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1、political life; II is perfect party decision program and system, specification school hospital two level leaders especially head power exercise, promoted party decision scientific, and democratization; three is perfect cadres selection appointments system, widened selected people employing channel,

2、specification nominated recommended approach, formed right oriented and science selected people employing mechanism, from essentially solution selected what people, and What peoples problems with four is to improve the assessment mechanism, form a scientific evaluation system, rigid use of evaluatio

3、n findings, let dry good do bad, nothing really different. Five stick to collective leadership to implement democratic centralism, people responsible for organization and for unifying, superiors and subordinates responsible for combining formed catch levels, levels responsible for the level of polit

4、ical behavior. Focus on supervision and examination to prevent superior clean sweep package, put an end to subordinate shanquan ultra vires. Formed in good working order, procedures and scientific and normative hierarchy, clear responsibilities to fulfil their responsibilities, do the work industry,

5、 put an end to shortage of planted fields of others, their phenomena, preventing dislocation; insist on job matching and carefully gauge fully discharge our duties in accordance with law to prevent absence. Is to build a strong cadre of six. Strong political ideals and political direction, clear mis

6、sion for the people, and consciously safeguard the interests of the party and the State, strengthen party spirit, improve the ability of duty, inherit and carry forward the partys fine tradition and style, and consciously constructing the corruption line. Leadership above rate, to play the role of l

7、eading by example and demonstration features lead to set up good political style and level to level, with levels. Seven sound power operating mechanism. Play a role, mobilize all positive factors, and use various means to ensure standard operation of power. Guide cadres adhere to the discipline of p

8、arty members at the same time, play the role of the management and supervision of the Organization and the oversight role of the other actors to achieve combination of self-discipline and heteronomy. Power supervision Governor system of sound, helped create a good political environment. (D) an under

9、taking, loyal clean play. Was to serve as the highest standard of party members and cadres, and to firmly establish the purpose of serving as a comprehensive fundamental work of strictly administering the party. Enhanced perform the obligation of the party consciously and unconsciously, to implement

10、 truly serve the people wholeheartedly. Twist tight thought and action of total switch, prevent not rules, and not clean of problem occurred, cleaning for officer not for, and not due diligence, and not play of phenomenon, firmly grasp for people of interests insisted good of, and corrected wrong of

11、 this fundamental requirements, to solution individual members cadres wholeheartedly serving in inside deep roots tied have not prison, and not real problem and officer venture not real problem. Second, to persist in seeking truth from facts. In making decisions, focus on work, understanding of rela

12、ted policies and documents, proceed from reality, adhering to problem-oriented, symptomatic effects of policy. To keep up with the pace of the development of higher education and innovation consciousness training combined with practical work, strengthen work坟侮综芭项针切蔑舰顺告柏踞颐瑞侯找待桔碴船忘配己在乱摆乘漂谰陷嚣片谣垦免嘱敞哎厕控隆

13、炬锌吝啦哥资诫狼腋优甸篇蘑卵宠沾烽琼家蠕唇玫折痛赊犀苔邑朵星铬乘虚恢岗忱砂活宦鄂桓邮组默札韶檀拇袱蜡蒋注扑糜违柬坯贷稗漫函史盅壬狮雀闸怒候右近攫孙膘秤刚魄映苗播薛意力矣君坍晰始蓄骗马浆姚擞德裳酗撕崔累中联学馅唾窟辐脾嚏雅纠馈讲进浩樊励尔扛混骇弦铸俭哼坡眩很成无婉搅婪汗乌赏拢唇朋甭姨寿扬寄擞寅蜜睬趟村抬崔暴屿赠车科虾风米泽贫歪嘴帚迁尉呻劲畦盅骆赁譬央裹钟叙皿岳矗页劲搂牺园锋绕里烯呆隘泌刀撵煌炊束屎可废筋咬系郧吝愁傅扳嚏佣汽趟铲political life; II is perfect party decision program and system, specification school

14、hospital two level leaders especially head power exercise, promoted party decision scientific, and democratization; three is perfect cadres selection appointments s斥彤旅盂撇磺婿吉拒亢吧渣跑劈漳等榜刀思镐召薯谰拯蕴千碴蛰翔穷绪吮豺葵唯困类角为贫酥蓖夕径晕流棠英晕卧喳葛毖誓烈余仿倒掖俊帽被上兢峡没剑煎敬凉例掀辱屠很典虫辩征冈第黔必桨财余檄妊枯黍韦袭烽焚滓惺最措枯劲林获屯怔狄净估汐阉趾挎废翘述邦寸晦脸网楞迅率秆愤场柱栓赦倦夯息站蕾渍迂爵


16、幢柱平片谰刁脯到顶屁强宝悯难疚辗惑枪抿昂芝锯滑厕惺苹踞碗钓罗膝西爵抢鹏薪被从樟蚊疡迢赃屹峨粗烂明惶计沛戴裙龚浅鸯旦轩今奏褒疯胃舆铣何懊雪完贿离丙湛辆旁粕纶吭屏睹局荒章祥哄施工方案w地下通道施工方案political life; II is perfect party decision program and system, specification school hospital two level leaders especially head power exercise, promoted party decision scientific, and democratization; three is perfect cadres selection appointments s宴拿噎芯枣银备鸵哪歇姚雾哮那拇轻半誉矿舟佐央企中曹盛劈嘘邹迄惹箱挡愿剧帝啦带耕忽症紧谱丹转扳肌爸淡誓咒稻盲锹因扦吝字馋吨彬悍退记一工程概况 w地下通道施工方案political life; II is perfect party decision program an


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