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1、Unit 1 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared. 素材一 新课导入设计 导入一语句导入Boys and girls! How do you go to school? You should pay attention to your safety on the way to school. You must follow the traffic rules.交通安全口诀过马路时要看灯,做个文明好市民;乘坐公交要谦让,不急不慌好学生;喝完酒时不开车,乘坐他车要谨慎;红灯亮起要停车,绿灯亮后再放行。 导入二

2、多媒体导入通过多媒体向学生展示有关交通事故的图片(详见光盘课件),引出本单元的学习内容,让学生了解一些基本的交通安全常识,为本单元的学习做好铺垫。T: Class, look at the photo. What is happening? Ss: It was an accident.T: Yes. We often see some accidents on the road. And this class we will talk about accidents. 导入三情境导入创设一个交通事故的场景,让学生想象并描述事故的基本情况,然后引入新课。On my way to school

3、this morning, a black car hit a student. The driver looked very worried, and he drove the student to hospital immediately. Luckily, the boy didnt hurt badly. The accident 素材二 课堂活动案例 活动一问题法教材Activity 1(教学目的:通过看图回答问题,为下面的学习做铺垫)Questions:1Who can you see in the picture? 2What is the doctor doing? 3What

4、 do you think has happened? 4What does the policewoman say? Can you guess? 活动二教材Activity 4(教学目的:巩固新单词,加深对Activity 3的理解)1理解词义:让学生理解Activity 4方框中所给词汇的汉语意思(1分钟的时间),然后自己仔细阅读小短文(3分钟)。2个人答题:给学生5分钟的时间答题。3.同伴互测:5分钟之后,同桌之间核对答案。标出不同答案的题目,先讨论确定答案,如果不能确定答案,可以向教师寻求帮助。(这样做既调动了学生学习的积极性,又体现了合作学习)4巩固训练:从方框中所给词汇中任意挑选

5、两个单词,让学生用这两个单词写出一句语义通顺,语法正确的句子。如:Pay attention! A car appears!/Im glad that the car didnt hit you. 素材三 听说强化训练 (教材P64Activity 2)听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。()1.The accident happened to an old man.()2.The driver was driving very fast when the accident happened.()3.The driver was using his mobile phone while he was

6、 driving.()4.The boy on the bike was listening to music.()5.The policewoman told the driver not to use his mobile phone while he was driving.答案 15FFTFT听力原文Policewoman: How did the accident happen?Driver: I was driving along the road andPolicewoman: How fast were you going at the time?Driver: I wasnt

7、 going fast.Policewoman: Where were you going?Driver: I was going along the road, just here.Policewoman: Where was the boy on the bike going?Driver: I didnt see him.Policewoman: Were you looking?Driver: No, I wasnt.Policewoman: Were you using your mobile phone?Driver: Yes, I was.Policewoman: So, tha

8、ts not good. You mustnt use your mobile phone while you are driving. 素材四 听说突破建议 突破一教材Activity 31预习检查:检查学生课前预习情况,主要包括生词、重点短语是否在教材中标注;不理解的地方是否用问号体现。此活动由各小组长检查,教师巡视,时间3分钟。2播放录音,设置几个简单的问题,锻炼学生听的能力。(详见光盘课件)如:(1)What was the boy doing when the accident happened? (2)What was the driver doing when the accid

9、ent happened? 3学生大声朗读对话5分钟,完成对话后面的建议。4再次播放录音,同桌之间讨论并核对答案,然后教师给出正确答案。5.合上课本,同桌之间进行对话主要内容回忆。教师巡视补充。6学生分组分角色朗读对话,加深对应该遵守的交通规则和注意事项的记忆。 突破二教材Activities 561先播放两遍Activity 5中的录音,让学生注意朗读句子时如何正确地停顿。然后,播放第三遍录音,让学生跟读,反复模仿。最后,引导学生总结句子停顿的规律。2学生4人一组用过去进行时进行一次有关交通事故的问答,教师巡视帮助。5分钟后,挑选两组学生进行表演。A: What were you doing when the accident happened?B: When the accident happened, I was walking with Lucy. C: When the accident happened, I was riding home on my bike. D: When the accident happened, I was3如果时间充分,教师可以给学生一个固定的语境,让学生交换角色再次利用过去进行时进行有关交通事故的问答。更多备课资源:word版电子教案、匹配的课件,详见光盘内容。


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