“被保险人的家庭成员或者其组成成员”的理解272.2.2被保险人的家庭成员和组成人员等故意造成保险事故的情况292.2.3公法人(如机关单位)造成损害的情况302.3保险代位求偿权的时效限制31第

2、三章 代位求偿权制度下被保险人的损害赔偿请求权183.1大陆法系保险界的三种学说183.2英国法的基本观点193.2.1足额保险193.2.2不足额保险203.3我国法律的相关规定22第四章 海上保险代位求偿权中的诉讼问题414.1海上保险代位求偿权的诉讼标的414.2代位求偿权的诉讼程序424.2.1一般代位求偿程序424.2.2代位求偿诉讼程序434.2.3代位求偿仲裁程序444.2.4海上保险代位求偿权的程序法保障模式之比较454.3海上保险代位求偿权诉讼所需文件.46 中文摘要本文参考国内学者的相关观点,分析比较国内外对代位求偿权的规定,对国内法律关于海上保险代位求偿权的相关规定进行探



5、人的损失的时候,就产生了代位求偿权与被保险人的损害赔偿请求权的矛盾,该章比较了英国法下的做法,并提出了笔者自己的观点。第五,代位求偿权的相关诉讼问题。本章注重分析了海上保险代位求偿权的诉讼标的,诉讼程序和诉讼所需的档,试图对于保险人提起诉讼起到一定的帮助和指导作用。 关键字:海上保险 代位求偿权 海商 Treatise AbstractThe treatise analyzes and compares the regulations on the right of subrogation in domestic and overseas statute laws, and discusses

6、 the related regulations in domestic laws concerning the right of subrogation of marine insurance. To present an in-depth and systematic study and discussion, the treatise studies some questions closely related to the right of subrogation, and tries to shape an independent view in terms of some cont

7、roversial questions. Starting from the concept of the subrogation on marine insurance, the treatise studies the name and limitation of subrogation. Furthermore, the treatise explains the relationships between the right of subrogation and the right of the insurant to ask for compensation from the poi

8、nt of the purpose of the law of subrogation; at last, the treatise discusses the relative issues in litigation of subrogation of marine insurance. First, starting from the concept of the right of subrogation of marine insurance, the chapter discuss the legal basis of the right of subrogation princip

9、le and compare the right of subrogation and other conceptions .The legal basis is the reasonable background of which subrogation can exist and develop. It is also the key to understand the right of subrogation in a macroscopic point. So it is very important to analyze the legal basis of the right of

10、 subrogation. Second, discuss the name of the exertion of right of subrogation. Although our country has confirmed that underwriter should exert right in his own name I still believe it is necessary to analyze it in theory and compare it with the different regulation in England because it is one of

11、the most important differences between subrogation system of china and English.Third, discuss the limitation of the subrogation during its exertion. There are three parts in this chapter; they are the scope, the object and extinctive prescription of the right of subrogation. Among them the scope is

12、limited in the scope of the sum of compensation. The part of object focus on the family member of the insurant. Extinctive prescription is not regulated in chinas marine time law and it is very important to discuss it.Forth, analyze the relationship between subrogation and the right of the insurant

13、to ask for compensation. When the compensation of the underwriter and the third people can not satisfy the loss of the insurant, the conflict between the right of subrogation and the right of insurant to ask for compensation will come into being. This chapter compares the regulation of the English l

14、aw and gives the opinion of myself.Fifth, discuss relative issues in litigation of subrogation. The chapter focuses on the object and process of litigation as well as the documents that are needed during litigation, and try to play an effective role in the litigation of the underwriter.Key word: mar

15、ine insurance; subrogation; maritime law第一章 海上保险中代位求偿权概述1.1海上保险中代位求偿权的法律含义1.1.1代位求偿权代位求偿权(right of subrogation)又称保险代位权,是指保险人在其承保的责任范围内赔付被保险人的保险标的的全部或者部分损失之后,在赔偿金额内享有的向第三者,即保险事故责任人请求赔偿的权利。代位求偿制度作为保险人与被保险人之间的权益转让制度,是民商法代位权制度和保险理赔制度相结合的产物,现已为各国保险立法和司法普遍接受。我国现行保险立法也确认了这一制度。1981年经济合同法首次以立法形式确立了代位求偿原则。该法第25条第3款规定:“被保险财产的损失,应由第三人负责赔偿的,如果投保方向保险方提出要求,保险方可以按照合同规定先于赔偿。” 1995年实施的中华人民共和国保险法(以下简称保险法)第条至第条建立了我国完整的财产保险代位求偿制度。其中第条第款明确规定:“因第三者对保险标的的


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