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1、英语中常见的 20 组易混淆单词词组辨析1. company, companion, accompanyI really enjoy her company.我非常享受她的陪伴。 Company 表示一种抽象概念。She is a good companion. 她是一个很好的伙伴, companion 是一个 具体的概念The bike has accompanied me for a long time. accompany 陪伴。是动词,2.in that case , in case thatIn that case ,I can forgive you.如果是那种情况,我原谅你。Yo

2、u should bring some medicine in case that you have astomachache .你应该带点药以防你胃疼。3.incident , accident ,affair , eventBefore going away, he arranged his business affairs . 一般是指一些 琐事,小事,也可泛指事务,要用复数。Every housewife can get injured in household incidents . 一般指一些 生活中的不愉快的事件He witnessed the car accident yest

3、erday. 的事件。一般指车祸,事故或者突发We are gathering today to talk about this family event. 一般指比较 大的事情,或者意义重大的事情。4.separate , dividePlease separate the good apples from the bad ones. 的事物、东西分开,常与 from 连用。把聚合在一起Please divide the apple into two parts. 与 into 连用。把一个整体分成若干部分,常5.broad , wideShe lost her heart to the s

4、oldier with the broad shoulder and the deep voice. 指某物覆盖面的范围,肩、背、胸。His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 离以及广泛之意。着重指边沿间相隔的距6.energy , force , power , strengthYoung people usually have more energy than the old. 表现出的生机勃勃的“力”。指人在活动中He had to use force to get the lid off the can. 发挥出来的“力量”。You ca

5、n really feel the power of the sun here. 象和具体的力。指为克服阻力而运用或含义最广,包括一切抽He hasn t got enough strength to get out of bed. 的耐力、抵抗力、气力。指人或物体内在7.especially , specially , particularlyThe Great Wall had been added to, rebuilt andrepaired, especially during the Ming Dynasty.尤其These books are specially written

6、for beginners.指为某一特别目的而做。He was particularly / especially interested in the stories aboutkings.意义相仿,常可通用。Rice grows well in their county, especially in their village.8.buy , cost , pay , spend , takebuy: 指购买。常见搭配: buy sb. sth.; buy sth. for sb. / sth.cost: 指花钱、时间、劳力等。 . Sth. cost sb sth.pay: 指花钱 . 常

7、见搭配: Sb. pay money for sth.spend: : 指花钱、 时间等。 常见搭配: Sb. spend in doing sth. / on sth.take: 主要指花时间。 常见结构: It takes / took sb. some time to do sth.9. bring, take, carry, fetchbring 拿来,take 带走,carry 随身携带,fetch 去回这一往返动作 fetch a box of chalk例句:Policemen are allowed to carry guns.10. sleeping, asleep, sle

8、epysleeping 正在睡觉,asleep 睡着,熟睡,只能做表语,sleepy 困的,有睡意的A sleeping baby/ The baby is asleep./ Im sleepy.11. in place of, in the place ofin place of 代替,in the place of 在地方例句: A new building is built in the place of the old one.12. pay for, pay back, pay offpay for 为付钱,pay back 还钱,但不一定还清,pay off 还清 pay for

9、the book, pay off the debt13. be familiar to, be familiar withbe familiar to 某物对某人来说是熟悉的,be familiar with 某人熟悉某物The book is familiar to me. Im familiar with the book.14. agree with, agree to, agree onagree with sb 同意某人,agree to sth 同意某事,agree on 在上达成一致意见,主语是复数 agree with you, agree to the plan15. on

10、 earth, on the earth, in the earthon earth 在世上,在人间,到底,究竟,一点也不What on earth happened just now? 刚才究竟发生了什么?on the earth 在地上,在地球上in the earth 在地下,在泥土里16. on the way, in the wayon the way 在前往的路上,in the way 挡路They are on the way home. 他们在回家的路上。The chair is in the way. 椅子挡道了。17. the sameas, the samethatthe

11、 sameas 和一样的(相似但不同一), the samethat 同一 物体This is the same pen that I used yesterday. (同一支笔)Can you buy me the same hat as this one? (类似的一顶帽子)18. as well, as well asas well 也,常放于句末,;as well as 并列连词,放在句中,相当于 and。He is a professor, and a writer as well.I brought some pancakes as well as soft drinks.19.q

12、uiet , silent , stillBe quiet and get on with your work.安静的,寂静的。表自然环境,表生性安静,不易激动。You must learn when to speak and when to keep silent . 表沉默的。 表示不说话,不弄出声音。He asked the woman to keep still in case she hurt the neck. 不动的。指人表面无动作。安静的,20.scene , scenery , sight , viewThe scene after the earthquake was horrible.指展现在眼前的情景,也可指 scenery 的一部分。含景物中的人。He had a chance to see the historical sights of London. 指场景、眼前 看到的景观。可指名胜、风景。用复数。Hangzhou is world-famous for its beautiful scenery. 指某地总的自然 风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel. 看到部分景色。指从远处或高处


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