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1、必修1、2综合测试题(二)命题:陈梅 马玉祥 蒋海燕 名丽 李萍 吴义梅 梅心 王恩友 冯正来姓名 班 级得分 自我评价第一部分 听力(共两节,满分分)(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. After the visit to the farm, they walked the direction of the village.A. atB. toC. forD. in22. I am leaving for London tomorrow. _ Ill miss y

2、ou.A. How dare you say that?B. I hope you have a good voyage.C. Its cloudy today, isnt it?D. Why are you always lying?23. It was reported that the bombs _ two buildings and _ several others in Iraq.A. destroyed; damagedB. ruined; destroyedC. harmed; destroyedC. harmed; ruined24. I heard there was an

3、 air crash yesterday. How many passengers were in the plane? It _ 180, 20 Japanese _.A. contained; includedB. contained; includingC. included; containedC. contained; conaining25. _ from what he did, he isnt a person to depend on. So youd better stay away from him.A. JudgeB. JudgingC. JudgedD. Judges

4、26. The man who murdered the vice president last year was _ to death yesterday. A. regardedB. commandedC. sentencedD. prepared27. The number of students in my school 2,730. Now a number of them playing football on the playground.A. is; isB. are; areC. are; isD. is; are28. On Sunday, rather than at h

5、ome, I prefer .A. stay; to travel B. to stay; to travelC. stay; travel D. to stay; traveling29. He has won three gold medals, but _ was won at the Olympic Games. A. neither of themB. neither of whichC. all of whichD. none of them30. Jim wanted to leave his band, but we have _ him not to.A. talked B.

6、 suggestedB. promisedD. persuaded31. Only those with whom we can _ our feelings are our close friends.A. shareB. valueC. spareD. respect32. It may snow tomorrow. _, youll have to stay here.A. In factB. In that caseC. After allD. In a way33. Please go away. Im _ being followed by you every day.A. fon

7、d of B. interested inC. tired ofD. crazy for34. Whats the time? My watch _.A. is being repaired B. is to repairC. has been repaired D. has repaired35. Do you know Lily has gone to London? Oh, I havent seen her these days.A. no doubtB. no wonderC. as a result D. of course第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

8、Neil Alden Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930, on his grandfathers farm. When Neil was two years old, his father took him to 36 the 1932 Cleveland National Air Races. When he saw the 37 flying, he developed a true love for 38 . Neils father worked 39 an auditor (稽核员) for the state government. He 4

9、0 to many countries looking at 41 to make sure that officials used money 42 . Because of Mr Armstrongs work, the Armstrong family had to 43 a lot. Finally, the Armstrongs moved back to Wapakoneta, Ohio and bought a 44 there. They didnt move again. Neil had a brother named Dean and a sister named Jun

10、e. They all did housework 45 . They weeded the vegetable garden, mowed the lawn, and helped their mother. When Neil was young, he began to 46 reading books. He read 90 books in his first grade. 47 he was so smart, he 48 a grade because he could read as well as the fifth 49 by then. When he was six y

11、ears old, Neil took a plane ride. Ever since then, he was 50 in model airplanes. In the next few years, Neil 51 hundreds of model airplanes. Neil liked science and math. He learned 52 he could in his textbooks. Neil 53 to read and learn about astronomy (天文学). He thought planets and 54 were almost as

12、 amazing as airplanes. Mr Zint, one of Neils neighbors, let Neil look at stars and planets through his 55 telescope. He was especially interested in the moon and studied it a lot. This was the childhood of Neil Alden Armstrong.36. A. showB. buyC. make D. see 37. A. birds B. planesC. kites D. leaves3

13、8. A. playing B. drivingC. riding D. flying 39. A. to B. forC. as D. of 40. A. traveled B. visitedC. wishedD. moved41. A. bills B. tapes C. recordsD. books42. A. honestlyB. seriouslyC. largely D. carelessly43. A. leave B. move C. gatherD. meet44. A. house B. furnitureC. planeD. bed45. A. quicklyB. s

14、eparatelyC. sadlyD. together46. A. hate B. loveD. dislikeD. imagine47. A. So B. SinceC. When D. While48. A. skippedB. escaped C. studied D. remembered49. A. girls B. boysC. gradersD. sisters50. A. excited B. interestedC. ashamed D. disappointed51. A. bought B. madeC. soldD. studied52. A. anythingB. somethingC. nothing D. everything53. A. stopped B. beganC. begged D. continued54. A. starsB. planesC. science D. math55. A. uglyB. pretty C. pow



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