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1、2022中秋节英文主题演讲稿 2022中秋节英文主题演讲稿1Mid-Autumn Festival is Chinas traditional festivalEvery year since August 15, is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival. At this time a year the mid-autumn, it has been known as the Mid-Autumn Festival. In Chinas lunar calendar, the year is divided into four seasons, on a

2、quarterly basis is divided into Meng, Zhong, Ji three parts, and therefore also known as Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-autumn. August 15 The moon is more than any other months of the full moon circle, more bright, also known as moon evening, Ba Yuejie.This night, people looking at the sky as jade, such as

3、 disk Langlang Ming month, will naturally be looking forward to family reunion. Far-flung pioneers, but also to sustenance own home and loved ones miss feelings. Therefore, the Mid-Autumn Festival also known as Reunion.Our people in ancient times, Autumn Twilight Xi month practices. Yuzuki, that is,

4、 worship goddess of the moon. In the zhou dynasty, during the Autumn Festival and the Festival to be held in welcoming winter months. Set up large incense table, put the moon cakes, watermelon, apples, dates, plums, grapes and other offerings, including cakes and watermelon is definitely not small.

5、Watermelon also cut into lotus-shaped. In the month, the statue will be placed on the moon, the moon in that direction, Candles high burning, the whole family followed by worship the moon, then headed housewife cut reunion cakes. Pre-cut people who count the total number of good family at home, in t

6、he field should count together, can not be cut more and no less cutting, the size should be the same.According to legend, the ancient Qi ugly salt, pious worship during childhood on, grow up to superior morality Ru Gong, but was not patronize. A 15-year in August full moon, the Son of Heaven saw her

7、 in the moonlight, feeling her outstanding beauty, queen, after her legislation, Mid-Autumn worship on the resulting. Mid-Chang, to beauty known for, so thanks girls month, is willing to seemingly Chang, surface such as Haoyue.2022中秋节英文主题演讲稿2Maybe I seem less mature or experiences than my most colle

8、agues. But I still believe age is not important. Compared with age, passion energy and confidence are more significant!Admittedly, life has its ups and downs, its peaks and valleys. So I encountered certain difficulties in the work. However, I strongly believe the best way to success is to keep your

9、 direction and stick to your goal. Direction means objectives. The right direction is like a lamp. This lamp can guide you in darkness and help you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.I never fear difficulties or failures. Because I believe suc

10、cess is going from failure to failure without losing passion. In fact, the ultimate failure is not trying, for it means you can never make progress toward your goals. As long as you keep trying and go ahead toward your direction, you will succeed and have a bright future. Just remember never give up

11、 or lose hope because nothing is too easy. Rainy days will end and the sky will be beautiful again.In short, everyone should have a direction and keep this direction, no matter what difficulties he or she will encounter.Finally, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all good health and success in your career.And you know it is a specially day, which is the Mid-autumn Festival, so I wish you all and your family a happy Mid-autumn Festival.Thanks so much! That is all!


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