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1、 英语剧表演 音乐之声(THE SOUND OF MUSIC)剧本 1004 张蒙蕊M Maria(家教) C Captain(爸爸) L Liesl (大女儿) B Brigitta(二女儿) F Friedrich (大儿子) K Kert(小儿子) Matar(三女儿) G Gretl(小女儿) Max(管家)b5E2RGbCb5E2RGbCChapter 1This is a warm day. And something is going to happen in a house with a captain and seven children.p1EanqFDp1EanqFDM:

2、Oh, my god. One captain and seven children. What can I do? But Ill try my best. Come on, I can do it!DXDiTa9EDXDiTa9E(行至门前)Hello, any body home?Max: Yes, Im coming. whos that?M: my name is Maria, is this captains home. Im the new teacher here.RTCrpUDGRTCrpUDGMax: Ok, nice to meet you. Come in please

3、.M: nice to meet you too.Max: captain, the new teacher is here.(少校上场)Captain, this is Maria, the new teacher. and this is captain.5PCzVD7H5PCzVD7HC: Ok, Maria. As you know, Im a captain, I hope you will be strict to the children as I do. This is the signal.jLBHrnAIjLBHrnAIBoys and girls this is your

4、 new teacher, you should obey the teachers order,(行至kert面前,做挺胸动作,纠正其站姿) understand? Now introduce yourselves to the teacher. Im being off for a while. (少校下场)xHAQX74JxHAQX74JL: Im Liesl. Im sixteen years old, I dont think I need a governess.(摆头)LDAYtRyKLDAYtRyKF: Im Friedrich, Im impossible.M who tol

5、d you that?F nisses margirate, the last teacher.L: Im Louisa. there is no need to remember my name. because I think you will leave soon.(不屑)Zzz6ZB2LZzz6ZB2LB: Im Brigitta. I think your dress is the ugliest one I ever saw.dvzfvkwMdvzfvkwM(kert作查看状)K: Brigitta, you shouldnt say that.Brigitta: why not?

6、 Dont you think so?Kurt: Of course, but it isnt the ugliest. Im Kurt. Im eleven. Im incorrigible.rqyn14ZNrqyn14ZNM: Congradunations!K:What is incorrigible?M That is to say you should be treated like a boy!Marta: Im Marta.M: you didnt tell me how old you are.Marta HENG!(扭头)G: Im Gretl. I like pink an

7、d rabbit!. Glad to see you.EmxvxOtOEmxvxOtOM: Pink is also my color, nice to meet you.Now I have to tell you a secret. I have never been a governess before.SixE2yXPSixE2yXPL: you mean you dont know anything about being a governess?(凑近M)6ewMyirQ6ewMyirQK: You neednt call daddy captain.M: You shouldnt

8、 obey the time.F: When you eat noodlesG: Dont listen to them.M: Why?G Because I like you.Chapter 2Time goes by. Maria finally made good friends with the children. And today they will go for a picnic.kavU42VRkavU42VRM: Come on, children, today we are going to have a picnic, are you ready?y6v3ALoSy6v3

9、ALoSKids: Ok, lets go!L: Maria, can we do this everyday?M: Wont you get bored?L: I suppose so. Every other day?M: Kids, do you like songs? now lets singing.Boys: but we dont know how to sing.Girls: can you teach us?M: Of course. Ok, lets begin.(sing)Lets start at a very beginning. A very good place

10、to start.M2ub6vSTM2ub6vSTWhen you read you begin with Kids: A B C.When you sing you begin with doe-ray-me.Kids: doe ray me.Doe ray me, the first three notes just happen to be. Doe ray me0YujCfmU0YujCfmUKids. : doe ray me.M:duo ray mi fa sew la ti(众人作不解状,耸肩) OK let me make it easier.eUts8ZQVeUts8ZQVD

11、oe a deer, a female deer.Ray, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myself.For, a long long way to runSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow sewTea, a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to do oh-oh-oh(repeat)Chapter 3After several days,captain finally came back home.and he not

12、iced something had changed.sQsAEJkWsQsAEJkWC children? Anybody home?Max? kids?C marta? Kurt?where are you ?(M领着孩子们上台,跑跑跳跳,在遇到C时停住)C Maria,where have you gone? you shouldnt take them out ,tell me What are you doing here GMsIasNXGMsIasNXM : kids, go back to your roomsCaptain I dont think you should be

13、 that strick to the childrenTIrRGchYTIrRGchYC . Dont discuss my children.M Youve got to hear, youre|never home.C I dont want to hear more!M I know you dont, but youve got to! Liesls not a child.7EqZcWLZ7EqZcWLZSoon shell be a woman|and you wont even know her.lzq7IGf0lzq7IGf0Friedrich wants to be a m

14、an ,but youre not here to show.zvpgeqJ1zvpgeqJ1Dont you dare tell me.Brigitta could tell you about him.|She notices everything.NrpoJac3NrpoJac3Kurt acts tough to hide the pain|when you ignore him.1nowfTG41nowfTG4.the way you do all of them.Louisa, I dont know about yet.C Lady, please be quiet.M The

15、little ones just want love.|Please, love them love them all.fjnFLDa5fjnFLDa5C I dont care to hear more.M I am not finished yet, captain!C Oh, yes, you are, captain(m c 下台)(kert 将管家拉上台)(耳语请求):please please please help usMark:well.OKChapter 4Tomorrow something finally changedC:whats that?(音乐起)Mark:The children are saying the song with mariaC:they sing?Mark:yes.since Maria



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