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1、第 1 章 理解供应链1. 如果在一家便利店购买一听苏打水,请描述供应链的不同阶段,并且说明涉及的流程。When a customer purchases a can of soda at a convenience store, his purchase represents the end of a supply chain s delivery of an item and the beginning of information regarding his purchase flowing in the opposite direction.The supply chain stage

2、s include customers, retailers, wholesalers/distributors, manufacturers, and component/raw material suppliers. A customer s purchase moves product towards the customer and dollars and information towards the retailer.The retailer places an order from the wholesaler/distributor to replenish stock, th

3、ereby moving information back up the supply chain while moving product down the supply chain. As the order is filled, the retailer will move dollars back up the supply chain.The wholesaler/distributor transmits information and dollars to the manufacturer who produces product and ships it down the su

4、pply chain to the wholesaler.Finally (or initially, depending on your perspective) the manufacturer moves orders (information) and dollars towards suppliers in exchange for material flow into their production processes.当一个顾客在便利店买一听苏打水,他的购买行为代表着一个商品在供应链中传递的结束,同 时他顺利的购买行为代表着信息在供应链相反方向的开始。供应链平台包括消费者、零售

5、商、批发商/分销商、生产者和零件/原材料供应商。一个顾客的 购买行为是商品向顾客的转移与信息向零售商的转移。零售商从批发商/分销商那列出一份订单,以便补充库存。因此信息是沿着供应链逆向移动而 商品是顺着供应链正向移动。当订单完成后,零售商将会把资金沿着供应链的逆向传至供应链上游。批发商/分销商将信息与资金传递给生产者即生产产品,并将(产品)顺着供应链送至批发商 手中的一方。最后(或最初,取决于你自己的观点)生产者将订单(信息)和资金转移给供应商以换取材料 来投入生产流程。5. 考虑顾客从亚马逊订购书籍的供应链,辨别推/拉界限以及这两个流程的推动和拉动阶段。In Amazon s origina

6、l operations design the push/pull boundary existed betwixt the retailer (Amazon) and their distributor. Amazon ordered product from the distributor and the customer order arrived. Today, Amazon has six warehouses where it stocks an inventory of items it is confident that will sell. In this scenario,

7、 the push/pull boundary exists between the customer and the retailer.Processes in the pull phase are the order fulfillment, shipping, customer returns, and customer billing. Processes in the push phase are production, stock replenishments, shipping, and payment.在亚马逊的原始运营设计中,推/拉边界存在于零售商(亚马逊)和他们的分销商之间

8、。亚马 逊从分销商和顾客手中获取订单后订购产品。如今亚马逊有六个仓库,在这六个仓库中存放着确定 会被卖出的商品。在这种情况下,推/拉边界存在于顾客和零售商之间。拉动阶段为订单的满足,运输,顾客的反馈与顾客的发票。推动阶段是生产,库存的补充,运 输与付款。第 2 章 供应链绩效:赢得战略匹配与战略范围8. 711 便利店、超级市场连锁店和没过好市多这样的折扣零售商,他们面临的隐含不确定性有 什么不同?When customers go to a convenience store chain such as 7-Eleven, they go there for the convenience

9、of a nearby store and are not necessarily looking for the lowest price. Implied demand uncertainty would be high as customers are looking for a variety of products and convenience versus cost and demand levels are hard to predict.A supermarket chain focuses on cost and quality, with some specialty c

10、hains adding flexibility by carrying a broader range of products that may be targeted towards customers interested in organic products or ethnic cuisine. Implied demand uncertainty for a supermarket chain tends to be low; shoppers are typically repeat customers and have a constant demand level. The

11、supermarket supply chain must be responsive by receiving produce quickly to ensure freshness and have a high service level. Supermarket supply chains tend to be well-established and can improve strategic fit by emphasizing speed to maintain freshness, hence perceived quality.Low price is very import

12、ant to customers of discount retailers such as Costco. This customer is willing to tolerate less variety and even purchase very large package sizes as long as the price is low. Customer demand can be more predictable and supply side needs are large and fairly stable.当顾客去类似 7-11 的连锁便利店时,他们追求的是邻近商店的便利

13、,寻找最低价对他们来说并没有必要。顾客寻找各种各样的商品时,便利性和成本相对,需求水平很难预料,隐含的需求不 确定性会很高。超级市场连锁店关注成本和质量,一些特色的连锁店因为持有大范围的目标客户群 为对邮寄产品和民族烹饪有兴趣的顾客的商品而增加了对灵活性的关注。超级市场连锁店的隐含需 求不确定性偏低,因为光顾的通常是老顾客并且有一个持续的需求水平。超级市场供应链一定要通 过快速接收产品进行响应以确保新鲜度并保持高服务水平。9. 当供应链的每个环节仅仅专注于自己的利润时,在作决定时会引起哪些问题?识别一些有助于 零售商和制造商共同努力去拓展战略匹配范围的行动。High inventories,

14、poor quality, low customer service, increased returns are just a number of problems that occur when each stage of a supply chain focuses solely on its own profits. The trucking company requires full truck loads for delivery forcing the retailer to carry more inventory than wanted or needed. The supp

15、lier offers discounts to their buyers to maximize production but forcing the buyers to purchase in larger quantities than desired. This concept was very prevalent during the 1950s and 1960s as companies to minimize local costs and maximize their own profits.Today, retailers and manufacturers have th

16、e opportunity to plan promotions jointly such as Wal-Mart and P&G. They can share sales information to determine customer trends. Joint product development opportunities are being explored throughout the supply chain between retailers, manufacturers and raw material suppliers.当供应链的每个环节仅仅专注于自己的利润时,(会造成)高库存、低质量、低客户服务,获得的 回报。运输公司要进行整车运输迫使零售商持有的库存比需求多。供应商给买家提供价格折扣以使 生产最大化,却导致购买者买进超过需求的大批量商品。这个观念,在公司将成本最小化并且使自 己的利润最大化的20世纪50 年代到60年代很流行。现今,零售商和



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