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1、Hi, All the Classmates of A/O classes,This is your teacher Jenny Zhou talking to you. I have edited some materials about language learning strategies and I listed in the following for you to read them carefully and try some of them in your daily studies just to see if some of them suit you better th

2、an others. I hope you can benefit from following some of these strategies. These are the research results of many language experts at home and abroad. I hope you can find some of them useful and helpful. Then I will feel rewarded. Thank you!培养学生灵活应用自主学习策略,找到最适合自己的学习方法。培养学生们自主学习能力的重要组成部分就是培养他们学会使用语言学

3、习策略。对语言学习策略的研究始于二十世纪六十年代,尤其是认知心理学的发展对语言 学习策略的研究产生了较大的影响(Williams and Burden, 1997)。在大部分语言学习 策略的研究中,关注的中心都是“找出好的语言学习者报告,或者,在某些情况下被 观察到,他们在学习第二语言或外语时都做了些什么”(Wenden and Rubin, 1987)。 许多专家学者对学习策略都有定义,OMalley和Chamot (1990)认为,学习策略是“个 人运用的特别的思想或行为来帮助他们理解,学习,或者记住新信息”。Wenden (1998) 指出,“学习策略是学习者运用的心理步骤或心理活动来学

4、习一种新的语言和在此过 程中调控他们的精力”。Faerch和Kasper(1983)则强调学习策略是“一种试图培 养有关目的语的语言能力和社会语言能力”。总而言之,语言学习策略基本涵盖认知学习策略,元认知学习策略,交际策略, 社交策略,以及情感策略。1) 认知学习策略“更局限于具体的学习任务,它们涉及到对学习材料本身更直接的 操纵。其中最重要的认知策略有:重复,查词典和资料,翻译,形成小组,记笔记, 演绎,重新结合,形象化的描述,听觉表现,关键词语,将单词置于上下文中理解, 详尽讨论,迁移,和推断”(OMalley等,1985)。2) Wenden (1998)认为“元认知的知识包括学习者获得

5、的有关他们自己的认知过程 的一切事实,当这些知识在不同的情形之下被应用来获取知识和获得技能”。换句话说, 元认知策略就是用来计划,监督,和评估学习活动的技能。“它们是关于学习的策略而 不是学习策略本身”(Cook,1993)。元认知策略包括当预先决定要关注某项任务的总 体方面时,应用注意力;选择性的关注,注意某项任务的具体方面;自我监督,即讲 话时检查自己的表现;自我评估,即参照个人的标准评估自己的表现;自我强化,奖 励自己获得成功。3) 交际策略与语言学习的关系不那么直接,因为它们关注的焦点在于参加会话和表达 意义的过程,或者是弄清楚说话者所要表达的意义的过程。当说话者由于他们的交际 手段达

6、不到交际目的而遭遇困难时,或者受到与之会话者的误解时,在这种情况下, 说话者就要使用交际策略。4) 社交策略是学习者参加的一些活动,这些活动为他们提供接受并练习他们知识的机 会。虽然这些策略使他们能接触目的语,它们对于学习所起的作用还是间接的,因为 它们不能直接导致获得,储存,检索,和应用语言(Wenden and Rubin, 1987)0社交 策略包括提问题以及与他人合作等等。5) 在某些情况下,语言学习可能是令人沮丧的。在一些情况下,外语可能会引起学习 者的陌生感;在另外一些情况下,第二语言学习者对说此种语言的本族人可能会产生 负面的情感。好的语言学习者或多或少地意识到这些情感问题,他们

7、力图创造对外语 和说这种语言的人们以及所涉及的学习活动的正面情感联想。学习培训可以帮助学生 们勇于正视这种情感问题,可以引导他们注意潜在的挫折,或者这些负面情感一旦出 现,就指出来,以此来达到克服这种情感问题的目的。(Stern, 1992)情感策略还包括 减少你的焦虑,鼓励你自己,和掌控你的情感温度。我们把这些最基本常用的语言学习策略都介绍给学生,让他们根据自己的实际情况选择 性地灵活运用,并在实践中摸索出最适合自己的学习策略和方法,老师也经常在课堂上 不失时机地强调和鼓励同学们有意识地运用这些语言学习策略,不断培养和提高同学们 的自主学习能力,英语听说能力以及英语交际能力。自主学习者主要有

8、七种特质:Omaggio (1978,cited in Wenden, 1998)总结了在教育的环境中,自主学习者主 要有七种特质:a. 自主学习者对于他们的学习风格和学习策略有着深刻的了解;b. 对于他们手头的学习任务,自主学习者采取积极的态度;c. 自主学习者愿意冒险,即不惜任何代价用目的语交际;d. 自主学习者是很好的猜测者;e. 自主学习者关注形式也关注内容,即他们强调准确也强调得体;f. 自主学习者使目的语发展为一种不同的参考系统,并且愿意修改和摈弃不适用的 假设和规则;g. 自主学习者对于目的语具有宽容和外向的态度。The English version of the learni

9、ng strategies:1) Cognitive Strategies 认知学习策略Cognitive strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and they involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself. Repetition, resourcing, translation, grouping, note taking, deduction, recombination, imagery, auditory representati

10、on, key word, contextualization, elaboration, transfer, inferencing are among the most important cognitive strategies.2) Metacognitive Strategies 元认知学习策略According to Wenden (1998: 34), metacognitive knowledge includes all facts learners acquire about their own cognitive processes as they are applied

11、 and used to gain knowledge and acquire skills in varied situations. In a sense, metacognitive strategies are skills used for planning, monitoring, and evaluating the learning activity; they are strategies about learning rather than learning strategies themselves (Cook, 1993: 114). Let us see some o

12、f these strategies: directed attention, when deciding in advance to concentrate on general aspects of a task; selective attention, paying attention to specific aspects of a task; self-monitoring, i.e., checking ones performance as one speaks; self-evaluation, i.e., appraising ones performance in rel

13、ation to ones own standards; self-reinforcement, rewarding oneself for success.3) Communication Strategies 交际策略They are less directly related to language learning since their focus is on the process of participating in a conversation and getting meaning across or clarifying what the speaker intended

14、. Communication strategies are used by speakers when faced with some difficulty due to the fact that their communication ends outrun their communication means or when confronted with misunderstanding by a co-speaker.4) Social Strategies 社交策略Social strategies are those activities learners engage in w

15、hich afford them opportunities to be exposed to and practice their knowledge. Although these strategies provide exposure to the target language, they contribute indirectly to learning since they do not lead directly to the obtaining, storing, retrieving, and using of language (Rubin and Wenden 1987:

16、23-27). Cooperation and question for clarification are the main social strategies.5) Affective Strategies 情感策略It is evident that good language learners employ distinct affective strategies. Language learning can be frustrating in some cases. In some cases, the feeling of strangeness can be evoked by the foreign language. In some other cases, L2 learners may have negative feelings about native speakers of L2. Go


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