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1、新概念一生必读的英语经典美文第44篇:生命中的四位爱人(双语)新概念英语晨读系列之一生必读48篇英文美文,美文不仅可以开阔视野,拓宽知识面,还可以净化思想,涤荡心灵,使人生臻44. Four wives in our lives生命中的四位爱人In former days, there was a wealthy merchant, who owned billion acres of fertile land, a considerable sum of property, and multiple compounds (estates). He was the acknowledged l

2、eader at home and had four wives.从前,有一位富有的商人,家有良田万顷,大量财富和多处庄园。在家里,他说一不二。他有四位爱人。He had the greatest affection on the fourth wife, who enjoyed the beautiful brows and face-a fairy in his eyes. To amuse her, the merchant gave her a life of luxury, bought her fashionable blouses and boots, and took her

3、out to dine on delicious food. Each of their marriage anniversary, he would celebrate.他最钟爱他最小的妻子,她有着姣好的面容,在他眼里简直就是个仙女。为了讨好她,商人给她最奢华的生活,给她买时髦的衣裳,吃美味的佳肴。他们的每个结婚纪念日都要庆祝。He was also fond of his third wife very much. She was amateur poet with great literacy and dignity. To approve of her, he gave her pre

4、vailing poetry as a present, visited the museum with her to see the antiques and went to the concert to enjoy the music of great musicians and pianists. He was very proud of her and introduced her and showed her to his friends. Nevertheless, he was always in great fear that she might go elsewhere wi

5、th some other guys.商人也很爱第三们妻子。她是一位业余诗人。她喜欢风雅,知书达理,端庄典雅。为了满足她的个人爱好,商人送她流行诗集,陪她参观博物馆的古董,听著名音乐爱的音乐会。他为她感到骄傲,把她介绍给朋友们,并常把好作为在朋友面前炫耀的资本。但他同时也忧心忡忡,怕她跟其他男人跑了。His second spouse too, won his preference. As a cashier, she was keen and capable and energetic in commercial issues. Wherever he faced critical prob

6、lems, he always turned to his second wife. And shed always attempted to help him cope with the problems such as ash collection or conflicts with clients. Hence, to thank his second wife, he went to excursion with her for entertainment every several years. 当然,商人也爱第二位妻子。她是个管账的。生意上的事,她既热心又能干。每每遇到棘手的问题,

7、他就会向她求助,而她也总能尽力帮他解决诸如筹钱,或与顾客之间的争执等事情。因此,作为答谢,商人每隔几年都会跟她出去游玩消遣。His first wife was a very conservative and faithful partner. She was a woman of goodness and honesty. As a housewife, she made a great contribution to nourishing children and caring husband and doing homework. Accidentally, she appeared t

8、o be little clumsy and ignorant. Although the merchant had prejudice towards her, she maintained her patience to wait for him to come back to her. She was a woman of great breadth of mind. 商人的第一个妻子是一个保守的人,也是一位忠诚的伴侣。她善良诚实。作为一个家庭主妇,她照顾丈夫,养育儿女,做家务活。偶尔,她略有些笨拙和木讷。尽管商人对她有成见,她也不恼,很有耐心地等丈夫回心车转意。看来,她是一个胸怀宽广的

9、女子。After many years, the merchant felt deadly ill of abusing alcohol. He knew it couldnt cure. He was pale and stiff. When he reelected on his life-time, he couldnt help yelling, “Now, I have four wives . But when I die Ill be solitary. How lonely I will be!” 几年以后,商人因酗酒病重,他自知无法治愈,将不久于人世。他脸色苍白,身体僵硬。当

10、他回顾自己的一生,不禁叫道:“现在我虽然有四个妻子相伴,但死后却要孤零零一人。多寂寞啊!”Suffering from the sting of the body, he asked the fourth wife, “I have attached to you the most affection, and bought pretty clothes to you and spent every festival with you. Now I am dying, will you follow me?” “Pardon? I am not a self- sacrificing sain

11、t. No way!” The fourth wife who was sipping tea idly in her fur coat, defied himThe answer made the merchant fiercely disappointed on her conscience. 忍着剧痛,他问小老婆:“我最疼你,给你买最漂亮的衣服,每个节日都陪你过。现在我就要离开这个世界了,你愿意陪我而去吗?”“什么?我又不是圣人!绝对不可能!”此刻,她正身穿裘皮大衣,悠闲地喝着茶。商人对小老婆的回答非常地失望。Then he asked the third wife, “Do you r

12、emember our romantic experience? Now that I am dying, will you follow me?” the third wife glimpsed against him, “No” she denied. “I couldnt bear the tedious life in hell. I deserve a better life. Consequently, it is of necessity that I marry other guys afterwards.” Then she was calculating the route

13、 of other millionaires home. 伤心的商人继而问第三个妻子:“你记得我们的浪漫经历吗?如今,我将不久于人世,你愿意陪我而去吗?”“不!”她拒绝道,“我无法忍受乏味的生活,我有权享受好的生活。因此,不久以后我会改嫁他人。”此刻,她正考虑着去其他富翁家的路线呢。The answer also hurt the merchant, and then he resorted to his second life. “Youve always facilitated me out. Now I barely beg you once more. When I die, will

14、 you follow me?” “I am sorry” she frowned, claiming, “I can only attend your funeral ceremony” the answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant felt like being discarded. Then she was modifying the items of business contract. 第三位妻子的回答也伤害了他,他再转向第二位妻子,问道:“你过去常常为我排忧解难。现在我想再请你帮一次忙。我死后,你愿意随我而去?”她皱

15、了皱眉说道,“我只能参加你的葬礼仪式。”这句话犹如晴天霹雳,商人彻底觉得被抛弃了。此刻,她正在修改一个商业合同的条款。Then voice wept: “we are bound couple. I will go alongside wherever you go” the merchant awoke, stoking his wifes coarse palm. She was so lean. Thinking of her fatigue year after year, he was greatly touched and said miserably. “I should hav

16、e treasured you before!” she was doing the laundry for rim, 这是时,一个声音哭泣道:“我愿意随你一同离去。无论你到哪里,我都跟着你。”商人猛然惊醒,抚摸着大老婆粗糙的手掌。她是那么消瘦,又想到她年复一年,日夜操劳,一时心痛不已。商人悲痛地说:“我以前应该好好地珍惜你啊!此刻,大老婆正在为他洗衣服。Virtually, we all respectively have four wives in our lives. The fourth tender wife represents our body. Despite the fact we spend time making it look good, it will distract from us when we die. Our third wife is our possessions, remarkable fame or noble status.


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