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1、Unit 4-6重 点 词 组10 days old 十天大look like a little mouse 看起来像小老鼠weigh 100 grams 重100克start to go outside 开始外出for the first time 第一次up to 14 hours a day 一天长达十四小时kill it for its fur 为了皮毛而屠杀它cut down forests 砍伐森林have nowhere to live 没有居住的地方on ones own 独自的,独立的be in danger 处于危险中stay alive 活着hunt for food 捕

2、食a terrible snowstorm可怕的暴风雪live as a family 以家庭形式居住live in family groups 群居lose ones lives 失去生命continue to build road 继续建路at a time 一次keep taking the land 不断地占据土地go birdwatching 观鸟white and grey feathers 灰白相间的羽毛northern countries 北方国家broad wings 宽的翅膀all year round 终年for a short stay 短期停留an important

3、 living area 重要的居住区域less and less space 越来越少的空间the Chinese Government中国政府do a bird count 数鸟frighten the birds 吓唬鸟类prevent flood 预防洪水watch the birds closely 仔细地观察鸟类drop litter carelessly 随意扔垃圾talk softly 轻声地交谈sing nicely 动听地歌唱lose the game 输了比赛several accidents 几起事故kill thousands of people杀死数以千计的人cra

4、sh into a tree 撞到一棵树wash the village away 冲走村庄fall from a tree 从树上摔下来look at each other in fear惊恐地互相看着attack people 袭击人run in all directions 四处奔去run wildly 疯狂地逃窜fall down 掉下来come down 倒下来calm down 冷静下来be trapped 被困住say to myself 心里想a moment of fear 片刻的恐惧shout for help 呼救a packet of chocolate 一袋巧克力he

5、ar excited shouts 听见激动的喊叫声see the bright daylight 看见明亮的日光move away the bricks 搬开砖块walk through a rainforest 穿过热带雨林make excuses 找借口bombs below the ground 像地下的炸弹an earthquake in Taiwan台湾的一次地震mop it up/ mop up the floor 拖地be in a great hurry to do something. 十分匆忙地做write to newspapers and magazines 写信给报

6、纸杂志a nature reserve in north-east China 在中国东北的自然保护区one of the worlds most important wetlands 世界上最重要的湿地之一provide food and shelter for them 为他们提供食物和栖息地make more space for farms and buildings 为农场和建筑物腾出空间protect these endangered birds 保护这些濒危鸟类study the different kinds of birds 研究不同种类的鸟the changes in the

7、ir numbers 他们数量方面的变化understand the importance of wetlands 明白湿地的重要性tell us not to make any noise 叫我们不要发出噪音feel a slight shaking through my body 感觉一阵轻微的震动通过全身hear a big noise like thunder 听到象雷声的巨大噪音The temperature will drop a little. 温度会稍有下降.The temperature will drop to -5 温度会降到零下五度take actions to pro

8、tect giant pandas 采取行动保护大熊猫make giant panda reserves bigger 扩大大熊猫保护区good eyesight, hearing and smell 好的视力,听力和嗅觉grow into a healthy young giant panda 长成一头健康的年轻的大熊猫encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves 鼓励农民离开保护区语 法 精 讲1. I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. 我第一次看到她时,

9、她只有十天大。 1) 10 days old的意思是“十天大”。数词+ days/months/years + old的意思为“几天/几个月/几岁大”。如:The baby is nine months old, and she is able to talk.He graduated from the university when he was twenty five years old. 2) a 10-day old giant panda 数词-day/month/year-old+ 被修饰的名词Cathy is a fourteen-year old girl who loves

10、painting.The eighty-year-old man is a great scientist.2. At four months, she weighed about 10 kilograms and started to go outside her home for the first time.四个月大时,她重十公斤,并且第一次开始出门。 1) weigh v. 称重 weight n. 重量 The cat weighs about 2 kilos.= The weight of the cat is about 2 kilos. 2) start to do somet

11、hing., start dong something, begin to do something., begin doing something的意思均为“开始做”。如: She started/began to learn how to drive at the age of thirty. She started/began learning how to drive at the age of thirty. 3) for the first time 第一次 for the second/third/ fourth/fifthtime3. At the very beginning

12、, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day. 一开始,希望每天喝母乳长达14个小时。1)at the very beginning在一开始的时候,at the beginning of 在开始的时候, 如:We dont know each other at the beginning of the first term.2) in the middle of 在的中间的时候 In the middle of last month we had a picnic.3) at the end of 在结束的时候 They g

13、ot married at the end of last year and moved out of the flat.4) up to 意为“直到” She used to work up to twelve hours a day.4. Sadly, it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. 可惜的是, 大熊猫很难在野外存活下来。 1) It is +形容词+ for somebody+ to do something。it 代替不定式作句子的主语。如: It is necessary for use to lear

14、n something about the world around us. It is impossible for you to get success without working hard. 能够接for somebody. 的形容词是对不定式中的动作进行评价的, 如: hard, difficult, easy, important , unimportant, interesting, boring, necessary, possible, impossible等。 2) It is +形容词 + of somebody +to do something 如: It is generous of him to pay for the meal for us. It was careless of the girl to leave her bag on the bus. 能够接of somebody 的形容词是用于描述人的性格特征的, 如: good, nice kind, clever, smart, bright, wise, silly, foolish, stupid, selfish, generous, careful, careless, thoughtful, right, wrong, honest, dishonest, typical等。


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