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1、多媒体技术在对外汉语文化教学中的运用 _ 以多媒体辅助教学过新年为例 摘 要 上世纪 80 年代以来,多媒体技术开始引进学校课堂,当然它势必会影响对外汉语的课堂教学。近年来,对外汉语教学界在如何运用多媒体辅助教学上进行了一定地探索,并取得了一些成果,然而,与单纯的对外汉语语言教学和文化教学相比,多媒体技术在对外汉语文化教学中的运用和发展,虽然已经逐步开始被重视和研究,但总体而言,在理论与实践上还显得比较滞后。其实,就对外汉语文化教学的目标和内容本身而论,它对多媒体技术的要求更加迫切,应用前景也更为广阔。这也是笔者选取了“多媒体技术在对外汉语文化教学中的运用”作为研究主题的原因所在。 作为一个教

2、师,笔者对多媒体技术在教学中的应用实践已经有很多年了,在这过程中也积累了自己的一些心得体会。然而,这之前的所有成果都是建立在英语教学上的,虽然说教学总有其相通之处,但笔者认为其中一定还有一些不同之处值得去认真研究和琢磨。 本研究通过对相关文献的分析,以及对笔者所在学校国际部的教师和外国学生的问卷调查和访谈交流,同时通过自己亲自设计多媒体课件来辅助教学过新年这一课,来反思和总结这一文化课堂教学中多媒体技术使用的状况,分析多媒体技术在对外汉语文化教学中的一些优势和不足,以及对此所应该采取的对策和措施,进一步分析了在多媒体辅助文化课堂中,多媒体、课堂和教师彼此的定位,提高对多媒体技术在对外汉语文化教

3、学中的再认识。 笔者提出了,多媒体课件的制作要美观,更要实效;多媒体辅助教学文化时,要调整好教师与学生的关系,要注意与学生的情感交流;外国学生对于中国文化的学习不仅要注重课内,也要注重课外;多媒体的应用要有科学性、可操作性、趣味性和综合性;以及在多媒体辅助对外汉语文化教学过程中,对外汉语教师必须要适应角色的转换并重组自己的素质结构,来适应时代的需要。关键词:多媒体 对外汉语 文化教学IAbstract Since the 1980s, the multimedia technology began to be introduced into the classroom teaching. Of

4、 course, it will definitely affect the foreign language teachingIn the recent years, the teaching world of teaching Chinese as a foreign language has made a certain exploration in how to use multimedia to assist teaching, and made some achievements. However, compared with the simple Chinese language

5、 teaching and culture teaching, the application and development of multimedia technology in Chinese culture teaching still appear lags behind in theory and practice, though they have gradually started to be valued and researched. In fact, as far as the goal and content of the foreign Chinese culture

6、 teaching is concerned, the requirements of multimedia technology are more urgent, and its application prospects are also more promising. This is also why the author selected the Multimedia Technology in Teaching Foreign Chinese Culture as the theme of the researchAs a teacher, the author has used t

7、he multimedia technology in the teaching application for many years and accumulated some of his own experience in the process. However, before that, all the results were based on English teachingAlthough it is always said that teaching is supposed to have the similarities, the author thinks that the

8、re must be some differences which are deserved to be studiedThrough the analysis of the relevant literature and the investigation and interview to the school teachers and foreign students, the author reflected on and summarized the use condition of multimedia technology in the classroom culture teac

9、hing by teaching the lesson “Spending the Chinese New Year” with the multimedia courseware which was designed by himself. Whats more, he further analyzed the orientation of the multimedia, the class and the teachers in the multi-media culture class by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages in th

10、e multimedia technology in foreign Chinese culture teaching, and improved the recognition of the multimedia technology in foreign Chinese culture teachingThe author puts forward that the multimedia courseware should be beautiful and more importantly; it should have actual effects; its important to a

11、djust the relationship between teachers and students and teachers should pay attention to the emotional exchange with students in the multimedia culture teaching. For Chinese culture study, foreign students should not only pay attention to the class, but also pay attention to the extra-class; the mu

12、ltimedia applications must be scientific, operable, interesting, and comprehensive; and in the process of the foreign Chinese culture teaching with the multimedia, teachers have to adapt to the change of roles and restructure their quality structures to adapt to the needs of times Keywords: Multimed

13、ia Teaching Chinese as a foreign languageCulture teachingII目 录 第一章 绪论 一、问题的提出与背景二、研究的目标与内容 (一)研究目标(二)研究内容三、文献综述四、论文的新意 五、研究方法与思路第二章 对外汉语文化教学以及多媒体技术与对外汉语文化教学的理论阐释-7 一、对于对外汉语教学中的文化教学的认识二、文化教学中存在的问题(一)教材方面(二)教学方面(三)教师方面(四)学生方面三、对外汉语文化教学中多媒体技术的运用和发展四、目前多媒体技术运用于文化教学所面临的实际问题第三章 多媒体技术在过新年文化教学中的实践运用一、过新年文化教

14、学设计方案二、多媒体在过新年文化教学实践运用中的效果评价(一)体现的优势(二)表现的不足三、多媒体技术在过新年文化教学实践的应用总结(一)多媒体的应用应具有科学性,符合语言教学规律(二)多媒体的应用应注意实用性和可操作性(三)多媒体课件应符合学生的认知特点,要生动活泼,富有趣味性-25 (四)多媒体课件应注意它的综合使用(五)多媒体的选材要新,覆盖面要大,要与中国人的文化传统和社会生活III相合第四章 多媒体、课堂与教师的调整和定位一、对外汉语文化教学中多媒体的因素二、对外汉语文化教学中课堂的因素三、对外汉语文化教学中教师的因素第五章 总结与展望小结附录一:关于多媒体技术在对外汉语文化教学中的

15、运用调查问卷【教师部分】 附录二:关于多媒体技术在过新年教学中的运用效果调查问卷【学生部分】 参考文献后记IV第一章 绪 论 一、问题的提出与背景 随着中国经济的高速发展以及与国际间交流的日益密切,在世界范围内,有越来越多的外国人对中国这一古老而又神秘的国家产生了浓厚的兴趣,特别想了解中国文化的特有魅力。他们正逐渐意识到学点中文将是他们真正明智的选择,由此也造成了“汉语热”在全世界范围内的不断升温。同时,作为中国人,我们也意识到中国文化的对外影响力与中国的国际地位及经济社会发展水平相比还有不小差距,我们在世界上表现中国核心价值观、悠久历史和灿烂文化的文化产品及中国文化的对外影响力仍然有限。由此,如何把中华传统文化向世界传播,就成了我们不得不考虑的问题。近年来,我们在国外设立了一些中国文化中心,使之成为中华文化传播的一个重要窗口。同时,在世界各地,孔子学院的蓬勃发展也会大大促进中华文化的世界传播。我们在自动走出去的同时,也有许多外国学生出于各种原因,来到中国来亲身体会博大精深的中国语言和文化,由此,全国各地陆续出现了以汉语国际推广和中华文化世界传播为主要任务的对外汉语院校和各种培训机构。这么多年的对外汉语教学实践表



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