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1、关于大学教育的英语演讲演讲是一门语言的艺术,它旨在调动起听众情绪,并引起听众的共鸣,从而传达出你所要传达的思想、观点、感悟。以下是由PQ小编为大家推荐的关于大学教育的英语演讲,欢迎大家学习参考。 关于大学教育的英语演讲() What olegEducation Means toe The tl f y peech is “;What colge edcaton means to m”;.Nw reflectingonth past w and hlf earsof my colle eernce, I com to reali hw mucihas shaped m For me, coleg

2、eedcation i marvelou sh-buir who desgemfomkneel lae up Wit greatvisin, olegeeducation has equid me,fitwiha rful propeller-the opisticted owledgen certainfie an wide posure to th diciplines. By dedicangmelto te egneeing cuses in theday adimmrn yself nte ich banqe of te wold lteature at nigt, I&quo;e

3、amssed h drivigforce o te fture and nrchedmy soul. Besies, ollee duatio has also providdme wt precseomass-e sense of oareponibt. Hw can Ibest serve the inerstof the blicwilechievng sefulfimnt My one year’s xperienc as a pat-tim Eglis taer hatsfd:toe aluable tsociy swel asto find my lace, have

4、to possesssome acal strength anthebility t functio wel inthemost caleginguation ithehecic scheule that alncs ctvites, sports, d academic ourses,I felhe rhthm nd beay n the ntensit omyhigh-ptedf, knon thatI&sq;n theriht ay. d mo impotanty, cole edationha se up tonly sile shis, ut alo fleswcmmndesinat

5、ion By intractingwithfriens o common blef,I&rquo;v acureskll of rltng toherple.o ,as shp bout t makemmaiden voae ,I&rqu;m stll o inhe pition el wrsu;s aiing heaof me ,butwth a powerfulropller, pecis compssand aden comaions o sailingin the e of scity, I&rsqo;m rdyto greatsea-eploer Tank yu大学教育对我的意义今天

6、我演讲的题目是”;大学教育对我的意义”;。回顾思索着逝去的两年半的大学生活,我渐渐认识到大学教育对我产生的巨大影响。 对我来说,大学教育犹如一位技艺精湛的造船师,从船头至船尾地塑造了我。 首先,具有远见卓识的大学教育为我装配了一只马力强劲的推进器;精深的专业知识及广博的课外知识给我带来无限动力。白天我全神贯注地研习自己的工科课程,晚上则尽情享受世界文学所带来的盛宴,在此过程中,我既为未来积聚了力量,又充实了自己的灵魂。 此外,大学教育还为我提供了一个精确的罗盘,即社会责任感。”;如何才能在实现自我价值的同时最大限度地服务于社会”;我一年的兼职英语教师的经历证明:只有拥有过硬的实力和对高挑战性局

7、面应付自如的能力,我才能成为一个对社会有价值的人,一个找到自己位置的人。在协调着社团活动、体育运动和专业课程的忙碌日程中,我感受到了高节奏、高密度生活的韵律与美丽。 更为重要的是,大学教育不仅仅制造了一只只单个的船只,他还组建了一支支驶向同一目的地的大舰队。在与志趣相投的朋友们的相处、融合中,我锻炼了与人交往的能力。现在我即将作为一只巨轮开始我的首航,尽管前方的情况还无法预料,我却有充足的信心作一名出色的海洋探索者,因为我有强劲的推进器、 精确的罗盘,还有一帮与我同行 、一起驶向社会之洋的热心朋友! 关于大学教育的英语演讲(2) eucationalbackgund soudneer lose

8、te aiity god moning, asand gentlmn. topic ody i educatioa bagund hud ver los the ailit tlk abut the educatialagrondnabilit, here pwe can&39;telp thikin up , h istag jn, h benregarddas the “;kigofhnes eploees”;, bt los i a becae je said hs edctional bckgrou is fke .at thi men,sb said tang is nby bcau

9、s his ithout ny eucatina bagoun , howevr thers stl saidtang is sb bcause is within ability. adiesndgentlema,what do you think befreaswerit, i wnt o askanohe question&qu; hy reyo sittin hee toda w a tnghee oday or ht ducan akgroun aiity ithink oh of hem, vey w work hard for pursug hgheeuatinlbckgroun

10、d rctly r indirectly : everyday we eence hlenger ficutes t improve ou ability cosiously runconsousl s,today,i shusay , we suld own the ductoalakgron aswell as t abiliy. then now , emenbe a few a ao, one ofmy yng ist , who is a frsman in jahanuniversity ,called me ancompained to e ious, “;m eadmaster

11、 ls t now wrk asha assslt reparthe postgrauat einatin or ahighe educional backgroudommrow. on he thr side , h dvsed s o enanc ur real abitin atie . wht houl d o houl idea ith i i wasuprised abot her compiants however, after i srfed thnternet ,i ws oreshoed.t wa reported n an netigatio, nhereare nerl

12、y4% o graae arepure bokoms, onlyth the euion bcground ,30% repractitioner , onyithgaility bufaied many cuss ntl gruatin. whata extee! edaionalbacgound nd ability, teyare ifferen u theyre no colicted, hy e seere, taly heyare nid. ithageo oernization,in tis age of cmpetitin,eucainalakround should nver se he ability,withu ducatal bcgrod, aun s till a grea ma for hiunubtedly biliy dcntritio. we are not mrng ,h is uniu nte wor .hi abli ca#39;t e pe, we are he cmmo pope ,wt we shoud dis to work own to earh. th on dayean havethe ky of ighedcaional backgrunto openthe or



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