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1、职称英语考试综合类(类)试题及答案第1部分:词汇选项(第115题,每 题1分,共5分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分拟定1个意义最为接近选项。Seaclose to suess.Afast quickner Dght2 Thetw irls look alikeAbeuifulBila.rttyD.atactive3 Te byisieligentAcleverB.aghtyC.iffcl D.active4Everybodywasgld to e ary ckA.sory B.ad.angy Dappy5Wat i ou gol inlie?plan BaiC.

2、araneent ide6 Jac s a dilint studet.hardworig B.mbosC.azy D.lw7Marysai ll,that she s stcurousAgently .shyyCweakly DildlyPcticalyal animals ommunicaeoug souns.AClrlyB.Almost.Absolutly .Bsally9 Th sor wasvry ocng.Ainspirng B.bongC.ing D.sorg10 I wast ulified fo thejo reay, but I got anw.somehowB.nyway

3、Canywhere.sohre1 She ws apuzle.Agirl oa.roblem Dmyster12Her peci s a rgey.A.ein B.sieCeld platform13 Franchs keptnmte ins witht orer frcan teritoies.Afrendly .preCstog D.eet14Yousold haveblnded th uter wi h ugathoroughly.pred .ixedCben D.coere15 Te insril eoluionmdfie he whole stuctu f Englsh soity.

4、A.destoyed B.broCsahe D.changed第2部分:阅读判断(第22题,每题1分,共7分) 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是对的信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C.GSummit Leders ofheGroup of Eit MajorIutralized Nations (G) ill meet i Scotladin Juyhi year Repreetativesfom China,India, Meico, Sout ca nd Brail avealsoeen i

5、nvited. Heshat t G8 leadr wan frohe meetingBtrimeMinistT Blar wants t8 tocanclebt to the wrlspoores ountries Hewant hem to doubeaid o riat 0 bilin pound by.H ha lso proposedreuingsubsidis toWsternfaers andrmovng tricion on Afrian expors.Tihas not gtthe pprovl fll ebers beaus t wll urt heir agrcuual

6、itees. climae chage, lair was concrtd (共同的) ton byducing caro emssio (排放)。S Pesent GorgeWush ages to gve help o Aric. ut he says h doesntlike the id of increasi aid ocuntieas it wil icreas crupon ush ihwuld nt ign an agrement t cu grenous a misions tthe smt, ccoring to dia. e US isthe nly G8 meber n

7、ott ave ign the Kyoto Protocol (京都议定书)。Alhugh te US is the rs iggestpolltr, Buh ofarrefse to elie therei sufficenscienic data t establish bond ad haheres proem. rnch rsient JacqusChiac sut Blai o Afica anclimate chage. He i deernto geth St signhe liatechange da rmn ChancllrGerhard chorreains doubfl

8、of Blirs Afrcpopsas. rderoficia he ismissedh notontatmoney ill soleAricas prolms asold thng Berli says tht Aricn state sol only recev r mony f the nprove tve solve te orrpton roblm RussnrdntVlaimi Pti as doubtful u thvalueo more ad tofrca. But hehas seeway make thi wrohi dvtage. Put ntend o us he id

9、tofrica asa prigboard (跳板) net earopse aid to heforer Sot reubcs oGoi,Uzekista,Tajikisa and od.Jpanese Prime MinisterJunichro Kozumipirie are asaon te U Secity Coul, for whc he wilbe lobying (游说)att mmit. nd hes cnced o the Demorai Peols Republc of Krasucearweaponogrmme.16 TeG coutres iud China, Ind

10、i, Mexio, outh Aric ndBri.Agh BWrong CNot meniod17 Bla oes a th G8 untrswill work tgethrt redce carbon emiinARigh Wrng o mentioed18 Ini as aeped he invitationatten t G eetnARt BWonC.Not menond19Bush agreto incree ai o Aica.iht B.Wrog.Nt mentined2 Chic taks a andsimir to lirs rican clathang.A.Right .

11、ronCNot menione21 Acri to media,Bush will sin heKyoto rotol the smmitA.Riht BWro CNo metoed2 Jpan wi rect Blir proosaltoincease ai to AfricaRightB.Wrong CNo mntone第3部分:概括大意与完毕句子(第33题,每 题1分,共分) 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2326题规定从所给的个选项中为第2段每段1选择个最佳标题;(2)第0题规定从所给的个选项中为每个句子拟定个最佳选项。t Aniersry Cemon oscow Wth housands of oldis a war vetran parin acrs scows RedSquarea ighter jets screming overhed, ussa cebrate the 60thannivrsof feating NazGemny. Mre tan 5 woldeadrs,nluingChinsPridet Hintao, attnded the ceremoy.2Seaki at tesartofe parade, Russias Peidnt Vladimir uinpased al



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