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1、悲惨世界电影英文简介 悲惨世界本片的前身是同名音乐剧,根据法国大文豪维克多;雨果86年发表的同名长篇小说改编,下面是小编为你整理的悲惨世界电影英文简介,希望对你有用!悲惨世界简介&ut;Miera world&uo; i i tecommmoation of thefamous Frenc writer Huo20 annvesary o the birthoh&qut;tai wordquot; ublshed 0 anniersary ohe ocason,direted by om b'slm, by Huh Jakmn, RuselCrwe, Anne Hathway, Ama

2、nd Seerid her star The film ith preecessoro e saa muscal, acodng tte Frenc writer Vtor Hugo pishedi 162, the sa nameovel adpaiTesto oft filmocred n the9t centr ance, the poor farmer Jea Valean (Hugh Jackmaonmens)becse fread and mrisomntfor many years, after theparol was onc gn ignr he lw, ad tostrto

3、fee.Afte beng onesse to is sho&39;nfluence, ea Vale wsdeterine o trn te hartndstart a new life. T yars latr he ecme ccessfulbinessmn nbcm mayor, ut ab ursued y he ironofficeJaver (RuselCrow). Feuy, 22X, te filmqot;miserabwrl"in mainlnd Chin.悲惨世界剧情简介 In te ninetnth centur in Par, thepor an A hd

4、o go breadfor he hngr hildr, n th rlt wssetnced t yearsofhad aor. Afe avit rin,eerte Ra h lte ouning bshop sty oent,butstl hbishp39;s sve led, ater being agty thepolice The bisop clime hatesilverwarewas gven ohim,sott an ai wa fre fromarret. Bisop' wrds deeds of he role of Ran h l im, h alaadele

5、ie, fr heeart ofthae of hard wok, tn ers laer to bome a sucssfu busiessman nd hn he mayo. Atthis time, befoeto size hs oech Shawi appar, en n ookinfhs touble. n tmeantime, Ran Aha learnedtetraicexperienceo the rostitus, ndpromisedto take cae f heriegiimate gil Eight ears heassed, clm lieesurgen - Ke

6、ste fell i loe wit te Replca outh Maliusus, the vgorousParpopl urising broe u, the rogue dnadie adRaA lt agameet,and ovethe yeas eve gve up thepusit of Ra h let tepichief S Wei al aeard infont oan Ahlet悲惨世界幕后制作 reatvebackgroun Orignal o the adptti Asearly a1988,AlanPark as reay to proceedwith musica

7、l aapted from he Ho novel&qot;ad Word&uo;. At tate, n Parke s fnty, ws anoigal musa.Bu h then lette cr, and the film diretorwsalso reaced i1991, rce esfordI99, he ilm produce ameron cInohannonceht TriStar fl cmpany will me hefilm. But then, the im wa kiked nto the tash, dp in the prepartorystage

8、an nogetwaym in 2X, cInsh cormd that the g and ne vrion of te &ut;miserabl worl&qot; wll b from th presgou msical adptd from, rathe tha orignal son a danc. McIntoshai thatater s mayars oardwork nd stuggle,hpin o findailling t use h originl craie staff, incling h own workt te directorof he st.Thedire

9、co in six yeas late, hsenth dor,he ntact n202, thedirtorof cIntled mobo.Forhis own abii to ie this drama, Hobr is ver xcited, becausein his vie,"traic world msial&ut; s ret or. e himseto a to, h top is landmar case inhisheart, "iserab wor" usls an unarlleworkInid the mus, inide te yri

10、c are wonderul Moreover,Hug';sorigia one of theworld's ostprecious culuralwealth.Can e to ti crew, and th famos namsi e hsryof workng oee, deielya geating. Adapttin of the music is not oo diffult, becusehe oginal sicais a plot,threre stories of he man or Hobo dhisrrs needo do s t finheright s

11、ag f thismuic, backgroun an actrs. In thflonthe round, Hobo didd toring thecrew ttheFenchfilm. So h whle e ameo rce, andbeas te actor schee problems, someof h lens h in theUnited ngdomandthenited Sates. Morever, cordin to the rurmts o Mcntosh,hoeusica mster f thecreativeafalso came to cew wk, peiall

12、y the original musical cor lde ihellchonbrg nd lyricitAanBubier hve come Ce wrk. Schonbgi adi to original tne oth flm torwrie h usic, ut aso wthBbir togter o the fil t a new song he newsong is calld &uot;Suddenly,qot;anMcKints sid hew sn explns wyJean-de Jan let hmtake her away from theiro andkeep kn care of hr.This is songi th ilm, but also the ost exiig rt of thefilm.Sooing prcsn the at songd nce mvies, ining ad danc lm is diided nwo parts t



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