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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上摘 要本次设计的内容为110kV变电站一次及二次系统的的设计。本篇论文主要针对变电站设计过程中的负荷的统计与计算,电气主接线方案的提出与确定,短路电流的计算,电气设备的选择及校验,继电保护,二次接线,防雷保护等方面进行了论述。在本次设计中,为了尽可能使设计贴近实际生活,查阅和参考了大量资料,请教了多位老师,最终完成了本次设计。在我国始终存在一个严重的问题:绝大部分的供电网络基础比较薄弱,但是供电的半径却由于地理原因而很长,造成的结果就是电力在线路上传输时的损耗较大,导致的结果就是传输到线路末端时用户的电压过低,从而对人民的正常的生产和生活影响。为了满足人民生活用电兼顾


3、X-10型电压互感器。10kV侧的电力电容器按照规程的要求需要装设过电压保护以及无时限过电流装置。而在10kV的出线处,同样按要求需要安装速断保护和过电流保护。主变压器处按规程要求需要安装过电流、过负荷保护,瓦斯保护以及电流速断等保护。关键词:110kV变电所;主接线;电气设备;继电保护Design of primary and secondary system of 110kVsubstationAbstractThe design of the 110kV substation for the primary and secondary system design. This paper

4、mainly focuses on the statistics and calculation of the load in the substation design process, the formulation and determination of the main electrical wiring scheme, the calculation of the short circuit current, the selection and verification of the electrical equipment, the relay protection, the s

5、econdary wiring, the lightning protection Aspects were discussed. In this design, in order to make the design as close as possible to the actual life, access and reference a lot of information, ask a number of teachers, and ultimately completed this design.There is always a serious problem in our co

6、untry: the vast majority of the power supply network is relatively weak, but the radius of the power supply is long due to geographical reasons, the result is the power transmission on the line when the loss is large, resulting in the result is the transmission To the end of the line when the users

7、voltage is too low, thus the peoples normal production and life impact. In order to meet the people living electricity combined with industrial and agricultural development, so this design chose to design a 110kV substation. The substation is mainly used to bear the local load, including the load ar

8、ea of the majority of the load are three types of load, and the remaining only one for the second class load, in order to ensure the stability and reliability of power supply, the design as much as possible to use electrical performance Good new equipment, and in order to take into account the princ

9、iple of economy, the choice of equipment to ensure the performance at the same time as much as possible to choose the right price equipment. 110kV single loop into the line, the change of all the two types of load, the rest are three types of load, the proportion of domestic electricity and industri

10、al load larger, a total of eight 10kv outlet. The substation installed two equal-capacity main transformer, the main transformer dual-winding transformer SF7- type transformer. Breaker type According to the system requirements and installation location Comprehensive selectionZN5-10630 type, the volt

11、age transformer also according to the rated voltage and use, installation site to consider the choice of JDZX-10-type voltage transformer. 10kV side of the power capacitor in accordance with the requirements of the requirements of the installation of over-voltage protection and no time limit over cu

12、rrent device. And in the 10kV outlet, the same requirements as required to install quick-break protection and over-current protection. The main transformer according to the regulations require the installation of over-current, overload protection, gas protection and current quick-break protection.Ke

13、y words: 110kV substation; main wiring; electrical equipment; relay protection目 录专心-专注-专业1 前言为加深对所学过理论知识的理解,为以后的工作打下良好的基础,我选择了110kV变电站一次及二次系统的设计作为自己的毕业课题。本次设计经过对变电所原始资料的分析,进行了主变及电气设备的选择与校验,继电保护,二次接线,防雷保护等内容。110kV变电所直接降至10kV供电,在多数情况下就不必再建设35kV线路。这一措施使变压器的安装数量减少,不出现二次变压,而且变压器和线路的损耗都相应的减少,建设110/10kV变电所

14、要比建设110/35/10kV变电所更为有利。为了能够更好的适应今后电力网络商业化运营的要求,与此同时进一步提高电网的供电质量,更好的满足个类负荷用户对供电质量的要求,变电所的110kV主变压器采用双绕组变压器。我国随着国民经济的发展,城市负荷增大后,建设110kV网络是十分必要的。随着电力行业的发展,变电站逐渐出现无人化的发展趋势,变电所设计时电力设备的无油化和免维护化也成为了必须要考虑的因素。在本次设计中,高压侧采用屋外布置的配电装置,断路器采用六氟化硫断路器,低压一侧的配电装置则是采用屋内布置 ,选择金属铠装封闭中置式开关柜,开关柜中断路器选用VSI真空断路器。各电容器、变压器及开关柜等

15、各部分之间的连接线选择高压交联聚乙烯电缆。除电缆采用阻燃材质外,其余各设备均可选择常规的油设备。本变电站负荷区域内电网线路主要为架空线路,所以与其他类型的故障相比,单相接地故障发生的几率很高。10kV侧选择中性点经消弧线圈接地或者中性点不接地,因为在这一类的系统当中,因为发生单相接地故障时,产生的接地电流比较小,大部分瞬时性的故障电流电弧可以自己熄灭,熄灭之后系统恢复至正常状态。当产生的电弧为无法自行熄灭的单相接地电弧时,因为这种故障并不会对电压的三相平衡产生影响所以可以带故障继续运行一至两小时,期间不中断向用户的正常供电,可以在此期间对故障进行查找并做出相应的处理。1.1 变电站一次及二次设备的发展1.1.1 变电站一次设备的发展变电站的一次设备是指,对电能进行不同区域间的传输和不同等级间变换的设备,主要包括断路器、隔离开关,对电压进行变换的变压器,传输电流的汇流母线等。变电站一次设备的特点是电压水平高,而其发展则表现在(1)电力系统运行水平的提高,具体体现在灭弧能力的提升,以及绝缘水平的提高;(2)电力系统电能质量的提高,具体表现为电力系统发生故障时切除故障,让系统恢复正常运行的能力。以电容器为例,先后


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