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1、中共江西省委党校研 究 生 毕 业 论 文 题目 江西广丰工业园区发展研究 姓名 导师 专业 区域经济学 年级 1摘 要 从1979年中国在深圳设立经济特区,工业园在全国迅速建立和发展,已成为促进当地经济发展和托管的一支重要力量,并成为当地区域经济发展的增长极。工业园区,覆盖多种类型的,经济全球化的发展趋势,各地区不断调整产业结构,发展工业园区,改革不合理的因素,整合资源,利用信息技术,形成新的工业开发区重点工业园区的发展,再次成为当地经济发展的先驱。广丰工业园区从建立初始的孱弱到齐名省先进园区的发展壮大,完成了一次质的飞跃。本文通过陈述广丰工业园区的发展现状,追溯广丰的发展历程,探索广丰从国



4、丰工业园区发展的实际情况,针对性地提出工业园区的发展对策建议。关键词:工业园区; 区域经济; 发展战略ABSTRACTSince 1979, China s industrial park in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the country rapidly building and development, has become the promotion of local economic development and hosting an important force , and become a local regional econom

5、ic development growth pole. Industrial Park , covering various types of economic globalization trends, the number of each part to constantly adjust the industrial structure, the development of industrial parks reform the irrational factors , integration of resources, the use of information technolog

6、y, the formation of new industrial development zones key industrial parks development , has once again become a pioneer in the development of the local economy . Guang Feng Industrial Park, from the establishment of the initial weak eponymous province to advanced development and expansion of the par

7、k , is a staggering undertaking. This article by stating guangfeng industrial park development status , retroactive guangfeng the development process, from exploring guangfeng beyond national poverty counties to become county comprehensive economic development of advanced business models . First, th

8、is paper about the big picture clearly related industrial park economic development theory, and a summary of the relevant domestic and international coverage of regional economic doctrine , interpretation of these theories is to find and study the way the economy guangfeng theoretical groundwork. Th

9、en, starting from a small office and careful positioning Guang Feng Industrial Park on the study , memories of the past , look to the future of both the depth and width of thorough digging and guangfeng development-related economic factors , natural factors, objective and subjective factors , positi

10、oning these factors on the development of the role , summed guangfeng transmutation economic philosophy. Followed by the wide abundance of heritage, development, development prospects, highlighted by the development of the competitiveness of who wins and coastal cities , the U.S. and Japan and even

11、the whole of Europe to compare the screening , and then , on the regional economy guangfeng cluster industry development strategy and restructuring, mining industrial park development in common , but also try to figure out different industrial parks in development highlight the unique personality. U

12、nique insight into the formation and also sort out the development guangfeng government behavior, the effect of policies , market-oriented economy into the park looking to reach industrialization, urbanization pilot , forming aggregates of , the performance of a wide range of business practices . Fi

13、nal analysis from multiple perspectives in the development of risk guangfeng awareness and eliminate interference . The next step for guangfeng hundred counties nationwide development to split up a smooth, affirmed the government service system, policy system and other factors important role , but a

14、lso affirmed guangfeng own superiority . In this paper, Jiangxi Guang Feng Industrial Park as the object of study , combined with industrial parks guangfeng category analysis of the current situation and opportunities, challenges , strengths , weaknesses, and pointed out that the current industrial

15、park industrial clusters to some problems. And in other countries or regions of the outstanding case analysis comparative study of the elements from the industrial park and other aspects of comprehensive analysis of their situation and the problems faced Finally guangfeng actual development of industrial parks , industrial parks put forward development of countermeasures.Key Words: Industrial park; Regional economic; Development strategy目 录 0.绪论10.1选题背景1 0.1.1广丰工业园区的发展形势2 0.1.2研究广丰工业园区经济发展的意义20.2国内外研究现状3 0.2.1国外



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