八年级英语外研版上册(单元语法讲练) Module 10 Lao She’s Teahouse

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1、初中英语考点剖析与典题精讲系列三点剖析单词典句考点interest n. 兴趣【经典例句】His two great interests in life are music and painting.他一生中的两大爱好是音乐和绘画。【考点聚焦】1)形容词:interesting有趣的;interested感兴趣的;动词:interest;2)常见搭配:be interested in/take an interest in对感兴趣。【活学活用】1.选择The young and the old all take an in Harry Potter. They think its very .

2、A.interest;interestingB.interesting;interestC.interested;interestingD.interest;interested答案:Aoffer v.提议【经典例句】He offered to help me with my French.他愿意帮我学法语。【考点聚焦】1)作“提出,提议”之意,后常接不定式作宾语,即offer to do sth.表示愿意做某事,带有主动之意;2)作“提供”之意,后接双宾语,即offer sb.sth.或offer sth.to sb.如:He offered me a cup of tea.他请我喝了一杯茶

3、。【活学活用】2.选择They him a job in the company,but he refused(拒绝).A.offeredB.tookC.showedD.gave答案:Aagree v.同意【经典例句】I quite agree with what you say.你所说的我很赞成。【考点聚焦】1)派生词:agreement n.;反义词:disagree2)常见搭配:agree with sb./what sb.say同意某人或某人说的话;agree to sth.同意某个观点、计划等,如:agree to my plan 同意我的计划;agree on doing sth.

4、/agreeto do sth.同意做某事,如:agree to stay at home/agree on staying at home 同意待在家里。【活学活用】3.单句改错My mother didnt agree with my idea. 答案:把with改为toalmost adv.几乎【经典例句】Hurry up!Its almost time for school.赶快,差不多到上学时间了。【考点聚焦】1)反义词:hardly adv.几乎不2)同义词:nearly 几乎,差不多。有时almost和nearly可以换用,但如果要表达“差一点儿”还是用almost确切,如:I

5、almost fell down.我差一点儿没跌倒。句中有no,none,nothing,never等词时,不可以用nearly,但可以用almost,如:I have almost no money.我几乎没钱。【活学活用】4.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词The old woman n fell down on the floor when she cleaned the room.答案:nearlyneighbourhood n.邻近,附近【经典例句】 There must be something in our neighbourhood.我们附近一定有什么东西。【考点聚焦】 注意nei

6、ghbor和neighbourhood的区别:neighbor指邻居,如:My neighbor,Mr Liu is a kind person.我的邻居王先生是个和蔼的人。neighbourhood指附近地区,不指具体某户人家,常用于in the neighbourhood中。【活学活用】5.单句改错There is a supermarket in our neighbor. 答案:把neighbor改为neighbourhoodlose v. 失去,失败【经典例句】 They lost the game.他们输掉了比赛。【考点聚焦】1)反义词:win赢得,其宾语是比赛、战争、名次、奖品等

7、。如:America won the war against Iraq.美国赢得了伊拉克战争。2)同义词辨析:beat打,打败,其宾语是人、队伍、国家、团体等。如:Our school beat them in the football match.在这次足球赛中我们学校打败了他们。【活学活用】 6.选择(厦门中考)Its hard to say who will the match in the end.They are neck and neck.A.winB.beatC.fightD.play答案:A短语典句考点take place 发生【经典例句】Great changes have

8、taken place in my hometown.我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。【考点聚焦】同义词辨析:take place指预先计划或预料之中的事情“发生”;而happen强调偶然性“发生”,如:A car accident happened yesterday.昨天发生了一起车祸。此外,sth.happen to sb.是“某人发生了某事”;happen to do sth.是“碰巧做某事”。【活学活用】7.选词填空happen/take place1)This story in Shanghai.2)What to Jim?3)World War in 1939.答案:1)happene

9、d2)happened3)took placesay goodbye to.向告别【经典例句】I have to say goodbye to you now.现在我不得不向大家告别了。【考点聚焦】类似结构:say hello to 向某人问好;say sorry to 向某人道歉;say yes to 同意某人;say no to 不同意某人。give a welcome to sb.欢迎某人【经典例句】 Lets give our wonderful welcome to everyone.让我们热烈欢迎各位的到来。【考点聚焦】1)短语中的welcome是个名词,类似搭配还有give a

10、cold welcome to.冷脸相对;give a warm/wonderful welcome to.热烈欢迎2)welcome作动词,常用于welcome to.结构中,表示“欢迎到来”;welcome作形容词,如:Youre welcome.别客气。fall in love with.爱上【经典例句】I fell in love with Paris when I first get there.我第一次去巴黎就爱上了这座城市。【考点聚焦】要记住以fall为中心的一些短语:fall into 落入fall down 落下fall off 从落下fall asleep 入睡fall o

11、ver 向前跌倒【活学活用】 8.根据汉语提示填空Rose (爱上)Jack in the film Titanic.答案:fell in love with句子剖析拓展 The play shows the audience life in China between 1898 and 1945.这部话剧向观众展示了1898到1945年间中国老百姓的生活。【剖析】这是个简单句,show后跟了双宾语the audience(间接宾语)和life(直接宾语),in China between 1898 and 1945作定语修饰life。【拓展】show sb.sth.= show sth.to

12、 sb.。因此show the audience life还可换成show life to the audience。Finally,it says goodbye to old Beijing and its people.最后它向老北京及老北京人告别了。【剖析】it指“茶馆这部戏”,its是形容词性物主代词修饰people,finally强调活动过程的终结。【拓展】1)在叙述事情发生的先后时,通常first.,then.,finally.;2)finally同义词组为at last/in the end。Finally,he went back to China.最后,他回到了中国。Lao

13、 Shes Teahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world.老舍茶馆热烈欢迎来自中国及世界各地的朋友的光临。【剖析】介词短语from China and from all over the world 用作everyone 的定语。【拓展】形容词作定语一般置于名词之前,短语作定语一般放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。Students from China study much harder.来自中国的学生学习努力得多。In the end,the captain falls i

14、n love with Maria and marries her.最后,上尉爱上了玛丽亚并娶了她。【剖析】 1)这是一个and连接的并列句,falls in love with Maria 和marries her是两个并列的动作;2)marry为及物动词,marry sb.是“嫁了或娶了某人”。【拓展】 “和某人结婚”是get married to sb.而非get married with sb.。She got merried to him last year.她去年嫁给了他。语法剖析不定式用法之二双宾语当我们表达“给某人某物”时,出现两个动作的承受者,一是物,二是人,那该如何排列使用呢?又有哪些词后跟双宾语呢?典题精讲经典题型 完形填空。阅读下面文章,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Charlie Chaplin spent over 70 years acting both on stages(舞台) and films.But do you know 1 he began his artistic career?When Chaplin was five years old,his father d


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