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1、第一章I2、名词解释:El N诡o、La Nifia、ENSO、TOGA、TAO、NOAA/TIROS、 TOPEX/Poseidon。El Nino :厄尔尼诺(El Nino)在西班牙语中的意思是“圣婴”厄尔尼诺是指 赤道太平洋东部和中部海表面温度持续异常偏高的现象,该现象首先发生在南美 洲的厄瓜多尔和秘鲁太平洋沿岸附近,多发生在圣诞节前后,因此得名。La Nina :拉尼娜(La Nina)的意思是“小女孩”拉尼娜现象表现为赤道太平 洋东部和中部海表面温度持续异常偏低。ENSO: 赤道太平洋海面水温的变化与全球大气环流尤其是热带大气环流紧密 相关。其中最直接的联系就是日界线以东的东南太平

2、洋与日界线以西的西太平洋 印度洋之间海平面气压的反相关关系,即南方涛动现象(SO)。在拉尼娜期间, 东南太平洋气压明显升高,印度尼西亚和澳大利亚的气压减弱。厄尔尼诺期间的 情况正好相反。鉴于厄尔尼诺与南方涛动之间的密切关系,气象上把两者合称为 ENSO。TOGA :热带海洋和全球大气计划。为了研究热带海洋和全球大气的月际到年际 变化,从而推动气候变化及异常气象问题的研究,提高和改善海洋环境和气候预 报能力,政府间海洋学委员会和世界气象组织共同发起了热带海洋和全球大气研 究计划(toga)。该计划分准备阶段、外业调查阶段和室内资料分析整理三个阶段, 从1985 年到 1995 年,共进行 10年

3、。其中,第一个 5年为普查阶段,第二个 5 年为详查阶段,即所谓加强监视期。在第二个5年中,又设计了一个连续四个月 的加密调查阶段,即所谓强化观测期。The Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere program (TOGA) is evolving into an operational El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) observing system. TOGA started in January 1985 and ended in December 1994. The four major elements of thi

4、s observing system are: 1) a volunteer observing ship expendable bathythermograph program; 2) an island and coastal tide gauge network; 3) a drifting buoy program; 4) a moored buoy program consisting of wind and thermal chain moorings and current meter moorings. The crowning achievement of TOGA was

5、the development of the Tropical Atmosphere/Ocean (TAO) array。TAO:热带大气海洋。The TAO array (renamed the TAO/TRITON array on 1 January 2000) consists of approximately 70 moorings in the Tropical Pacific Ocean, telemetering oceanographic and meteorological data to shore in real-time via the Argos satellite

6、 system. The array is a major component of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Observing System, the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). Support is provided primarily by the United States (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and Japan

7、 (Japan Marine Science and Technology Center) with additional contributions from France (Institut de recherche pour le developpement). The TAO array is directed by NOAAs Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) and involves international cooperation with scientists and organizations in , Japan

8、, France, Korea, and Taiwan (of China)。NOAA/TIROS 是太阳同步极轨气象卫星,也被称为极轨业务环境卫星,该卫星 可为全球各国提供免费的当地数据接收服务。TOPEX/Poseidon是在1992年8月,由美国宇航局(NASA)和法国国家空间研 究中心(CNES )联合发射的高度计专用卫星。6、阅读下列网站之一,并使用中文和英文做出简要的介绍(不超过 5号纸2页): a)欧空局的网页/satconc/中关于欧洲遥感卫星ERS-1/2的介绍。The satellite concept is based on the re-utilisation of t

9、he Multi-mission Platform, developed within the French SPOT programme. This platform provides the major services for the satellite and payload operation, in particular attitude and orbit control, power supply, monitoring and control of payload status, telecommunications with the ground segment.To me

10、ets its mission objectives, ERS-1 has been placed in a near-polar orbit at a mean altitude of about 780 km with an instrument payload comprising active and passive microwave sensors and a thermal infra-red radiometer. The satellite (see the figure) is large, weighing 2400 kg and measuring 12 m x 12

11、m x 2.5 m, making it the largest and most sophisticated free-flying satellite built so far in Europe.The spacecraft platform provides the major services required for satellite and payload operation. These include attitude and orbit control, power supply, monitoring and control of payload status, tel

12、ecommunication with ground stations and telemetry of payload and platform housekeeping data. In addition, the PRARE instrument is mounted on the platform.The platform was modified with respect to the SPOT programme to meet the unique needs of the ERS-1 mission. The major modifications included exten

13、sion of the solar array power and battery energy storage capability; modification of the attitude control sub-system to provide yaw steering and geodetic pointing; and the development of new software for payload management and control.The platform structure is a rigid framework, with the load of the

14、 instruments transmitted directly through a central tube by metal struts.ERS-2s passive instrument load includes an along-track (i.e. in the direction of flight) scanning radiometer equipped with six channels in the infrared and visible parts of the spectrum. The three channels in the visible spectr

15、um are new and are used to observe vegetation, for example for crop forecasting or monitoring of deforestation.The GOME, which stands for global ozone monitoring experiment, is an entirely new passive instrument which will monitor the ozone content of the atmosphere with an precision hitherto unobta

16、inable from space. This highly sophisticated spectrometer was developed by ESA in the record time of five years.Two further instruments on board ERS-2 will serve to enhance the accuracy of other instruments. These are PRARE (precise range and range rate equipment) units, which will have the task of measuring the satellites orbit with outstanding precision, and a microwave sounder to determine atmospheric humidity.“欧洲遥感卫星”ERS-1和ERS-2分别于1991年和1995年由欧空局发射


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