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1、英语语法主语及主语从句目录 主语的表示法 动名词作主语 用it作主语的句子 非人称代词it 用于强调的it 先行主语it it的其他用法 三种类型的主语从句 由that引导的主语从句 由关系代词型what引导的主语从句 there引导的句子 there+动词be there+复合谓语 there+不及物动词 内容 主语的表示法 1)名词用作主语:1)A tree has fallen across the road.一株树倒下横在路上。(2)Little streams feed big rivers.小河流入大江。2)代词用作主语:(3)Youre not far wrong.你差不多对了。

2、(4)He told a joke but it fell flat.他说了一个笑话,但没有引人发笑。3)数词用作主语:(5)Threes enough.3个就够了。(6)Four from seven leaves three.7减去4余3。4)名词化的形容词用作主语:(7)The idle are forced to work.懒汉被迫劳动。(8)Old and young marched side by side.老少并肩而行。5)副词用作主语:(9)Now is the time.现在是时候了。(10)Carefully does it.小心就行。6)名词化的介词用作主语:(11)Th

3、e ups and downs of life must be taken as they come.我们必须承受人生之沉浮。7)不定式用作主语:(12)To find your way can be a problem.你要找到路可能有困难。(13)It would be nice to see him again.如果再见到他,那将是一件愉快的事。8)动名词用作主语:(14)Smoking is bad for you.吸烟对你有害。(15)Watching a film is pleasure, making one is hard work.看电影是乐事,制作影片则是苦事。9)名词化的

4、过去分词用作主语:(16)The disabled are to receive more money.残疾人将得到更多的救济金。(17)The deceased died of old age.死者死于年老。10)介词短语用作主语:(18)To Beijing is not very far.到北京不很远。(19)From Yanan to Nanniwan was a three-hour ride on horseback.从延安到南泥湾骑马要走3个小时。11)从句用作主语:(20)Whenever you are ready will be fine.你不论什么时候准备好都行。(21)

5、Because Sally wants to leave doesnt mean that we have to.不能说因为萨利要走因而我们也得走。12)句子用作主语:(22)How do you do? is a greeting.“你好!”是一句问候语。主语可由一个以上的名(代)词等构成,这种主语可唤作并列主语,如:(23)He and I are old friends.我和他是老朋友。(24)The Party and government show great concern for our welfare.党和政府非常关怀我们的生活。并列主语中的第二个主语有时放在句末,表示添补,如

6、:(25)An old woman stood by and an old man.一位老妇站在一旁,还有一个老头儿。英语常用无人称的名词作主语,如:(26)A gun wondered him.有人用枪打伤了他。(27)The happy news brought them all to my home.他们听到这好消息后就都来到我的家。英语还常将表示时间、地点的词用作主语,如:(28)Today is your last lesson in French.今天是你们最后一堂法文课。(29)Tian An Men Square first saw the raising of the Red

7、 Flag with Five Stars on October 1st,1949.1949年10月1日天安门广场上升起了第一面五星红旗。和汉语一样,英语的主语有时用得不合逻辑,如:(30)The kettle is boiling.水壶开了。(31)My tent sleeps four people.我的帐篷可睡4个人。有时为了强调或补充,在口语中,说话人往往用名(代)词重复主语,如:(32)He is a nice man, your friend Johnson.你的朋友约翰逊,他是个好人。(33)The poison it has worked.那毒药,它起作用了。(34)To se

8、e you after such a long time, that was good.过了这么久又见到你,这太好了。有时重复主语的名(代)词可带有be, have 或助动词,如:(35)It went too far, your game did.太过分了,你耍的花招太过分了。(36)He was happy, he was.他真快乐,真快乐。(he was 亦可单独成句,变为He was)【注】注意在Lion hunter, snake handler, midwife and cook-he has been all those and more(猎狮人、耍蛇人、接生者和厨师,这些以及其

9、他职业,他都干过)这一句中的前4个名词不是主语而是外位成分。 动名词作主语 1.动名词可直接作主语:Dancing bored.跳舞使他厌烦。2.有时,动名词前可以有一代词或名词所有格表示其逻辑上的主语:Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us.他们来支援对我们是很大的鼓舞。有时还可名词化,前面带冠词:The reading of the will took place in the lawyers office.遗嘱是在律师事务所宣读的。3.有时可用先行词it作形式主语,而把作主语的动名词放到后面去:Its no use ask

10、ing me. 用it作主语的句子 1.it 最基本的用法是作人称代词,主要代表刚提到的东西以避免重复:Did the black snake frighten you?Yes,it did.那条黑蛇吓着你了吗?是的。2.也可代表抽象的事物:The government has become very unpopular since it introduced the new tax.该政府自开征新税后就变得很不得人心。3.也可以指动物或未知性别的婴儿:“Is this your dog?”No,it isnt. “这是你的狗吗?”“不是的。”Her new baby is tiny,It o

11、nly weight 2 kilos.他的新生婴儿很小,只有两公斤重。4.还可代表一个彼此都知道其何所指的东西:Does it itch much?痒得厉害吗? 非人称代词it it有时并不指具体东西,而指天气、时间、环境等,称为非人称代词,可以:1.指天气:Its raining (snowing).在下雨(雪)。2.指时间:Its Tuesday today.今天是星期二。3.指环境:It gets very crowded here in the summer.夏天这儿很拥挤。4.指距离:How far is it to Kunming?到昆明有多远? 用于强调的it 1.it可用来都句

12、子的某一成分加以强调,例如:Nancy saw your sister in Tokyo last week.可改为许多强调结构:It was Nancy who saw your sister in Tokyo last week.(强调主语)It was your sister whom Nancy saw in Tokyo last week.(强调宾语)It was in Tokyo taht Nancy saw your sister last week. (强调状语)It was last week taht Nancy saw your sister in Tokyo.(强调状语

13、)从这些句子可以看出这类句子的结构是:it+动词be+强调部分+who(m)或that+其他部分这类句子可称为分裂句,这种结构称为分裂结构。2.在强调主语时,可用who(间或用that)引导后面部分:It was Peter who lent us the money.是彼得借钱给我们。Was it you who (that) broke the window?打破窗子的是你吗?若主语是物不是人,则需用that:But here its my word that counts.但在这里是我说了算。3.在强调宾语或介词宾语时,若是人关系代词时用whom,间或用that (a),若是物则需用th

14、at (b): a: Its Tom whom you should ask.你应当问的是汤姆。 Its me that he blamed.她责怪的是我。b:Its money that they want.他们要的是钱。 It was a key that I found there.我在那里找到的是一把钥匙。4.在强调状语时后面多用that:It was on Monday night that all this happened.这一切都是在星期一夜里发生的。Why is it that you object to the idea?你为什么反对这个意见?5.在口语中,who,that

15、这类关系代词有时省略:I think it was Goethe said this.我想这话是歌德说的。It was you I thought of all the time.我一直惦念的是你。6.有些否定句可改为这种强调结构:(1)I didnt hear from her until last summer. It wasnt until last summer that I heared from her. 直到去年夏天我才接到她的信。(2)I didnt do all this for myself. It wasnt for myself that I did all this. 我做这一切并非为了我自己。间或也可变成这种结构:(1)Who called him comrade? Who was it that called him comrade? 谁把他称作“同


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