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1、朗阁雅思培训中心Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations雅思考试阅读考题回顾朗阁雅思培训中心 徐航考试日期2014年12月13日Reading Passage 1Title笑声的起源(生命科学类)Question types人名观点配对题 6题Summary 4题判断题 3题文章内容回顾11-13判断题:11. 当同性成员在一起,无论男女,他们笑的都更多。12. 灵长类动物不能像人类一样通过呼吸来有效地控制笑声。13. 与鼠类相比,黑猩猩容易在更多的场合发出笑声。原文重现题型难度分析第一篇是经典机经旧文,版本号V100904。难度一般

2、,话题属于生命科学类文章,用动物和人做实验的特点考生也很熟悉。只是一些单词需要课下认知,例如primate, chimpanzee等。1-6人名观点配对:1. Babies and some animals produce laughter which sounds similar.选:B2. Primates are not the only animals who produce laughter. 选:D.3. Laughter can be used to show that we feel safe and secure with others.选:A4. Most human la

3、ughter is not a response to a humorous situation. 选:C5. Animal laughter evolved before human laughter. 选:B6. Laughter is a social activity.List of PeopleAProvineBZimmermanCPankscppDFlamson7-10 Summary:Some scientists believe that laughter first developed out of 7. play. Research has revealed that hu

4、man and chimp laughter may have the same 8. origins. Scientists have long been aware that 9. primates laugh, but it now appears that laughter might be more widespread than once thought. Although the reasons why humans started to laugh arc still unknown, it seems that laughter may result from the 10.

5、 confidence we feel with another person.A. combatB. chirpsC. pitchD. originsE. playF. ratsG. primatesH. confidence I. fearJ. babiesK. tickling11-13判断题TRUE/FLASE/ NOT GIVEN:11. Both men and women laugh more when they arc with members of the same sex. NOT GIVEN12. Primates lack sufficient breath contr

6、ol to be able to produce laughs the way humans do. TRUE13. Chimpanzees produce laughter in a wider range of situations than rats do. NOT GIVEN题型技巧分析判断题:顺序题型,注意定位词和考点词,注意区分FALSE和NOT GIVEN的辨析,FALSE是文章有提到信息并且与题目信息对立,NOT GIVEN是文章没提及题目所问信息,所以考点词的推测对区分FALSE和NOT GIVEN有很大影响。Summary选项题:该题型一般遵循顺序原则,若是对一段或者几段的

7、summary, 难度不大,如果是全文,难度提升。首先确定段落定位,快速浏览段落,找到和题目相关的词,注意同义替换。选项可以先浏览,做题时更加有针对性,有利于速度。人名理论配对题:无序性,注意NB1. 将list中的理论进行关键词提炼;2. 从文章第一段考察是否出现题目中的人名,如有,则看该人所说的话,再与后面选项相比较。3. 以此类推,看第二段是否出现人名,只看人所说的理论部分,与选项相比。注:如果此人第一次的理论和选项不符,则看下一次该人出现时所说的理论。剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑7 Test 4 Passage 3Reading Passage 2Title古松树(生物类)Question

8、types段落细节配对题 4题Summary填空题 6题单选题 3题文章内容回顾古代长寿松树。Bristelcone松树长在一个环境比较恶劣的地方,这种树特别长寿,平均大概可以活1000年,有个教授研究观察树的年轮,年轮窄是因为少雨。第一段介绍树,第二段讲树轮,然后讲一个科学家做的研究。相关原文阅读Standing as ancient sentinels high atop the White Mountains of the Inyo National Forest, the Great Basin Bristlecone Pines rank as the oldest trees in

9、 the world and have achieved immense scientific, cultural and scenic importance. While the oldest trees are found in the mountains of Eastern California, Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) are scattered throughout the high mountain regions of Nevada and to a lesser extent, Utah. A cousin,

10、 the Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine (Pinus aristata), is located throughout the eastern Rocky Mountain region in Colorado and New Mexico. An isolated population of the aristata is also located near Flagstaff, Arizona. A third member of the bristlecone pine family, the Sierra Foxtail pine (Pinus bal

11、fouriana) is located in the southern Sierra range and in isolated groves in northern California.Originally classified as a foxtail pine because of the needle arrangement (like a cat or foxs tail), these trees were redesignated in the late 1800s and named bristlecone due to the long prickly bristle o

12、n the immature cone. In 1963, Dr. Dana K. Bailey determined that there were significant genetic and physical differences between the bristlecones in the Great Basin and those in the Rocky Mountains. His research efforts resulted in another redesignation into two separate species named bristlecone: t

13、he Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine and the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine.In the White Mountains, the ancient bristlecone pines seem to show a preference for growing on the white, rocky soil that gives the name to this mountain range.This is Dolomite, a type of limestone created under the warm, shallo

14、w, inland sea that once covered this area. This Dolomite is very alkaline in soil chemistry and thus makes for very challenging growing conditions: precisely why the oldest trees are found here. The bristlecone pines dont actually prefer this soil type. Other plant species have a very difficult time

15、 growing in it and the bristlecones, because they have adapted to this high alkalinity, have a chance to get established and grow in a near competition-free environment. In other areas, such as the Great Basin National Park, bristlecones have established themselves on soil types that are equally inhospitable to all but the most hearty of survivors: the ancient bristlecone pines.Every year, trees produce a new layer of wood just under the bark. During a dormant period, or time of slower growth, a narrow band of dark wood is produced which when added to the lighter colored summer growth, produ


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