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1、 翻译100句1. Behaviorists suggest that child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate response will experience greater intellectual development. 行为主义的看法是如果一个儿童在有许多刺激物的环境里长大,而这些刺激物能够开发其相应的反应能力,那么这个儿童将会有更好的智力发展。 2. In the “soap war” be

2、tween the two parties, tremendous use is made of stations to measure the dynamic difference in market resulting from the proportional allocation to advertising, which constitute such a large part of their production costs before selling, so that they regard their production costs as production plus

3、advertising costs. 在双方的肥皂大战中大量使用了统计学知识来测量与广告投入相应的市场份额的动态差异,这一项在售前的生产成本中占较大部分,所以他们把生产成本看作是生产费用和广告费用之和。 3. Smart cards, which can carry as much as 80 times more information on them than conventional cards with a magnetic strips, are already widely used in European countries where centralized banks can

4、 roll out new services on a nationwide basis. 智能卡载有的信息量是普通磁带卡信息量的80倍,已经在欧洲各国广泛使用,因而使欧洲各国中央银行得以在全国范围内展开新型的服务。 4. But it is clear from countries where women have smoked longest, such as the U.K. and the U.S., that smoking causes the same diseases in women as in men and the gap between their death rate

5、s is narrowing. 但有一点是无可置疑的,即从吸烟史最长的那些女性所在的国家(如英国和美国)来看,吸烟能使女性患和男性同样的疾病,而且两者死亡率的差异正在缩小。 5. The revolution soon spread to Western Europe and the U.S. which, due mainly to the development of her northeastern iron industry, became the world leading industrial nation by the late 1800s. 工业革命很快扩展到西欧和美国,美国主

6、要依靠其东北部钢铁工业的发展于19世纪后半期成为世界主要工业国。 6. The man who has not learned anything about how to understand his own intention and to make them effective, who has not learned something about what is possible and what impossible through experiences and books, will be enslaved by the political and social intentio

7、ns of other men. 没有学会了解和实现自己意图并使之产生效果的人以及没有通过经验和书本明白哪些事情会成功哪些事情做不到的人将受制于他人的政治和社会意图。 7. Thus, only a few decades ago it might have seemed that physics, which has placed nuclear energy at mans disposal, was the dangerous branch of science, while biology, which underlay improvement in medicine and also

8、 helped us to understand our dependence on the natural environment, was the beneficial branch. 因此,仅仅几十年前刚刚使人类能驾驭核能的物理学似乎是门危险的学科,而作为医学进步之基础并帮助人们认识到人类自身依赖自然环境的生物学则成了有百利而无一害的科学 8. While there are almost as many definition of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one

9、that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. 虽然有多少个历史学家就会有多少种历史学的定义,但是现代史学家的实践大多都趋向于这一种定义:历史学是再现并解释过去重大事件的学科。 9. He finds that students who were easy to teach, because they succeed in putting everything they had been taught into practice, hesitate when

10、 confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic textbooks. 他发现原来比较容易教的学生现在踌躇不前了:原来容易教是因为他们能把教给他们的所有东西都付诸实践;现在踌躇是因为他们面对着大量在基础教科书上没有接触过的英语词汇和惯用法。 10. What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for routine physica

11、l check up just before going on a vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? 比如说一个46岁的男子在于家人外出度假之前进行了常规身体检查,尽管他自己感觉很好,但医生发现他患了某种癌症,6个月内会死亡,这时医生该怎么对他讲呢? 11. God, Im glad I can talk about it with you

12、- probably you are the only outlet that I will have that wont get tired of my talking about writing. 天啊!我真高兴能与你交谈写作 - 您可能是唯一愿意听我宣泄写作体会、永远不会厌倦我谈论写作的人。 Section Two 12. As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized, it is in the interest of business to universalize access - after all, the more p

13、eople online, the more potential customers there are. 随着互联网越来越商业化,普及上网会对商家有利,因为上网的人越多,潜在的顾客人数就会越多。 13. Scientists do not know exactly how the AIDS virus damages the immune system, nor do they understand why the natural antibodies developed to destroy the virus are ineffective. 科学家们尚未能确定爱滋病是如何破坏免疫系统的

14、,他们也不明白旨在破坏这种病毒的天然抗体为什么不能发挥作用。 14. Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar worker. 很多人常常愿意牺牲较高的工资来换取白领阶层的社会地位。 15. Not until these fundamental subjects were sufficiently advanced was it possible to

15、 solve the main problems of flight mechanics. 直到这些基础科学得到充分发展才有可能解决飞行力学的主要问题。 16. This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he has to change to another, so that much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping very efficiently. 这就意味着他刚习惯了一套日程安排就得变为另一种,因此很多时间他既不能高效的工作,也不能很好地睡

16、眠。 17. Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before. 与日益增加的信息量相齐并论的是使以下情况得以实现(所需要)的技术进步:空前快速地储存并传播更多的信息到更多的地方。 18. Especially was this importance impressed on me when I realized


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