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1、Xinyang Normal University Graduate Graduation Thesis Subject: Impacts of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiation Major: Business English Name: yangzisai Student No: 130211200373 ID number: Department: henan poly-technic institute Tel: Supervisor: Li jiajia Date: 2012-10-29Contents

2、 INTRODUCTION11. TYPES OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES21.1Value View21.2. Negotiating Style21.3. Thinking Model22. IMPACT OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS4 2.1 .1Environmental Factors . 5 2.1.2 Personal Factors in Business Negotiation . 5 2.1.3 Impact between USA&China Differen

3、ce on Negotiation. 62.2 Impact of Negotiating Style Differences on International Business Negotiations. 72.3 Impact of Thinking Model Differences on International Business Negotiation.83. COPING STRATEGY OF NEGOTIATING ACROSS CULTURES.93.1 Making Preparations before Negotiation.93.2 Overcoming Cultu

4、ral Prejudice.103.3 Conquering Communication Barriers.10CONCLUSION11Bibliography. 21 Acknowledgements. 22 摘要在现代商业的快速发展过程中,文化一直都起着非常重要的作用。同样地, 文化对商务谈判的影响也不可小觑。影响谈判的因素有很多,其中文化差异的存 在尤为重要,甚至会直接影响到商务谈判的结果。只有正确认识并妥善把握中西 方文化差异,才能不断提高自己的谈判技巧,强化自身优势,推进商务谈判的顺 利进行。然而,目前在商务谈判过程中,对文化差异的存在而产生的影响,人们 并没有给予足够的重视。本文通

5、过对商务谈判相关内容的分析研究,找出文化差 异在商务谈判中的重要性之所在;通过对比分析各因素对商务谈判的影响,从而 寻求文化差异对商务谈判的作用以及与各因素间的关系;最后研究得出结论,文 化差异对商务谈判有很大的影响,只有正确认识并妥善把握中西方文化差异,才 能不断提高自己的谈判技巧,强化自身优势,推进商务谈判的顺利进行。 关键词:商务谈判;文化差异;提高;谈判技巧AbstractCulture has been playing a very important role in the rapid development of modern business. Similarly, the i

6、mpact it has on business negotiation is also very great. There are many factors influencing business negotiation, among them, cultural differences are of special importance. The result might be changed due to the differences in culture. As long as we know about the differences in culture and further

7、 more make full use of them, the process of negotiation can goes on smoothly. However, nowadays, enough attention has not been paid to the impact of cultural differences on business negotiation. This thesis points out the importance of cultural differences existing in negotiation by collecting and s

8、tudying connected information, tries to find out the relationship between business negotiation and all factors that influence negotiation, and finally come to the conclusion that as long as we have a good knowledge of cultural differences, which has great impact on the business negotiation, we can i

9、mprove our negotiation skills and promote the process of negotiation. Keywords: business negotiation; cultural differences; improve; negotiation skillsIntroductionAlong with the advancement globalization and Chinas WTO entry, business enterprises in China have to face more and more business negotiat

10、ions with foreign enterprises, especially with American enterprises. In these negotiations, Chinese negotiators sometimes feel uncomfortable, puzzled, lost, irritated and the alike, because of unfamiliar custom and behaviors demonstrated by American negotiators. Meanwhile, American negotiators confr

11、ont the same situation. Cult rural differences between China and west countries could cause many problems. Therefore, understanding cultural differences and overcoming them is crucial in international business negotiations.Although the definition of culture is numerous and vague, it is commonly Reco

12、gnized that culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, values, attitudes and expectations. Culture is a major determinant in business negotiation. So have a clear picture of culture differences if of great significance. 1. Types of Culture DifferencesThe east countries and west countries have p

13、roduced different cultures on the different continents. Among the different cultures, value views, negotiating style and thinking model appear more obvious.1.1Value ViewValue view is the standard that people use to asses objective things. It includes time view, equality view and objectivity. People

14、may draw a different or even contradictory conclusion about the same thing. Value view is one of the most important differences among the many factors. It can influence the attitude, needs and behavior of people. The value view varies from nation to nation, people know that the eastern person focus on collectivism, while the western people pay more attention to individualism.1.2. Negotiating S



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