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1、2018年四川省高职单招考试文化考试(普高类)英语试题四川省2018年高等职业院校单独招生考试文化考试(普高类)注意事顼:1. 文化考试时fnj 150分钟滴分00分(语立、数学、英悟外100分人2. 文化考试包聒语文、取学、英i&三个撷分,每部分分为第卷和第11寮第I卷为选择遐,第II卷为 非选择题.3. 选择题部井考生必狈慣用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂,答在试雄、草稿紙上无效召4. 非选择题部分,考试黑须使用藍色或黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔,庄试卷指宝位置作答,答在草稿紙 上无效。英语一、单项选择(売程单卡图书)(本大恿其10小題,毎小题2分*共朗分 从仏B. Cs D四个备选项中,选出最隹选项.

2、错选多选或未选均无分。I,【remember she came to visit the old man on - thkd Sumfay inSeptember this year.A. ihe; B” the; aC k theD. a; theD. Two thirds; isD. rainsT). whatZof my classmates arc gil札 nnd the restboys.A. Two third; 15B. Two third; artC. T怖门 ihtrds; are3P have the outing as planned unless it+A. will

3、 rainR. is rainingC. rain4P He tcne up my pli oro andmade me very anry,A. oneB. itC. which5, He sent me an e-mail,to get further information.A. hopedB. hopingC- to hopeD. hopesHere is; the nwnut mudam. Pleaseyour lime.A. makeB, haveC, lakeD. use7. Yatihrc my bc&( friend. I never suspect you say.Ah w

4、hatB. (hatC, whyb. how8. Work a little harder,yms will succeed.A. thenB. orC. butD. and9. Pm afraid Samsee you now. 1 Ecs terribly busyA, can*tBP rnustnHC. &houldn*rDr neednt10. Jim couldjf 1 win the gmuc he trie J hard.A, becauseB. thoughC, ifD. wherher1;MIKE MARFORISOLDOVERC. teacherA Truck driver

5、sB. Taxi driversC Bus drivers13. 6-D1AL-CAB is theof a taxi company.Common laxiBooking Numb(u6-DIAL-CAB / 6 342 5222A. phone numberB name14. Its belter to eat die CORN DOG beforeC address. 2016二. 语言应用(壳程单卡图书)(本大题共10小題.每小题2分.共20分) 从A、B、C三个备选项中,选岀最佳选项。错选、多选或未选均无分。Part A11. Mike Marfbri is aA. business

6、manB. doctor12. What kind of drivers are not needed?Taxi DriversNeededWOMEN AHD MEN Capable and trustworthy to work dxy ana mgnt Also drivers wM limousine licence and truck diivecs. Contacl our agent at 426-68810A. Aug. 16B. Aug. 26CORN DOG30J08.16total空竺C. Aug. 3015. What will happen if Tom uses a

7、Standard l icket 6 times?MRTStandard Ticket 屯USE6 times to I DiscountA. Hell save 10C. B. Hell pay 10C more.C. Hell pay only 10C.16. If you buy a LONDON PRIDE during the HAPPY HOUR, you can get a freeA. HAPPY HOURB. LONDON PRIDE C. WEIHENSTEPHAN17, The customers should pay.3Pork Ribs Soup$21.001Brai

8、sed Pigs Trotters$ 7.001Kai Lans 6.001Mee Sua Soup$ 2.501Plain Rice$ 0.901Chinese Tea 8agX 1.201Home Made Lime Juice$ 1.80Sub-Total$ 40.401% Svc Charge$ 0.407% GST$ 2.8511:56totalS43.65CashSO.OOchange、635Table: 20 Guest; 3 fact & time: 27-OS-1C ll:$0 Cashier:Mnjair)nA. before they sit downB. once th

9、ey order their foodC. when the food is on their tablePart BReceipt no.:00133081J - 18. The receipt is most likely from a.A. restaurantB. barC. bank19. According to the receipt, how much is a bowl of Pork Ribs Soup?A. $3.B.$7.C. $21.20. According to the receipt, how much is the total cost?A. $40.40.B

10、. $43.65.C. $50.三、阅读理解(淘栄搜索:亮程单招)本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个备选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。错选.多选或未选均 无分.AReduce, reuse and recycle! These arc 3 ways we can do away with waste Keeping a clean earth is good for our health! If we keep our air and land wastc-frcc, wc will be happier and healthier.It is im

11、portant to reduce what we buy. Imagine if everyone in the world bought as much as they wanted Then they did not use everything Wc should have a lot of waste on Earth. We should buy less and make smart choices about what to buy. It is better to buy one big container of milk Try not to buy singleservi

12、ng cups.Reusing items is another way to control waste. We can use many things again and share them with others.For example, we should buy reusable forks and knives instead of ones we throw away. Bring cups to the codec shop and cloth bags to the store If we have clothing we do not want anymore, nost

13、 a yard sale or bnng thiem to a second-hand store tor someone else to buy.Many things can be recycled. They can be remade into the same thing ur new things. Recycling uses less energy and fewer resources Aluminum cans, card board, and plastic hollies can be recycledWhat we do with our waste affects

14、our Earth Keep our planet clean Reducing, reusing, and recycling are imponant for the Earth. They are also tun and easy to do!21. How can we reduce whai we buy according to paiagiaph 2?A. By buying less.C By using bigger things.22. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A. Throwing away waste.C. Sharing r

15、esources23. How is paragraph 3 mainly developed?A. By questioningC. By idling a story.B. By buying moreD. By using smaller tilings.B. Reusing waste. D Saving money.B. By comparing. I). By giving examples.D. Second-hand forks24. Which of the lollop ing items can be recycled acuoiding to the text?C. Coffee cups.A. Plastic bottles. B. Cloth b



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